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#  Avoid letting pets lick your face.                                                                                                   

#  Clean kennels, sleeping areas and bedding regularly.

#  Remove all faeces from the environment as soon as possible.

#  Control intermediate hosts of parasites and worms e.g. rats and mice.

#  Your pet can become reinfected from the environment and / or other pets so regular worming is essential.

#  Most vets recommend worming at 8,10 and 12 weeks.  4, 5 and 6 months, then every 3 months.

#  When Grooming your pet it is a good time to check for fleas, ticks or any sores.  Do not forget to check his dew claws and     pads.

#  For a very young puppy, short periods of play are plenty.  Slowly increase the duration time as he gets older.

#  It is beneficial to have a safe place for the puppy to play or sleep when he is not under supervision.

#  Many bull terriers enjoy chewing, so it could save your furniture if they have a number of sturdy toys they can chew and play with.  Make sure the toys are to big for him to swallow and tuff enough to stand up to constant attention from your pet.

The toys will need to be replaced as they start to get tatty or broken.  No one will benefit from a trip to the vets to remove swallowed bits of his toys.

#  Rotate the toys regularly to help keep him interested.                                                                                      

#  It is important to socialize your puppy, getting him used to different situations, other people and children and also other animals.

#  Puppy Pre - School and basic obedience classes are a good idea.  Bullies can be stubborn, but do not loose your temper, be firm and consistent with your commands and always give plenty of praise when they oblige.

#  Do not  allow your puppy to develop habits as a baby that you do not want him to do as an adult.  E.g.  jumping on you, sleeping on your bed, protecting his meal, bone or  toys etc.  Bad habits are learnt early and can be hard to correct.

#  You might like to try a water spray bottle for correcting your puppy from barking or mouthing etc.  Whilst  saying  NO !!  in an authoritive voice spray his face.  This works with many pups but not all.

#  Never give you're pet cooked bones.

Bull Terriers consider themselves a member of the family and they can be affectionate, energetic, mischievous, comical, comfort loving and full of courage.  They can also be stubborn and powerful.   Don't leave him in the yard almost forgotten where he may become bored and destructive.   B. T. 's need to be exercised daily,  whether you have an active play with him and his toys or go for a walk, which can be beneficial for you both.  Remember to always have your pet on a lead in public places. It is important to socialize your puppy from a young age to help him learn acceptable social behaviours.  You might find you're pet is welcomed at your friends home or at functions if he understands basic obedience and social skills.    Bullies need to be carefully disciplined.  Be Consistent with your training, don't forget to praise him when his is good, and those times when he seems to be particularly stubborn  be firm but don't loose you're temper.  Finnish off on a good note by getting him to so something he does well.   The more time you spend  training , socializing and loving your pet the better a companion he will become.  Many bullies live happily with cats and other dogs, some do not.  As with any other breed, each dog is an individual.

Never chain a B.T., you need to have a fully fenced yard.  It is also beneficial to supply him with an area of his own where he can be placed for "time out"  when he is left unsupervised until he has learnt not to help you with the gardening,  take the washing off the line or to rearrange the furniture but most important  of all your bully will be safe just as you left him. He does not need to live in his run, in fact he would prefer your companionship but there are times when it would be best if he could watch the action from his pen.  Visiting children may be frightened of dogs,  or maybe he needs to be safe from the visiting children,  perhaps you would prefer to have a Bar B - Q without  your food having his constant attention, or sometimes your young child might prefer not to wrestle his pet for the ball.    Young children should always be supervised, never be left unattended with any dog no matter what the breed.   B.T.'s  enjoy the company of children but they should not have to put up with being teased or hurt by spiteful behaviour  even though they have a tolerant nature.

We base our dogs diets on RAW CHICKEN.  Given either as necks, carcasses or as minced carcasses   We serve the mince with cooked brown rice or rice bran plus 1 or 2  of the following additives:

     #  grated vegetables                   #  apple cider vinegar           #  yogurt               #  garlic 

                       # 1 egg    per week                      #  flaxseed oil                     #kelp                                       

Do not  add all of the additives in 1 meal,  just 1 or 2  additives a day.

Cheese and fruit  makes a healthy treat or snack for your bully to enjoy.  You may be surprised at what fruit your bully likes.  You may also like to add the occasional can of sardines, tuna or salmon for a change.

RAW  MEATY  BONES  given 1 or 2 times per week also plays a part in the diet.  Choose bones that are to large to swallow whole and  have plenty of meat on them so it makes a good meal.  Never give cooked or sharp bones.

TABLE SCRAPS  remember no cooked bones, corncobs  (they can get stuck in the throat or intestines), spicy foods can upset a young stomach.  Chocolate and onions should also be avoided as they can be toxic to your pet.

If you find it difficult to supply your pet with a fresh prepared diet, choose a premium brand of dry food eg., eukanuba,  science diet,  purina premium  Royal Canin  etc.  but fresh is best.

Do not over feed your puppy.

Bull terriers and miniatures are relatively hardy dogs.  If any injuries are suspected watch them carefully as many do not show signs of an illness until it is advanced.  Most live long and healthy lives, you can expect your bully to live from about 10 to 12 years old but like other breeds, humans and other products of biology they can have some hereditary problems that can occur.  The diseases most commonly tested for are: 

                      #  Nephritis                                 #  Polycystic Kidney Disease  (PKD)

                      #  Heart Defects                      #  Deafness                                                                                        

                      #  Luxating Patella                     #  Primary Lens Luxation (PLL) miniatures only

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Bull Pen
Puppy play pen
Not just   a pretty face     