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News from Hebert's Summer Place

By: Kathleen Stringer

      As everyone knows, Hurricane Rita brought on a magnitude of changes for many of us. Many camps as well as homes were severely damaged and several resulted as a total loss. There were a few fortunate owners who slid by with minor damage and I know each and every one of them have certainly counted their blessings.

     First, I would like to acknowledge the waterfront property owners for they received the hardest force of the surge. Many of these camp owners homes on the west side were completely blown out. What a very sad sight this was.

     Here is a small overview of the visible changes that have taken place at Hebert's. It is almost impossible to mention all that has changed so I opted for the most obvious and along with this, I want to recognize new owners and renters in our area.

Starting with BIG LAKE STREET:

Tonya Lawrence's rental house (formerly the Gene Reese home) was heavily damaged and hence torn down.

Next door, the John Perry residence was torn down.

Brennan & Rene Freeland sold their camp to Chuck Kuehn. Congratulations to you!

Chuck & Susan Sullivan sold their camp to Brennan & Rene Freeland. The Freeland's decided to elevate the home. They plan to reside here permanently.

Tony Hidalgo's corner lot home has been torn down and a pad has been formed awaiting a new structure to be built.

Andre & Rachel Abadie restored their former residence (now a rental home), and Mr. & Mrs. Moore are currently residing there. I welcome you to Hebert's.

I would also like to welcome Dr. Marck & Paula Smythe to Hebert's. They are renting at 325 Big Lake Street until their new home is built. We're happy to have you here.

Glenn & Debbie Benoit had their mobile home demolished. A nice new cement slab has been poured on their lot where they will park a new mobile home. They have added a limestone driveway and are presently having a pavillion erected over the slab. I am so happy you were able to save the oak tree!!


Billy Loftin & David Perry have sold their camp to Chad King.

Kevin Millican and Capt. Sammie Faulk's camps have been torn down.

Charles and Margaret Boone have a nice new limestone driveway.

Andy & Brenda McCain's camp on the corner of bank Street and Lake Street has been elevated. A cement slab has been poured beneath it and the appearance is so nice and neat. You all have done a great job.

Capt. Jack Corbello and his wife, Amanda are building a beautiful new home which hopefully will be completed before their baby arrives. Congratulations to you both!! You're gonna love it!!

Jerry McDaniel sold his camp and adjacent lot to Andy Corbello. Congratulations to Andy & Cynthia.

Capt. Erik Rue and his wife, Tina, have elevated their overnight camp and are back in business.

Leonard & Trish Manuel have elevated their home and are making repairs.

I would like to welcome the Poe's to the neighborhood. They are living in their overnight rental home until renovations are completed on their Junius Granger Road home. I want to compliment you on the bannister around your home. The dark stain you applied looks awesome.

Jane Adcock had her family camp torn down with plans of building a nice new camp. I can't wait Jane! It will be exciting to see your new home and landscaping.

Bill Thomas had his camp torn down and trees removed. His plans are to rebuild in the future.


Hadley Fontenot's camp has been elevated and a beautiful deck and staircase has been added on.

I welcome Chad Haydin back to Hebert's. Chad was residing on Big Lake Street prior to Rita and now rents from Jeff Priola on Martin Hebert Street.

Patsy Hooks sold her camp to Billy Loftin & David Perry. I believe there are two other partners that went in on this purchase. Please forward this information to me if possible. I would appreciate it. Congratulations to you all!!

The Castlewood was sold to Arnie Natalie and will be used as a rental. Congratulations to you, too.

Bill & Angell Wright's camp survived the hurricane, but unfortunately their storage building was beat up pretty badly. They chose to have it demolished.

Jim & Colleen Barbin have elevated their camp.

Goldie Ardoin's rental has been reburbished and a new deck has been added on. Ms. Goldie, your renters have done a beautiful job with landscaping. Please let me know who they are. I would like to personally welcome them to Hebert's in our next issue.

Andre' & Rachel Abadie had their Lakeview Guest House demolished. This house was in the Andre's family for years and was very special to both of them. I am so sorry for your loss.

Kevin Trahan raised his camp which now sits on concrete pillars. Your camp looks very nice.

Dr. & Mrs. McCauley's camp has been torn down and they just recently sold their lot and wharf to Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pryor. The Pryors have plans of building a new camp there.

The Breaux's have torn down their camp and are presently building a new camp. I'm sure it'll be a beauty!!

Congratulations are in order to Larre & Corlis Butler. Larre has purchased his family camp and he and Corlis have done a remarkable job refurbishing it. I am so proud to have such a cute and manicured camp practically in my back yard!! Corlis, your landscaping job looks terrific!!

Craig and Karen Holston have elevated their camp and added on a screened in porch. The original porch has been closed in and now serves as a nice size bedroom.

Arnie Natalie raised his rental camp on the corner of Martin Hebert Street near the boat stalls. I'm so glad you were able to save your huge palm tree.


Unfortunately, the lake has been closed down due to an oil spill. Until the time of the oil spill, the fishing on the lake was unbelieveable!! Crabs and shrimp were more than plentiful. Hopefully soon, the spill will be cleaned up and some normalcy will return.

The Fourth of July firework show will take place on Monday, July 3rd at dusk. Our pyro maniac, David Reed, has a majestic show in store. Don't miss out on this. Remember to bring mosquito repellant and make plans to Bar-B-Q. Harbor Lights Restaurant will not be open.

For those of you who have not returned back to Hebert's, I hope that you can return soon and make your necessary repairs. Our little fishing village is still a very wonderful place to be and one thing that hasn't changed are the awesome sunsets.


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