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Kamen Rider Kuuga

Episode 5 Synopsis

(Original Airdate: February 27, 2000)

Sakurako, having spent the night sleeping at her desk, wakes up and resumes her study of the symbols. She is particularly concerned with one symbol, which matches a note on her desk. Jean, a fellow researcher, arrives, remarking to Sakurako that she has started her day early. She says she's still working on the symbols. Jean asks her if she's heard, and when she asks about what, he shows her the morning paper with a picture of ZuMebioDa. The headline says that the police are puzzled by the appearance of these unidentified creatures.

Opening Credits

At the PorePore Chinese restaurant, the second floor of which serves as Yuusuke's apartment, the owner, known only as Oyasan, is talking to Ichijou (this guy can talk, too), telling him about his youthful mountain-climbing ventures. He draws Ichijou's attention to a photograph of Mt. Everest. "Back in the day people used to call to 'Elevest'", he chuckles. He asks Ichijou if he is one of Yuusuke's college friends, to which Ichijou responds no. "Back when I used to climb it was know is 'Chomolanma'", he continues. Just then Yuusuke arrives with an armload of groceries, and is surprised to find Ichijou waiting for him. "There you are," says a relieved Ichijou.

Outside, Ichijou asks Yuusuke to accompany him to the hospital to see his friend Tsubaki. Yuusuke realizes they want to examine him to find out about the Kuuga belt and such like.

Sakurako calls the restaurant. Oya-san: "You just missed Yuusuke. He just left for the hospital with his friend." Sakurako: "His friend?" She then tries Ichijou's number, but gets the answering machine. The camera pans to show the computer image from the newspaper of Kuuga on the Trychaser 2000.

Yuusuke undergoes numerous X-rays, which reveal anomalous matter in his abdomen, which he recognizes as the Kuuga belt.

At an aquarium, the Gurongis are having a meeting. All are in human form, save Xu Bazuu Ba. The rose girl calls him over and activates his belt, returning him to human form. ZuGoumaGu turns and shows the others what he has written: scratch marks indicating that more victims have been murdered. Xu Bazuu Ba turns and heads off to begin another killing spree, at which point ZuGoumaGu approaches her with a request. The rose girl, apparently disapproving of ZuGoumaGu's attitude, knocks him to the ground, then says something obviously evil in Grongese (wish I knew what they were talking about…).

Sakurako arrives at the hospital as Yuusuke and Ichijou are readying to leave. Yuusuke asks her if she's found anything new on the symbols, but Sakurako is focused on Yuusuke's new motorcycle. Yuusuke says Ichijou gave it to him, which displeases Sakurako considerably. She chides Ichijou, but Yuusuke intervenes. Yuusuke: "Don't worry. I'm Kuuga, you know." Sakurako: "You're NOT Kuuga, you're just Yuusuke. Not everything's so simple." Yuusuke: "Buy I really can do anything." Sakurako: "You're needlessly risking your life." Yuusuke: "I can handle it. Don't worry. I'll be fine." Sakurako turns and walks away, very upset. Yuusuke offers to accompany back to the office, but she says she'll go alone, and leaves. Ichijou is concerned about Sakurako. Ichijou: "Yuusuke…" Yuusuke: "Yes?" Ichijou: "I have to go back to HQ. Will you be okay?" Yuusuke: "Sure." Ichijou: "I'll be in touch."


At HQ Matsukura, Ichijou's boss while in Tokyo, grills him about giving the Trychaser to Yuusuke. Ichijou says he trusts Yuusuke, and convinces his boss to leave it to him. After a moment of thought Matsukura concedes.

Ichijou and Sugita have a brief discussion about the previous events with Kuuga.

A homeless man is seen running between buildings, obviously being pursued by something. It turns out to be Xu Bazuu Ba, who eventually catches the man, and in a single leap carries him to the top of one of the buildings. He then promptly discards the man, who falls to his death. (Note: The brief shot of the man's body hitting the trash was shown in the previews the previous week, and its odd placement had a rather comical effect. Not so when shown in context.)

Ichijou and Yuusuke are talking, and Ichijou expresses concern about Sakurako. Yuusuke says not to worry; she's just being Sakurako.

Xu Bazuu Ba jumps down from a high overpass to examine his latest victim, at which point a beat cop tries to stop him, rather unsuccessfully.

Back at her office, Sakurako is attempting to translate the symbols. Jean helps her out by punching some information up, and the symbols are shown with their meanings. He points to the Kuuga symbol and says, "Hey, this one means warrior…" but is cut short when Sakurako shuts off the monitor. Yuusuke arrives to check on her progress, but leaves before she can tell him of the translations.

Outside, Yuusuke responds to a call coming across the radio of the Trychaser that reports the discovery of another unidentified creature. Yuusuke takes off on the bike, and transforms (off screen) while on his way to the scene.

Sakurako, ponderous, looks out her window.

Kuuga dials up code 0008, and the Trychaser takes on its Kuuga form (how Yuusuke/Kuuga knows how to do this is yet to be explained).

Xu Bazuu Ba is fighting two cops. He knocks one to the ground, then grabs the other and launches to the top of an apartment building, then proceeds to introduce to cop to a terminal form of Rapid Vertical Impact Simulation (ref: Spies Like Us). The cop is about to bite it when Kuuga arrives and saves him from staining the cement. Xu Bazuu Ba calls to Kuuga tauntingly, and dares Kuuga to follow. They fight in an open stairwell area, with Xu Bazuu Ba getting the better of Kuuga with his ability to leap incredible heights. Kuuga becomes frustrated. Kuuga: "If only I could jump high enough…"

Sakurako, still at the office, still looking out the window ponderously.

The fight continues, with Xu Bazuu Ba repeatedly attacking Kuuga's left knee. Xu Bazuu Ba taunts Kuuga from the roof of the building. In desperation, Kuuga leaps, and on his way up the suit changes from red to blue, and Kuuga lands on the roof, having realized the Dragon form. Yuusuke: "I've turned blue!" Xu Bazuu Ba (tauntingly): "Gonga go gu gi gi!!" (Note: this is the best line of the series so far.) The combatants battle furiously between leaps from skyscraper to skyscraper. However, Kuuga has achieved the ability to jump great distances at the cost of fighting strength. His attacks on Xu Bazuu Ba are wholly ineffective. Xu Bazuu Ba finally gets the better of Kuuga, and tosses him off a building. He crashes onto the cement. On the ground his bewilderment is obvious, as is his pain. He is unable to stand up as his knee has been damaged.

End of episode

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