Various Links


Early Onset Bipolar Disorder

Diagnosing the Disorder

A Child's Life

Literature Shelf












Bipolar Disorder Center



A Bipolar's World



Bipolar Disorder in Children


Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder Foundation




Manic Depression


Parenting Bipolars



This site created  for parents of a child with
a bipolar disorder and for adolescents with
bipolar disorder. 
It has articles and links to
other resources

This site is for adults with Bipolar disorder. 
It contains writings and thoughts created
by people with the disorder, provides
information about a suicide hotline, mailing
lists, forums, chats, and links.

This site provides information about early
onset bipolar disorder.  It has some creative
suggestions about how to handle life with a
child with bipolar

The Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
(CABF) is a parent-led, not-for-profit, Web-
based  organization of families raising children
diagnosed with, or at risk for, early-onset
bipolar disorder.  This site is one of the most
comprehensive sites about bipolar disorder
you can find on the internet.
 Lots and lots
of resources.

This is a page on the internet that has some
interesting information and insights on early
onset bipolar disorder.

This site is under construction.  It has information
about food and medicine.  It was created by the
authors of the book The Ups and Downs of
Raising a Bipolar Child.