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March 2001

You Are My Everything

I have searched a thousand lives for you, traveled through the sands of time.
Would walk through fire, earth and air, just to keep you as mine.

From the very moment that our eyes met, I knew we were meant to be.
Two lost souls who had found each other, true love burning eternally.

You are the flame that lights my soul and fulfills my deepest desire.
Your touch alone leaves me trembling and sets my body on fire.

When your by my side, my spirit takes flight into the sky.
My soul touches the clouds of heaven as it spreads open it's wings to fly.

Your the air I breathe, the thirst I crave and the sweetest indulgence of eternity.
As your heart joins with mine, your the other half that completes me.

You fulfill my heart, my life and my soul with all the love you bring.
From the day you walked into my life, you became my everything.

Never Let Me Forget

Let me never to forget to stop and listen to the birds that sing or watch them sail from tree to tree raising their glorious wings.

Let me always be the very best friend that I can possibly be, give back to my true friends all they've given to me.

May I always remember to listen to the raindrops falling down, watch the lightening streak across the sky and hear it's thundering sound.

Let me not forget to give a smile to someone passing by, for my smile may touch their heart, give them hope and wipe the tears they cry.

Let me never to forget to touch my feet upon the ground but at the same time to reach into the stars and hold onto the love I've found.

Let my soul see light and feel warmth, like a candle forever burning, helping to remind me of all my dreams and of all my yearning.

Let me not forget to thank all those who've touched my heart for without them I would indeed be lost and the world would have torn me apart.

Let me never to forget to use my wings and take flight into the sky for like a neverending story, then my soul shall never die.

The Shimmering Winged Horse

Walking silently through the woods I hear only the sounds of the soft rain falling around me.
Hoping that when I find magical place in the woods, there she will be.
Even though I am alone, I am not afraid for only peacefulness fills the air.
I begin to move through the woods quickly, for the faster I run the sooner I will be there.
I peek out from behind a tree, taking care not to make a sound.

Searching for her sign of beauty, hoof prints upon the ground.
There she lays nestled on the grass for warmth, watching the raindrops glimmer on the flowers.
Tenderness and bewilderment shining throughout her eyes, pure innocence surrounds her.
Her features are soft but, sturdy Her gracefulness captivating.
Her eyes show unique intelligence and I wonder if she senses me watching.

She lifts her head to the breeze, her mane blowing freely in the wind, snow white against the landscape.
She rises to her feet to let the sprinkling of the rain cleanse her, I wonder what will become her fate.
She unmistakably turns her head towards me, my secret observations known completely.
She takes a few steps forward and gently bows her head before me.
She spreads her wings and raises on her hind hooves as if to say good-bye for now.
And then she turns and runs swiftly to fly into the clouds.

Forever More

My soul is lost in darkness, my wings broken all apart.
For here I stand upon this earth waiting for God to heal my heart.

I can feel my lord spread his wings to protect me from the storms of sin.
He speaks to me such comforting words to my soul within.

My child, my love for you is great, my holy spirit lives in you.
I know you live your life for me and your heart is pure and true.

The tears you've shed and the heartache you've bared shall forever be washed away.
Only laughter and happiness will touch your heart, each and every day.

For in this promise I give to you the answer to your prayers.
A soul whose love shall shine for the, someone who'll always love and care.

Your wings shall mend your heart shall soar above thy heavens sky.
Your souls shall join forevermore and with both your wings, you'll surely fly.

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