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About me...



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My name is Shari and I have been interested in drawing and creating my entire life. I went back to college 2 years ago to fulfill a dream I have had forever, to become an artist. When I was young I wanted to be an elementary school art teacher. One of my heroes growing up was my art teacher, Mrs. Jefferies, I always looked up to her and she was one of my favorite teachers ever. I only wish I had a picture of her to add to this site. One thing I will never forget, is she used to dye her blonde hair green for St. Patrick's day. I used to think she was very funny and I looked up to her so much. Thank you Mrs. Jefferies...

I am currently working on a two-year course in Graphic Design. It has been a wonderful experience, being a non-traditional student (that means I am WAY older than most students in college). I am 40 years old and loving every second of college, okay that's not quite true, I do tend to swear at the college computers when they move so slow. But the time I get to spend learning and creating has been wonderful for me.

I am a wife and mother of two beautiful little girls. They sit with me and draw, which makes me happier than anyone can ever imagine. They are very talented for 8 and 9 years old. Far more talented than I was at their age, possibly more talented than I am now, but I am their mother, so everything they do is perfect. I have learned to create art on the computer as well as just drawing or painting or coloring (which i love to do) even though I don't color in the lines all the time. But at 40 who's going to complain, besides my kids!

I always tell my girls, you draw what you see, and make yourself happy with your art. I always felt very stifled as a child being told I was drawing something wrong, ever wonder what Jackson Pollack or Picasso's elementary art teachers told them? I do and smile when I do.

Now if you would like to see some of the drawings I have done, photographs I have taken, or some of the words I have written, come on in and look around...

I made a small questionaire if you would like to tell me a little about yourself...CLICK HERE