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All-Time Philadelphia Rapid Transit/Philadelphia Transportation Company Bus Roster

Includes SEPTA pre-1970 bus purchases

PTC 1947 Brill C-44 #1376 (serial #176). Photo courtesy of George Smith.
The following is the all-time roster for Philadelphia Rapid Transit, the Philadelphia Transportation Company, and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority prior to 1970. This roster is based on original research by the late John P. Hoschek and Harold E. Cox, along with contributions from others, most recently, Michael Greene. It also includes buses from the Trenton-Philadelphia Coach Company, acquired by PTC in 1963.
Thanks must be given to Tom Jones, curator of the Motor Bus Society Library, Hopewell Twp, New Jersey, in allowing examination of the records studied, Andris A. Kristopans for background on the 1051-1130 series, and Charlie Bailey for the new information on the 1944 Fords (822-825).

Fleet Nos. Manuf.      YEAR     Model         Serial #s         NOTES
1313       FAC Co.     1923     -----         709                 1
101        Traylor     1923     -----         1                   1
102-110    Traylor     1924     -----         2-10                1
201        Yellow      1925     Z-Z-207       985                 2
202-253    Yellow      1925     Z-Z-207       1093-1144           2
254-325    Yellow      1925     Z-Z-207       1146-1217           2
501-573    Yellow      1925     Z-Y-223       1218-1290           3
574        Yellow     [1930]    Z-Y-223       1479                3
575        Yellow     [1930]    Z-AH-260      1292                4
576        Yellow     [1930]    Z-AH-260      1300                5
1          Yellow      1925     Z-AH-260      1294                6
2          Yellow      1925     Z-AH-260      1292                6
3          Yellow      1925     Z-AH-260      1300                6
4          Yellow      1925     Z-AH-260      1293                6
401-432    Yellow      1926     Z-AT-276      8001-8032           1
433-436    Yellow      1926     Z-AT-276      8034-8038           1
437-475    Yellow      1926     Z-AT-276      8040-8077           1
514-520    Yellow      1926     Z-AR-274      2359-2365           7
601-611    Yellow      1926     Z-AR-274      7001-7011           8
612-660    Yellow      1926     Z-AR-274      7021-7067           9
5-8        Yellow      1926     Z-AH-260      2334-2337           6
9-28       Yellow      1926     Z-AH-260      2339-2358           6
29         Yellow      1926     Z-AH-260      2366                6
30         Yellow      1927     Z-AAP-312     7080                6
31-80      Yellow      1927     Z-AAP-312     7220-7269           6
7 (II)     Yellow      1927     Z-AAP-312     7270                6
661        Yellow      1927     Z-AR-274      7104                9
662        Yellow      1927     Z-AR-274      7102                9
640-660(II)Yellow     [1930]    (Various)     SEE LIST D         10
701        Chevrolet   1933     90D11         2PD0909599         11
702        Chevrolet   1933     90D11         2PD0909600         11
703        Chevrolet   1933     90D11         2PD0909587         11
704        Chevrolet   1933     9PD0          -----              12
705-707    Chevrolet   1933     -----         -----              13
801-804    Mack        1936     6-CW-3S       1196-1199
805-807    Mack        1936     6-CW-3S       1201-1203
808-817    Mack        1936     6-CW-3S       1281-1290
820        Mack        1938     6-CT-4S       1165
821        Mack        1937     6-CT-4S       1164
822        ACF         1937     H-16-GE       32
823        ACF         1937     H-16-S        43                 14
824        Twin        1937     40RDE         53084
825        Twin        1938     40RDE         53204
1901       Twin        1937     40RDE         TC53204DE          15
1511       Mack        1938     6-CT-4S       1165               16
1501-1510  Twin        1939     35RLDE        1641-1650
1101-1118  ACF         1939     31S           002-019
1701-1704  Yellow      1939     740           263-266            17
696-699    Yellow     [1939]    733           1091-1094
711-716    Yellow      1939     733           1350-1355
1119-1143  ACF         1939     31S           049-073            18
500        Yellow     [1940]    735           001                19
1705-1765  Mack        1940     CM-3G         1260-1320
1144-1204  ACF         1940     31S           104-164
1205-1219  ACF         1940     31S           175-189
1220-1229  ACF         1940     31S           165-174
1605       Yellow      1940     TD4001        010
1606       Yellow      1940     TD4001        009
1607       Yellow      1940     TD4001        011
1902-1903  Yellow      1940     TDE4002       001-002
1653-1704  Mack        1941     CM-3G         1524-1575
717-731    Yellow      1941     TG2105        001-015
732-734    Yellow      1941     TG2102        046-048
1230-1259  ACF         1941     31S           294-323
1766-1895  Mack        1941     CM-3G         1706-1845
1298       White      [1942]    782           235544             14
1299       Mack       [1942]    LC-3G         1013               14
1896-1900  Mack        1942     CM-3G         2782-2786
1904-1963  Mack        1942     CM-3G         2787-2848
709-710    Yellow     [1943]    733           268-269            20
826-850    Ford        1946     69B           -----
1401-1500  Mack        1946     C-41-G        1233-1332          21
1501-1515  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1506-1520
1516-1547  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1631-1662
1548-1567  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1671-1690
1568-1570  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1732-1734
1571-1580  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1745-1754
1581-1583  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1756-1758
1584-1590  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1767-1773
1591-1600  Mack        1947     C-41-GT       1789-1798
851-905    Ford        1947     79B           -----
1301-1385  ACF         1947     C-44          101-185            22
1401(II)   Mack        1947     C-41-GT       2101               23
1001-1050  Twin        1947-48  38S           800B-849B
1611-1640  Mack        1948     C-41-GT       4004-4033
1964-1963  Mack        1948     C-41-GT       4034-4063
1649-1653  Mack       [1948]    CM-3G         1334-1338          24
822        Ford       [1949]    49B           577181             25
823        Ford       [1949]    49B           577084             26
824        Ford       [1949]    49B           577901             27
825        Ford       [1949]    49B           587723             28
1644-1648  Mack       [1952]    CM-3G         2026-2030          29
500-599    GM          1955     TDH5106       241-340            30
600-799    GM          1955     TDH5106       351-550            31
2900-2949  GM          1955-56  TDH5106       554-603
2950-2985  GM          1955-56  TDH5106       657-692
2986-3001  GM          1955-56  TDH5106       839-854
3002-3039  GM          1955     TDH5106       604-641
3040-3116  GM          1955-56  TDH5106       733-809
3117-3156  GM          1955-56  TDH5106       693-732
3157-3185  GM          1955-56  TDH5106       810-838
3186-3249  GM          1955-56  TDH5106       855-918            32
1051-1130  GM         [1955-56] TDH(Various)  SEE LIST A
3500-3679  GM          1956     TDH5105       2002-2181
3680-3849  GM          1956     TDH5105       2302-2471
3850       GM          1957     TDH5105       2977
63-65      GM         [1963]    TDH3714       061-063            33
5000-5049  GM          1963     TDH5303       003-052
4000-4043  GM          1963     TDH5304       002-045            34
3900-3905  GM          1963     SDM5302       058-063
66         GM         [1963]    PD4104        3707               35
67         GM         [1963]    PD4104        3709               36
68-69      GM         [1963]    PD4104        3710-3711          37
4100-4134  GM          1964     TDH5304       424-458
4135-4149  GM          1964     TDH5304       409-423
3906-3913  GM          1964     SDM5302       254-261
70-73      GM          1964     PD4106        2643-2646          37
5050-5099  GM          1966     TDH5303       4582-4631
4150-4224  GM          1967     TDH5304       1854-1928
4225-4249  GM          1967     TDH5304       1829-1853
4250-4334  GM          1969     T6H5306A      144-228


1 - Double Decker, Gas-Electric
2 - First Yellow Coach order by a streetcar operator, body type Z-J-208
3 - Gas-Electric, body #1427, 1429-1500, body type Z-Z-224
4 - Gas-Electric, ex-demo, built 1925
5 - Gas-Electric, ex-demo, built 1926
6 - Gas-Electric, Lang parlor bodies
7 - Gas-Electric, body #15251-15257, body type Z-AS-225
8 - Gas-Electric, body #15258-15268, body type Z-AS-225
9 - Gas-Electric, body #15287-15326, body type Z-AS-225
10 - Ex-International Bus Co.
11 - Superior Bodies, built as 901-903
12 - Superior Bodies, built as 904
13 - Hackner Bros Bodies, built as 905-907
14 - Ex-demonstrator
15 - Built as 824, later renumbered 1801
16 - Gas-electric
17 - Diesel Hydraulic
18 - #1143 built with Spicer Fluidgear transmission
19 - ex-Fifth Av Coach Company (New York) 2025
20 - Ex-Connecticut Company
21 - Rebuilt with automatic transmission
22 - Built in Nashville
23 - Replaced 1401 (serial #1233); taken back by Mack for rebuilding as demonstrator
24 - Ex-Baltimore Transit Company 708-712; built in 1940
25 - Ex-Neibauer Bus Company; built in 1944
26 - Ex-Neibauer Bus Company; built in 1944
27 - Ex-Neibauer Bus Company; built in 1944
28 - Ex-Neibauer Bus Company; built in 1944
29 - Ex-Philadelphia Suburban Trans Co 21-25; built in 1942
30 - Pre-National City Lines operations
31 - #3244-3249 lettered for TPC after February 1963 at various times, not all ran together
32 - Ex-TPC, same numbers; built in 1953
33 - First air conditioned buses; future orders from here on equipped with air conditioning
34 - Ex-Hudson Transit Corp 243; built in 1958
35 - Ex-Hudson Transit Corp 245; built in 1958
36 - Ex-Hudson Transit Corp 249-250; built in 1958
37 - Lettered for TPC

NB. TPC was acquired by PTC in 1963, continued in existence as a subsidiary; still in existence as a SEPTA subsidiary, based at Germantown Depot.

Pre-SEPTA/City of Philadelphia (pre-1970) | Pre-SEPTA/Red Arrow (pre-1970) | SEPTA Post-1970 Roster

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Page updated Wednesday, 18 July 2001

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