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  • State of Ohio Agencies
  • Federal
  • Associations
  • ODNR Resource Documents

Disclaimer: This information is freely available on the ODNR website at Buckeye Engineering does not assume liability for the content of these documents.

Rules and Regulations:

Ohio Dam Safety Laws, 2010

Ohio Dam Rules, 2010

EAP Format and Content

Liability Certification for Inspection Exemption


Critical Flood Guidelines

Preface to ICODS Guidelines, 2007

ICODS EAP Guidelines, 2005

OMI Guidelines


Dam Inspection Checklist, 2010

Annual Reports:

Dam Safety Annual Report 2009

Dam Safety Annual Report 2010

ODNR Facts Sheets:

Fact Sheet 01-61, Inspection Exemption, 2007

Fact Sheet 02-63, Remediation Alternatives, 2002

Fact Sheet 93-26, Lake Drains, 1999

Fact Sheet 94-27, Rodent Control, 2008

Fact Sheet 94-28, Trees and Brush, 2002

Fact Sheet 94-29, Classification of Structures, 2004

Fact Sheet 94-30, Earth Dam Failures, 2005

Fact Sheet 94-31, Seepage through Earthen Dams, 1999

Fact Sheet 94-32, Concrete Repair Techniques, 1999

Fact Sheet 94-33, Inspection of Concrete Structures, 1999

Fact Sheet 94-34, Construction Permits for Dams, 1994

Fact Sheet 95-37, PMF, 1995

Fact Sheet 95-38, Trash Racks for Spillways, 1999

Fact Sheet 96-39, Annual Fee, 2010

Fact Sheet 98-48, Construction Permits for Levees, 2006

Fact Sheet 98-49, Earth and Rock Spillways, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-51, Outlet Erosion Control Structures, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-52, Upstream Slope Protection, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-53, Embankment Instabilities, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-54, Ground Cover, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-55, Spillway Conduit System Problems, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-56, Problems with Concrete Materials, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-57, Problems with Metal Materials, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-58, Problems with Plastic Materials, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-59, Concrete Chutes & Weirs, 1999

Fact Sheet 99-60, Critical Flood Design Criteria, 1999

Voles (Rodent) Fact Sheet