Things to ponder upon.

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We can see in the New Testament that the Apostles believed that Jesus would return for them during their lifetime. Even Paul, who had come onto the scene much later, believed that not only the return of Jesus would come during his lifetime, that the day of the Lord would soon follow.

This you will find in 1 Thessalonians 4: 15.. "We say to you, as if the lord himself had said it, that we who live, who survive until his coming... and 5: 1... " As regards specific times and moments, brothers, we do not need to write you... You know very well that the day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night...

In Romans 13: 11, It reads... "Take care to do all these things, for you know the time in which we are living. It is now the hour for you to wake up from sleep, for our salvation is closer than when we first accepted the faith." In this passage, it is clear that they were anticipating Jesus return. In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 it reads..." You know very well that the day of the Lord is coming like a thief in the night..." It is clear that Paul speaks about the need for the preparations for Jesus coming during their lifetime.

In Peter 1:13, It says..." So grid the lions of your understanding. Live soberly, set all your hope on the gift to be conferred on you when Jesus Christ appears. It is clear that Peter is expecting Jesus to come back within his lifetime. When that event had not taken place after all of the original Apostles had died off, those who followed the faith after them had written the Book of Apocalypse (Revelation) believing that the Day of the Lord would have to come at a later date. That is why it was placed at the very end of the book that would become the Christian bible.

Something I noticed in Pauls writings I found interesting. Notice how he addresses the other members in his letters. In Romans 1; 7 , he writes; To all that be in Rome, beloved of GOD, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from GOD our Father, and the lord Yeshua. Here there is no mistake that he is speaking about GOD and Yeshua as two individual separate persons. Again in chapter 5, verse 1 it reads, Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with GOD through our lord Yeshua. Here again we see that he is speaking about GOD and Yeshua as two individual separate persons. In Paul's letter to the Corinthians, he writes, chapter 1; 1. Paul, called to be an apostle of Yeshua through the Will of GOD and Sos-the-nes our brother. Also in verse 3 he writes, Grace be to you, and peace, from GOD our Father, and from the lord Yeshua, both theirs and ours. Once again Paul is speaking about GOD and Yeshua as two individual separate persons. I can go on and find dozens of such passages but you get the drift. It is plain that even Paul did not claim that Yeshua was GOD. Only the perverted paganized Christians make the claim that their man-made Jesus Christ is GOD.

Speaking about letter's. The three letter's that are attributed to John could not have been penned by the same person. The writing, style and wording used shows a clear distinction from one letter of John to the others. One of the main verses that Christians quote from to support their belief of their man made god is found in John 1; 1-5 is called the Prologue. This Prologue text was inserted by one of the early church father's (probably by Jerome or some early church father of the pagan, heretical, perverted religion of Christianity) to make their fictitious Jesus Christ to represent as being god. This belief reflected the pagan Christians which became known as the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches which held to the belief of Jesus Christ being truly God. This was not the teachings of the original Apostles. This teaching only fully developed at a time when all of the original Apostils had been dead for some time. This notion of Jesus Christ being looked upon as God developed into a tradition as found in the Irenaeus (Adversus Heiresses) that had developed towards the close of the second century. This segment of text was not penned by John. The John, who wrote the book of the Apocalypse, (Revelation) was one of the last of the late apostles (not one of the original Apostles of Yeshua), who wanted to give a last warning to the churches and to the majority of the people who had already perverted and paganized what the original Apostles had taught. During this era, the converted pagan people are being taught the perverted, paganized teachings from within their own ranks. These people were already well on the way of falling away from the true teachings. Eventually, the true teachings had given way to that paganized, perverted man-made god, teaching that had become so popular, which had become the established religion known as Christianity during the later part of the second century, to what has been handed down to today.

I think that one of the greatest problems with Christianity is that many Protestant's fail to realize this, or just do not want to believe that the New Testament that they hold, be it whatever version they may have, had been greatly tampered with during the stages of early Christianity by the Roman Church (now known as the Roman Catholic Church). They had whatever documents in hand for at least fourteen hundred years before the controversy began that led to the reformation. Catholics must have been smiling when they learned that copies were being made from their text that had long been, let us say... altered, readjusted. These protesters got whatever documents they could get their hands on, (the Roman Catholic Church had become aware of this) and translated these text into German and later into English. This is the reason why one can come across verses in the New Testament that contradict itself. An example.. Look at the Book of Revelations. Notice here it goes at length to point out that Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega. The First and the Last, The Beginning and the End, saying in effect that this Jesus is GOD. Yet in the rest of the New Testament, in Jesus very own words declares that GOD is the Father. That Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the Father. We also read about Jesus being on Earth preaching, while GOD is still in Heaven. So what gives? How can this Jesus be GOD while at the same time, we find this Jesus praying to GOD who is in Heaven? The truth is simply that this Jesus is not GOD. Nothing is confusing when you know the truth of the matter. Please do not try to tell me that the Roman Catholic Church would not have dared to tamper with the Book of Revelations, or the entire New Testament. If you think that, then you are more nieve than I am!

What I find amazing is that most of these Protestant and Catholic Priests are totally ignorant about these facts!

Given that there are so many interpretations on the rendering of this book. It is quite obvious to me that many of these Christians pastors have not a clue as to what this subject has to say. Yet they all claim to know and understand all of its meanings. This alone should tell you that most of these "teachers" or Pastors are just groping in the dark. Something like... The blind, leading the blind. Now we will have a look at some of the teachings that come out of their mouth from some of these Protestant Preachers. As I listen to the new audio tapes sent to me, I will make comments on the teachings found therein. My first look at these tapes teaches that Angel's do not have bodies, that they are not of the image of man. These Pastors must be reading from a different "Bible" than the one I have. For I read in the Bible that I have about Abraham meeting GOD, (the Lord) not the lord Jesus, and two Angels at his camp. Who are begged to sit down under a tree and dine. Then the two Angels go to Sodom. Genesis, 18: 1-33. What about in Luke, John, Mark and Matthew, who speak about Angels. They seem to have bodies, who wear their white garments that was dazzling as snow. Matthew 28: 1-7. Mark 16: 1-8. Luke 24: 1-8. and John 20: 11-14. The whole Bible is full of stories that depict Angels having form, having the image of man. I also hear that these Preachers try to convince people that the snake, was indeed a real live snake that spoke to Eve. That Satan transformed himself into a body of a snake. Really! Sounds to me like a story found in one of those Harry Potter books! These Preachers have not the brains to know that these tales only represent a meaning. They are not to be taken literally. There are so many errors being said on this tape that I just as soon not bother with it anymore. People will have to find out for themselves the validity of these Protestant Bible teachers. I hear Preacher talk about being weary of unscrupulous teachers of Scriptures. Yet they are too stupid to realize that they are among those of unscrupulous teachers of Scriptures. I see that a ( Last Day Prophet of god), more like the (Last Day Prophet of Perversion) has done it again. Messing around with the daughters of his fellow saints (followers). I do not blame men who will not let their wives or daughters go to their little playground, (Church). I wounder what this Prophet's wife thinks about this whole matter? I wounder if she fully trust's her husband with their daughter? He seems to have the same thorn in his side as had Paul, (The Paul in the New Testament.) I have found the vast majority of these Preachers and Prophets alike, continually give out perverted teachings. They all must have gone to the same theology school or learned their teaching from the same Protestant denomination church. There are so many tapes to go through, that it will take some time to make comments on these teachings that come out of the mouth of these Protestant and Catholic Pastors. But for now, I will just make a comment on how Catholic Priests and Protestant Pastors compleatly misunderstand the story of Job. Of all of these people who preach or teach this story that I have heard, and I have heard a great many, have not a clue what they are reading. Have not the understanding that it was meant to convey. They will understand it on a surface level as they read the text compleatly missing the point or message that it is giving. But I will not open the true intent of the rendering of this passage here right now.

Recognizing False Prophets

There are many false Prophets about that deceive the many. I have searched the hearts of many who make the claim that they are "Prophets" of GOD. While those who I have encountered come mainly from the U.S.A. and Canada, it will serve as a model of what a false prophet is like. All of these shair the same common traits. They all claim that GOD uses them as His spokesman, yet it is very plain to see given what they say, that they suffer from self delution or are plain liers. You will find that they all follow the general basic corrupt heathen teachings of Christanity that cause many people to belive in them. This fact alone tells me very quickly that these "Prophets of GOD" are false. They belive that all of the text found in the "New Testament" is uncorrupted and that all of it is the infallable word of GOD. Therefore they will blindly follow, line by line, precepts by precepts, lies, by lies, deception by deception in what they read. I have already pointed out that the New Testament had been corrupted by the early heathen "church father's" of the heathen religion they call Christianity. They mistakenly belive that everything found in the New Testament is totaly accurate and therefore reflect their corrupt understanding of the real Yeshua (Jesus). Many of these False Prophets will tell people to throw out their T.V's because of the bad programs that are found there. Yet, there are also many good programs to be found on the television, one has only to be selective by pre-selecting the programs that a person is willing to watch. Yet, you will find many of these "Prophets" have their own computers and radio's in their possession. Given the fact that there are bad things one can find on the internet or on the radio, according to their logic, they should be throwing out all of their computers and radio's that they may have, along with their televisions. But do they? Of course not. What a bunch of hypocrites they are. Other traits to look for of a false prophet is that they belive in a Satan and all its demons so that they can blame all of their shortcommings on it rather than have the corrage to face the real truth about themselves. If these " Prophets" were of GOD, they would have known where this fallen Angels myth had originated from, how this Satan and demons had crept in the Old and New Testament. They would have known how a truth was converted into an imaginary tale of myth, that do not exist in the actual earthly or Heavenly world. Yet the vast majority of these so-called prophets, along with their christian Priests and Pastors belive in that perverted doctrine. They also belive in the myth of Jesus being God, that Jesus is also the Heavenly Father. This is according to the perverted teachings of the Roman Catholic Church and the vast majority of Protestant Christians came to belive. They, in their ignorance, boldly claim that GOD became Jesus in the flesh. Therefore, according to their understanding, Jesus is God, their GOD. The question that really needs to be asked is... If GOD became Jesus in the flesh, as in GOD manifesting Himself as Jesus, who is sitting at the right had side of GOD then? Who did Jesus pray to when he went off by himself to pray? Did he pray to himself? Or did he pray to his Heavenly Father? The Scriptures, as these people exssively quote from, clearly shows that Jesus was praying to someone other than himself. So how then can they claim that Jesus is GOD (YAHVEH)? No, it is very plain to see that they are not true "Prophets" of GOD. They would have known that the early heathen Christians had created this man-made god, this god-man they call "Jesus Christ". That have in effect, replaced the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD, who is our Heavenly Father (YAHVEH) with a god of their own imagination. All of these false prophets have a common belife that put into question any validity when they make stupid statments like... "A battle is linning up between "Satan" and his demons and the "Church of Jesus Christ". Excuse me, but may I make a little correction here? The true followers of Yeshua (Jesus) will not be involved in any battle with a Satanic Myth, but rather against evil people, if there is to be a battle at all. I also notice that most of these "prophets" have a very vague understanding of what is the true teachings and intent of Yeshua (Jesus) and what is expected of people of GOD. The GOD who is our Heavenly Father. I would like for "Prophet" Stair and those Protestant Preachers tell those people to their faces that were born with no sex organs, or who were born with both sex organs, meaning male and female that it is just a figment of their imagination and that they choose to be born that way. These Ignorant christians are also unable to make the clear distiction between people who are homosexuals. From those people who were born homosexuals to those people who had become homosexuality due to a personal trama of sexual or mental abuse that they have suffered at an early age from people of the same or oppersite sex, to those people who indulge in homosexuality for only sexual, lustfull reasons as in sex orgies. Who indulge in homosexuality by their own free will and by their choice, as in the case of bi-sexuals and tranvestites. The main reason these Prophets, Priests and Pastors are ignorant about these suttle different distictions is because they rely too heavely on the knowlage and understanding that people of ancient times had about homosexuality as found in the Old Testament. Christians quickly forget that the knowlage that these ancient people had about this subject was very limited. It is like comparing the medical knowlage and treatment that was known in ancient times to the medical knowlage and treatment that we posess today. Yet these Christians cannot even make this simple distiction. It is sad to see how many of these Christian Priests, Pastors and so called self-appointed "Prophets" drag people down to their level of ingorance. These "prophets" also seem to be unaware that there are as many Godly and Un-Godly people within the homosexual communities as there are within hetrosexuals. They even seem to think that all homosexuals are pedifiles, yet we are aware that pedifiles are in every segment of our soceity, regardless of their religious, racial, cultural or sexual background. Some belive that dinosaurs never had existed. That it is only a figment of man's own imagination, despite that there is ample proof that they had existed. Many will make the claim that Father (GOD) speaks to them, yet they rely on getting their insights and information from other people, or through web sites that are on the internet, like mine. They have made a great deal of use with the insights found on my web pages. They do this to promote their perverted theology and to get a handle on what is going to happen in the not too distant future. Then they will boldly make the claim that they had recived these insights or information directly from GOD, or from the Holy Spirit. They may fool some of the people most of the time, but sooner or later, their sham will be exposed and the truth will be known. Then I noticed that many of these (mostly Americans) "prophets" claim that America was built upon Godly principals. Really? Tell that to the First Nations People and all the negro people who were forced into slavery in America. Godly people indeed! Who segregated the First Nation People into reservation lands and stole their birthright? Who also segregated the American negro and American asian people with their plan of Apartheid? Yeah, Right! The "godly people of America". A perfect reflection of Jesus teachings. These people are totaly ignorant about their own American history as they are about the developement of the Old and New Testament. Many of these christian "prophets" belive that the natural rock formation that is shaped like a modern boat hull, that is in effect part of the mountain range on Mt. Ararat in the country of Turkey, is the actual boat that Noah had used. They can do a good job convincing the tourists that spend their money in Turkey, that this rock formation is indeed the boat that Noah had used and is now resting in Turkey's new "Noah's Ark Park". Listening to them speak, I have heard them contradict themselves so many times, that I can only conclude that they are either willful deceivers or just plain stupid. Most of these prophets will tell people that those people who are working in the medical profession should be looked upon as "witch doctors" and tell people not to seek medical aid when they become sick. They conveniently forget that the vast majority of these people who are in the medical field, along with people who serve as fireman, police, search and rescue and the military, are people who have dedicated their lives to help, serve and protect the people. Yet; They will never-the-less reject any medical aid that is available to them and test GOD to cure them. Then when a person dies for lack of medical treatment, they will simply say that is was the "Will of GOD" for that person to die. How quickly do these people forget what Yeshua (Jesus) said during the temptation in the desert when he was asking the question... "If you are a Son of GOD, throw yourself down from the parapet of the temple, for Scripture say's.. He (GOD) will bid His Angels to watch over you... With their hands they will support you, that you may never fall down or stumble upon a stone" and Yeshua answered back... "It also says, You shall not put the Lord your GOD to the test." Yet these "prophets continue on with their lies and deceit with no regard for the Spiritual wellbeing for the people who may listen and belive in them. I pity those precious souls who are decived by these false prophets. I have no dought that these people who belive in them think that they are being true to our Heavenly Father. I truly pity them when they find out, much too late, that they have been deceived. For they will not have the excuse of ignorance, for they had choosen not to belive or seek the information that was available to them. These along with those detestable people who falsely claim to be Prophets, Priest's or Pastor's of GOD will be amoung those who will see no mercy and be condemmed to death, Just as their soul/spirit will be relagated to their final death. For it will be consumed by fire, totally consumed to everlasting death. I hope this will help you to recognize a False Prophet when you encounter one.


P/S; I have noticed through my observations that the majority of Christian Priests, Pastors and Prophets seem to have great diffculty in understanding what a statement means. This is clearly shown in their inability to fully understand the Scriptures that they profess to know and understand. Therefore; I will try to explain in the most simplistic of terms what totally "consumed to everlasting death" means. It simply means that the soul/spirit will be Destroyed, Vaporized to the point that it no longer exists. It simply vanishes and is indeed totally seperated from GOD, our Heavenly Father. If this explanation still goes over beyond the heads of these people, then they are far more feebleminded (stupid) than I had originally thought. You can now understand why I have adopted the policy of totally ignoring christians and their nonsense. Jean


Recognizing False Preachers

There are also many a false Preachers about that decive the many. They all have a perverted understanding and knowlage about the Scriptures that they read nor do they know the truth about GOD. These people, have been reading my web pages on a daily basis and applying the insights that they find therein to their teachings where and when it suites them, while at the same time, they try very hard to discredit the Holy Testament and my teachings. I have found these "religious" types to be the hypocrites and vipers that I speak about on my web pages. Even though they have the benifit of learning the truth, they nevertheless continue to present people with their perverted heathenistic christian teachings. They must be very proud of themselves for deciving thousands of people. Yes; catholics and protestant preachers alike have really decived people, line by line, verse by verse, lie by lie and deception by deception according to their perverted understanding and teachings of their paganized religion they call Christianity. From which the New Testament which is their main teaching tool, had been greatly corrupted, perverted and altered by the early heathen gentile christians that I have already mentioned in previous web pages. I have heard many of these Christian Priests and Protestant preachers on T.V., on the radio say that Satan, who is the Devil, was booted out of Heaven because he had sinned against GOD. This must mean that sin can exist in Heaven. That must also mean that other Angels and Saints who are in Heaven can also sin and be booted out of Heaven. Given that Christian perverted understanding of Heaven, people who have managed to make it to Heaven can at any time be booted out of Heaven because they too are able to sin in Heaven, just like Satan and his fellow fallen Angels had done. Given that christian understanding, there must be a fast turnover of Angels, Saints and people in Heaven. Hummmmm... This understanding of Heaven that Christians have, clearly shows me their ignorance. Christians also like to blame all of soceities ills on their mythical "Satan" the devil and his demon hordes. They claim that this mythical "Satan" is the one who is making a mess of this world, Yeah, right! People are only the innocent victims, they are only by-stander's in all of the evil that is going on here on earth! These people have a very bad case of Adam and Eve syndrome. Imangine, these people think themselves as intelligent, yet still belive in a pagan belife such as a mythical devil. I suppose they still belive in Santa Clause, Vanpires, the Tooth Fairy and Leprechauns. You would think that a person of their so called intelligence, would have grown up by now and lay aside these childish things. These preachers talk much about being do-er's. These bunch of "Christians" will do anything, if it serves their interest, namely making a lot of money. But when it comes to right the wrongs that is in our world, forget it. They belive one has only to sit on their duff and wait for the Kingdom of GOD to be established. For it to just fall on their lap without having to exsert any effort on their part. Especially if it means getting into the muck of politics. Yeah, right! It makes me just want to puke when I hear these gutless wounders speak. In how they have missed the boat in their understanding of what Yeshua (Jesus) was really saying. Then they get highly upset if someone else has the guts to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and go for it, to take that leap of "Faith" and try to bring about the Kingdom of GOD as Yeshua had wanted right from the start! These miserable bunch of Christians get highly upset when someone else is working to establish the Kingdom of GOD, and cry out.... "You can't do that, only "Jesus Christ" is the only one who can establish the Kingdom of GOD on earth. He has to come back, and do it. We are not suppose to do it." That line of thinking really shows me how stupid and how little these people had understood what Yeshua (Jesus) was saying. What he was driving at when he spoke about the comming Kingdom of GOD. These people are just as stupid as Yeshua's (Jesus) own apostals, never really understanding what Yeshua was really telling them. Christians also have yet not gotten it into their thick heads that I do not see myself as any kind of a Prophet or grandiose "Messiah" figure. If these christians had understood what Yeshua (Jesus) was saying on this subject, they would have come to realize what it all means. No, I will no longer involve myself with these ignorant "Christian's" and their stupidity. I am quite content to exclude myself from that whole perverted, heathen bunch. The enemy that they claim is out there is really comming from within their own decite. They will hide from their own deception by giving their followers an inaginary enemy to blame all of their own shortcommings. Christians may rot in their own hell for all I care. I have my own (non-christian) group of people to care and look after. So if these Catholic and Protestant preachers are mad at me because I dare expose them for the false teachers that they are, expose their decite that is found within their religion, well too bad for them. If the truth is to be known, they are making a pretty good business and hauling plenty of money out of their religion through their perverted teachings. They are only afraid that people will find out just how ignorant these "Pastors" are, or the amount of decite that is in them. They are afraid that people will leave their little business enterprise and loose all that "CASH" (money) that come from their merchandising of statues, snake oils, excuse me, I ment (holy viles), healing and prayer cloths, holy bits of sand, rocks, and pecices of "holy" wood that come directly from the "Holy Land". To the sale of many amulets that they call (religious medels), along with their religious lessons in books and tapes. Selling radio's and anything that they can encourage their members to buy. These merchandisers also view their church members as their personal "cash cows" for them to milk daily. These con artists are afraid that their followers will one day find out just how phony and inadequate these preachers really are when it comes to knowing the full TRUTH about a religion that they profess to know and understand. God forbid that their "sheep's", their dumb flocks, should ever wake up from their stupure and manage to find my web pages and leave their "church", when they come to realize that they have been fed the same perverted mush, the same paganized garbage, as other people who have been duped by their teachings. Like I always say... Tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may. Jean


Most people who have read through our pages by now know how they can tell a true Prophet, Priest, Pastor or Teacher of Scripture of the Old and New Testament. You should now be able to tell the true from the fakes, the liers and the decivers. For those people who are new to our web site, reading through our pages will inform you on what you need to look out for to determind if your local Priest, Pastor or Teacher of Scripture of the Old and New Testament are true or false. Those who understand the Will of our Heavenly Father and the true teachings of our Beloved Brother Yeshua the Anointed (Jesus) will understand what I am saying. Do not let the "Christian" tradition of misinterpretation and misinfomation mislead you. As I have stated once before, I would rather have one person as a member with all of their warts and brusises, but who is genuine, than have one thousand people who are phony. After reading through our web pages, you will have to make your own judgement on who is telling you the truth. Do not say that you have not been warned. We hope that we may have helped you in your quest to find the truth. Jean


You know what? After listening to all these tapes that come from American broadcasts on the short wave radio and T.V. stations, these Protestants Preachers are pretty much speaking from the same perverted, heathenized teachings as those of past ages. I find it quite interesting that these speak about being "born again" while they continue in their perverted, heathenistic teachings. Maby I had better look elsewhere, like in my own backyard, and see what is being said there in the teachings of Yeshua (Jesus). Well I have scanned many of the T.V. broadcasts. Most of these are from America. There are only a very few that come directly from Canada, and most of these bring in their Preachers from America. On the local AM/FM radio stations here in Toronto, I find a few Canadians, but they too have been Americanized by the same perverted teachings I have found coming from the USA. I have found out that the vast majority of Canadian Protestant churches have their head office's in the USA. Most of these so called Canadians have received their "Divinity Doctorate Degree's from American Protestant institutions. Half of these Preachers are Americans who had come here to Canada because of some flim-flam business they had done in the USA. The rest of these Protestant Canadian Preachers are so Americanized, that you cannot really tell them apart from their American counterparts. I suppose this is the case in most other countries. Oh, well, no matter. I will just concentrate upon my fellow Brother's and Sister's in the Faith, and not worry nor bother with those "Christian" Preachers who continue to pervert the true teachings and intentions of our Heavenly Father. Whom our Beloved Brother Yeshua had suffered so much just to make it known. Most of these "Churches" were established, not because they were lead by GOD, or the Holy Spirit as many of these Priests and Pastors claim, but by their own determination and craftiness that got them to where they presently are. I should not have been so surprised by all that had transpired thus far. Rather, I should be more surprised that Father had been so patient with humanity.


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