My Thoughts on The Welfare System

I think I'll start simple here. Basically the welfare system as it exists today sucks ! And if you don't think you can handle so serious a critisism to this system you might want to back on out of here before you go any further into this page. Because I can be downright brutal in my dislike of this carefully taylored system.

You will only hear this point of view from someone who is not in the system and has seen it first hand by observing the abusers of the welfare system we pay out thousands of dollars in taxes to support. Now I will concede that there are some people that really do need help from time to time and I'm all for giving them any necessary help and assistance to get through whatever immediate problem they are having. But that will never happen the way it should because the average person that works all week to make a decent living and pay his or her bills every month cannot expect to get any help unless they agree to sign over or have leans put on thier personal property or homes so that the state can be sure that they will pay back anything are given, which is money that they have already paid out in the form of taxes so that they could get some temperary help if they need it. Most of us won't even bother trying to get assistance because of the way you are treated when you go into a welfare office. Believe me I know, I went to them once to try and get food stamps when I was laid off one winter, not only was I treated like trash, but I was led to believe that I shouldn't expect anything and that I shouldn't be there because I make enough money to live on. With two young kids in the house that like to eat on a regular basis I really could have used a little help for a couple of months. But they didn't agree, if I remember correctly, I ended up telling them to shove thier food stamps up thier collective asses. Now if I would have been a women with a half a dozen kids to five different guys and hadn't work most of my life I wouldn't have had any problems getting the most out of the system. And they will even up the ante everytime they plop out another kid. It's no small wonder this system is so well abused in this country. Now I see where the chinese could be going in the right direction with thier one child system. They may be just a little extreme with the penalties they met out but it seems to be working for them.

The current welfare system is one of the primary reasons for my views on abortion. Not only do I believe it should be legal and easily accessible but it should be mandatory for any of the women who have spent years on welfare, just to make babies and get a bigger check. This is why I can't believe anyone that believes in the need for welfare reform can possibly be against abortion. Just where do you think the welfare mothers come from? It needs to be cut off at the root of the problem, and let's not use the birth control argument, it doesn't always work even when it is used, so it won't stand up. These welfare mothers should be required to either have an abortion or give up thier newborns with no possibility of ever getting thier parental rights to them back. This would be a good incentive for some ( not all ) of them to shut down the baby maker until they can afford the babies they make, because I certainly can't afford them ! And I would also like to say that if you had been paying attention you'd have already realized that a large part of the babies and young children that are killed or beaten near to death come directly out our fabulous welfare system. Followed closely by the "children and youth services" group. Sure take the child out of one abusive atmosphere into possibly a worse one in a foster home. Now don't get me wrong here, I have absolutely nothing against and actually a huge respect for most of the people that are foster parents. I believe most of them do one hell of a service to these youngsters who would other-wise wind up in some overstuffed group home. For the most part they give them the love, attention and disipline they probably didn't get in thier own homes. BUT, yes you knew there was a "but" coming, there are quite a few foster homes out there that are only in it for the money and the actual welfare of the child is of very little consequence to them, some of these people are actually abusers themselves but this very rarely comes to light because it would screw up the promising statistics they like to throw around to make things appear to be working as advertised. It can't work people, it's not designed to work, it would actually have to be run by intelligent, informed people and that would be a major f***up because then thier screwed up system would be exposed and we can't have that now can we !!

If you really want to see welfare reform you have to start from the abusive side of it, and if you believe that it is already happening you are very very wrong. There are so many loopholes in the way the new laws that most of the ones that are already abusing it hardly have to miss one months check before they are back collecting the monthly check and foodstamp book. I for one am sick and tired of supporting this bunch of freeloaders, if I can be expected to live off the wages that fast food joints pay then so can they, and if one jobs wages aren't enough get another one! If it sounds like I don't have much sypathy for most welfare recipients you're right, I've seen way too many cases of abuse of it. Why should I support someone else when I have occasionaly done without food so I could put gas in my car to get to work. Hell, most of these people live better than I do, and I just don't see why that should be. Help is one thing, but providing thier livelihood without actually making them work 40 hours is above and beyond the call of duty. I'd be glad to see some of them work even 20 hours. I've seen entirely too many instances of run down state subsidized homes full of expensive furniture, big screen TV's and a new car parked out front( usually expensive ). I don't know what that tells you but it says to me that there is something amiss in mudville.