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Kamen Rider Kuuga

Episode 7 Synopsis

Broken Heart
(Original Airdate: March 12, 2000)

Ichijou is watching the video from the Nagano dig site again, focusing on the shadowy figure's utterance of the word "Kuuga." Sugita comes in. "At it again?" he says. "I need to figure this out. It's been three weeks…," replies Ichijou.

Opening credits

At the PorePore, Yuusuke is busy embroidering the Kuuga symbol on the collar of one of his jackets. "What's that?" asks Oya-san. "It's Kuuga's symbol," replies Yuusuke. "What's Kuuga?" asks the owner. "Me," says Yuusuke. The owner, somewhat puzzled, stares at Yuusuke, then remarks that he really needs to get to work.

The remaining Xu Grongis are gathered at a natural history museum, fidgeting with a small radio. Xu Galme Le slowly repeats the words "mi ka ku nin sei mei tai." Xu Zain Da gives him a puzzled look. Xu Galme Le says, "It means us Grongis." Just then the rose girl arrives with a new troupe of Grongis, these being from the Me branch of the family. There is immediate tension between the two groups, and Xu Zain Da and a fish-like Me Grongi (Me Biran Gi) have a staredown, having both assumed Grongi form. The rose girl stops the fight, and shows them some scribbling in Grongese, then activates Me Bajis Ba's belt.

Ichijou and Sugita are at firing practice, and both are having a hard time hitting the mark. Sugita thinks Ichijou is distracted by his interest in Sakurako. Ichijou reassures him that his work will not suffer, and proves his point by making a few nice bull's-eyes.

As Ichijou is leaving, Sasayama, a young female cop, stops him and says something about the Nagano dig site. As Ichijou is once more trying to leave, another young cop tells him that the wife and daughter of the late Dr. Natsume, head of the dig site, are here to see him.

In a front office, Ichijou comes out to meet the wife and daughter. During their discussion, Mrs. Natsume pleads with Ichijou to find out and stop #0 (the catalog number the police have given the shadow figure in the video). Ichijou is listening intently, and wants to help, but the commotion of a bunch of cops rushing from the building is distracting him. Mrs. Natsume then gives him a small box with a horn-shaped rock that she got from the dig site. "I don't know if you can use this," she says. Another cop tells Ichijou he is needed elsewhere, so Ichijou gives Sakurako's address to Mrs. Natsume, and then leaves. All the while the daughter, Mika, is sitting silent and pensive.

In the Shinagawa ward, Ichijou arrives at the crime scene where Sugita and the on-scene forensics men fill him in on the situation with the body they've found there. They show him the body, and remark that the person was killed by something that entered through the top of the head, apparently at very high speed. Another cop then finds a curious hole in the cement near the body.


Sakurako and Yuusuke are in her office, where she is explaining the breakdown of the different symbols. They find the symbols that refer to the creatures are pronounced Grongi. There is a knock at the door, and it is Mrs. Natsume and Mika, who say that Ichijou referred them. The girls sit at the table in awkward silence. Yuusuke, seeing Mika's demeanor, tries to break the ice, but to no avail. Yuusuke then compliments her bracelet, which she immediately covers up. Mrs. Natsume then shows them the item she had previously shown to Ichijou. She asks Yuusuke is he can help, but Sakurako says he's not the one to ask. Just then Jean comes in and sees the stone. "Wow," he says, "where did you find this?" Sakurako tries to cut him off, but before she can, Mika bursts out, upset that no one has yet found out who killed her father. She storms out, and her mother follows after her. Sakurako, Yuusuke, and Jean are left standing. Sakurako's phone rings. It's Ichijou.

Ichijou is talking to Yuusuke at the hospital, and he brings him into a lab where an old acquaintance of his, Dr. Enokida, is working on the object pulled from the cement. Seeing Yuusuke, she asks Ichijou who he is. Yuusuke gives her his card, but she still seems a little put out. Yuusuke sees the sample, and tries to grab it to look at it, but Dr. Enokida slaps his hand away, then describes to Ichijou what she's found out.

Something is buzzing through the clouds over Tokyo. We briefly see a hand with a Grongi symbol on it. It is Me Bajis Ba on a killing spree. He picks off unsuspecting citizens in Ota, Sedaya, Nakano, and Kita wards.

Back at police HQ, Ichijou and Yuusuke are plotting the locations in the sequence as they occur, and they seem to be forming an expanding spiral. This allows them to estimate the location of the next victim.

Mika is in a phone booth, where she calls the police, and says that if they don't find #0, she will be the next victim.

Me Bajis Ba claims another victim near where Ichijou and Yuusuke had predicted. He lands, then marks the kill on his bracelet. Xu Gouma Gu is there watching, apparently a little envious. As Me Bajis Ba is admiring his bracelet, a shot rings out and the bracelet flies off of his hand. Ichijou and Yuusuke have arrived on the scene, and the bullet is from Ichijou's gun. Apparently his newfound resolution has improved his marksmanship. Yuusuke hops off his bike and charges the scene, and he transforms as he runs. Xu Gouma Gu is about to interfere when Ichijou shoots his hat off, forcing his to revert to his Grongi form and sending him flying off to hide, with Ichijou in hot pursuit. Kuuga and Me Bajis Ba battle furiously, when suddenly Me Bajis Ba takes off and disappears. Kuuga runs up the stairs (they are at a construction site) in pursuit, and turns to Dragon form on the way up. However, it is not enough to stop Me Bajis Ba, who manhandles Kuuga, flying off and reappearing at his leisure. Me Bajis Ba knocks the bewildered Kuuga over a railing, but Kuuga just barely hangs on. Bewildered, frustrated, and fighting for his life, Kuuga suddenly changes color. "I've turned green!" says Kuuga, obviously surprised. The intensity of the battle has caused him to revert to the Pegasus form. But something is amiss, as suddenly Kuuga is plagued by random images and voices in head, intense enough to lose his grip on the railing, and he falls headlong toward the pavement…

End of episode

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