Literature Shelf









The Bipolar Child by Demetri and Janice Papalos

This book is very detailed in its description of bipolar disorder in children.  It offers information on the impact the disorder
has through family stories (such as author Danielle Steele's experience with her son's bipolar disorder) and the accounts
told by children who experience the disorder.  There is a lot of information on medications and treatments.  One chapter
is dedicated to showing some ways of how to chart the course of the disorder.  There is also information about
hospitalization and the world of insurance, as well as examples of possible IEP goals. 


New Hope for Children and Teens with Bipolar Disorder:

This book details the causes of bipolar disorder, the path and outcome of bipolar disorder in children and teens,
the latest treatments and psychosocial therapies, and how parents can handle behavior and academic problems
and deal with suicidal tendencies.



The Ups and Downs of Raising a Bipolar Child

This book gives parents the advice and information they need to cope with the diagnosis.  It shows how to
provide care and support for a child with bipolar disorder, as well as strategies to help the rest of the family
deal with their family member's diagnosis.



Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder

This book takes on the issues and the many difficult decisions parents must face when dealing with their child
with bipolar disorder.  It tries to help parents understand the child's behaviors and feelings so that they can
intercede appropriately. Italso covers the psychiatric conditions that frequently co-occur with bipolar disorder
such as ADHD, and Tourette Syndrome.


Brandon and the Bipolar Bear

This illustrated fictional story is geared toward children ages 3 to 11 who have early-onset bipolar disorder, but
even adults can take something out of it.  The story follows a child's, Brandon's,  experiences with rapid mood
swings, irritability, and depression.  In the book, Brandon learns what the illness is, how people get it, and why
there is hope for him to feel better.


These are just a few of the excellent books that you'll find out there about childhood bipolar disorder.  Just go to
for those books, as well as ones that deal with adult bipolar disorder.

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