Things to ponder upon

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Please Note; From now on, I will only use the name Yeshua in all of my text so that I do not confuse people when I speak of Yeshua, the real person that is spoken of in the New Testament before it was altered to this man made, god-man that Christians had invented whom they call Je-Zeus or Je-Zeus Christ.

When the question is asked why did Yeshua refer to his mother as "woman"? Christian preachers will tell you that in the language of the Jews, there were no words for mother. In fact, this is the answer that I have heard a great many preachers tell their congregants. The truth of the matter is that Yeshua had an estranged relationship with is mother. Estranged relationship you may ask? Yes. Read it for yourself in the passages where reference is made between Yeshua and his mother and you will clearly see that there was a rift between Yeshua and his mother. Why would Yeshua say he had no home if he had a good relationship with his mother and the rest of his family? Do that not suggest to you that there existed an estranged relationship between Yeshua and his mother as I have pointed out in previous writings? The common answer that Christian "teachers", be they Priest's or Pastors will give to counteract this view is that, they will tell their followers that Yeshua called his mother "woman" because in their language, Christians claim that there is no word for mother in language that Yeshua spoke in. Personally, I find this very hard to believe. All cultures have a word to distinguish a woman with a child. I can just imagine a child calling out to their mother as "woman." Yet in John 19:26 we find in scripture where it reads... "Seeing his mother there with the disciples whom he loved, Yeshua said to his mother, "Woman, there is your son." In turn he said to his disciple, "There is your mother...". I thought that these Christian preachers had said there was no word for mother in the language that Yeshua spoke in? Yet, here we find a reference to the word... mother. If there were no such word as "mother" in their language, would Yeshua not have said to his disciple.. There is your woman? Now what would that have meant? Would that statement have meant his wife, mother, girlfriend or what? Hummmmmm.

How is it that the Sanhedrin had not the authority to kill Yeshua and were forced to bring him before Herod and Pilate to stand trial to be executed, when the Sanhedrin seem to have all the authority to be able to take Stephen, (who became the first Christian martyr, after Yeshua ), and stone him to death? How is it that the Sanhedrin had the authority to kill Stephen, but not Yeshua ? Here is an incredulous bit of contradiction. We see how Saul (Paul) had been given the authority to condemn people to death. Do you not find this inconsistent with the whole part of Yeshua's trial? Yeshua would have been stoned to death with a guilty vedic based upon the Sanhedrin law. Don't you think? The only explanation there can be is that Yeshua was never brought to the Sanhedrin. Yeshua was captured by the Romans before they would have had a chance to hold him on a Sanhedrin trial. Something to think about. Why was this incredulous bit of writing found in the New Testament? Here is a hint; That story of Yeshua who was supposed to have come before the Sanhedrin to stand trial was added much later in time. The early pagan heathen Christians wanted to shift the blame for Yeshua's death to the Jews. To use the Jews as their scapegoat in order to prosper under the Roman Empire. After all, it would not go well for these "Christians" if they had kept blaming the Roman Empire for the death of their newly created man-god SAVIOUR that was to them, no longer a Jew. This switch took place when the pagan, heathen Christians separated from the original group at around the time frame of 90 -100 AD. Later, Emperor Constantine would proclaim freedom of worship to these pagan Christians throughout the Roman Empire. Thus came the well known term... "Jews are the Je-Zeus killers!" One of the most frequent sayings that I had heard Christian claim is that... "GOD gave His only begotten Son (Je-Zeus) to die on the cross as a sin offering, for the sins of humanity. Meaning that GOD required a human sacrifice for the redemption of original sin of humanity (Adam and Eve). Christians claim that it was only in this manner that GOD can be appeased". Here is a major flaw that Christian have in their whole understanding of GOD. A flawed understanding as to the reason why Yeshua came down to earth to become a human being. GOD did not demand that Yeshua had to come down to humanity, nor to become a sin offering, (a human sacrifice), and to die in such a hideous manner in order to appease GOD for the sins of humanity. Would you tell me what kind of a loving father would do that? Would demand to kill one of his children that love Him? The god that Christian speak of, is very different than the GOD that I know. This god of the Christians who demands a human sacrifice is much like the god of the Canaanites, named Moloch, who was the god of fire, to whom children were required to be given up as human sacrifice in order that this god may be appeased. Yes; I know that Christians will right away tell me what about Abraham having to take Isaac up a mountain for a human sacrifice? GOD, our Heavenly Father wanted to test Abraham to see if he would give up Isaac as a human sacrifice, as a sin offering for HIM. But did GOD, (Father) not also stop Abraham from carrying out that gruesome hideous act? Of course He did. People in Abraham days were used to sacrificing their children to these man-made gods. GOD, our Heavenly Father, wanted to teach Abraham and let him know and fully understand that He (GOD) was not like those man-made gods of the heathens, like the Canaanites. That He (GOD) did not require, demand, nor even wanted human sacrifices, as did the Canaanite god, or gods. You should know that Yeshua was quite aware of the risk that he was taking when he choose to come down to humanity. Read... "The real Yeshua" from the Archive Index page to get the full truth. Let us look at another example of words that had been changed or added to conform to the corrupt teachings of the paganized religion of Christianity. We have seen that in Matthew 16:13-20, It talks about Peter being the rock and on that rock Yeshua will build his "church". Now tell me, did Yeshua really say church or even mean "church" in that text? We know that the word "church" would have been foreign to him. He would have said Temple or Synagogue for the equivalent word for church. So did Yeshua say that he would build his Temple or Synagogue upon the rock of Peter? Hardly. It is plain to see that this part of the text was altered at a much later date in time when the concept of the word "Church" came into use. Here is another fine example of a tampering by altering or insertion one can find is in the "Doctrine of the Cross" in Mark 8: 34 where Yeshua is supposed to have said.. "If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, and "take up his cross", and follow in my steps. Don't you find this text a bit strange? Considering that this was to have been said long before he was going to be crucified, or when the whole idea of a "cross", as the church understand and traditionally depict it was used. Roman's hung the people on T bars, yet here we have Yeshua saying... take up his "cross" during his eara! He was also supposed to have said this long before he was aware of his crucifixion! It is very plain to see that this saying was added or changed to conform to the church teachings that came into play at a much later date in time. The birth stories of Yeshua was also corrupted, by these "early Christian church fathers. We have two contradictory story of the same event. The story of the flight into Egypt and the killing of all the first born by King Herod, which was also a fabrication and insertion of text at a much later date in time. This was done no doubt to make their invented man-god, Je-Zeus make him look like as being another Mosses. You can find many of these faults that are littered throughout the New Testament if you take the time to check it out for yourself, if you give it a try. One can write a large volume to point out all of the changes that were made in the New Testament books that are found in that Christian Bible. What Christians claim is the infallible words of GOD in the New Testament. Huh! What a sick joke!


I am glad to have stumbled onto "THE JESUS PUZZLE" in order to show people how the real Yeshua was transformed into a man-made mythical Jesus Christ. Check out this web site of Christianity to get a better understanding on the great confusion that existed in the early days of Christianity. This is a good place to start for those people who are truly looking for the truth and are wanting to get to the bottom of this issue of the early Christian era and the development of the New Testament. Who really want to understand what went on during those early years of Christianity. As I have said many times before... Christians are speaking about a different person than the real Yeshua that I know. The one who actually lived. This study of Earl Doherty as well as all the many other scholars who are of worth, who are not afraid to look into, study and ponder in order to seek the truth. These people are only verifying what I have been trying to tell people, in particularly Christians who have been deceived into believing in a mythical Je-Zeus Christ. I thank Earl Doherty and all the scholars who have worked so hard to get at this Truth. As I have said before.. People will become better people for accepting what is truth, rather than hiding from the truth. Now people can move forward, those people who want to follow the real Yeshua rather than what Christianity represents today. This will separate the True followers of Yeshua from the fakes. It is no great wonder why the established churches try so hard to discredit these scholars of worth, for they fear that it will expose their own ignorance or their deception. They must think it is safer to continue in a lie than to seek the truth.


I have a great respect for those many scholars, priests and pastors who are truly trying to dig up the truth. These are a people who are of true worth. I thank all these scholars who have worked so hard to get at and reveal the Truth. In the process of trying to separate the real Yeshua from the mythical Je-Zeus that the early pagan Christian had manufactured, one must be very careful how one peels off those many layers from the writings that make up the New Testament to get at the real Yeshua. One can become too critical to such a degree that you can end up relegating even the real Yeshua that had truly existed, as only a myth. One must never forget, that Yeshua, during his life on earth was a nobody in the eyes of the establishment. He was not a great warrior who conquered vast lands or made great scientific discoveries to be noted in the annals of historical writings. One can live their whole life on this planet earth and no one would remember that you ever existed. At least here, there were some people who had remembered and wrote about the existence of Yeshua. Unfortunately, so many myths were built around Yeshua that the stories about him no longer resembled the true facts. Because of this, one would conclude that Yeshua is only a myth. It is indeed too bad that the early Christian had deliberately re-created, re-invented another Yeshua. It is time that people got to know the real Yeshua.


The Mother of God...

I have many times heard Christian women say... the mother of god, when they speak of Mary, the mother of Yeshua. Hmmmmm. Mother of GOD? I never new that GOD had a mother. From what pagan ancient myth did they get that from? Mother of GOD, huh? Then Who had Created the Mother of GOD? GOD? Or is there some other GOD out there we do not know about? Frankly, this whole concept that Christians have really stem from many an ancient pagan myths that abound in ancient times. I for one have put those away along with the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny and Santa Clause.

Please Note; From now on, I will only use the name Yeshua in all of my text so that I do not confuse people when I speak of Yeshua, the real person that is spoken of in the New Testament before it was altered to this made made, god-man that Christians had invented whom they call Je-Zeus or Je-Zeus Christ.

The mother of Yeshua was Mary. Mary is not and never will be the Mother of God to us. We look upon Mary as Yeshua's mother in the same manner as it is written in the New Testament . We also acknowledge that there was a rift between Yeshua and his mother, Mary, over the differences in their religious views. Looking into the New Testament, you can fully understand the relationship Yeshua had, not only with his mother, but also with his brothers and sisters. For Yeshua's own apostles had made remarks that collaborate this rift. Lets look what was said at the wedding at Canna according to John. When Mary, said to Yeshua.. They have no more wine!! and Yeshua replies to her.. Woman! What is this to me and to you? or, How does this concern of yours involve me? What do Yeshua say to his mother at the Temple when he was twelve? Do you not know that I must be about my Father's business? Let us also look at the time Yeshua was rejected at his home town. What did he say there according to Mark? He say's... "No prophet is without honor except in his own native place, among his own kindred, and in his OWN HOUSE!" Don't forget that Yeshua was looked upon by the religious community as the black-sheep, as an outsider, even in his own household. This is a far different picture of Yeshua being declared as the long awaited Messiah at the time of his birth! Did Yeshua not say that he had no house or place to lay down his head upon? That he no longer had a home to go to? Yeshua's own apostils knew full well the circumstance between Yeshua and his kindred, his family that he grew up with. Then you have the time when Yeshua's Mother, his brothers and sisters went to look for him but could not reach him because of the crowd and people had to relay to Yeshua by someone nearby that his mother and brothers are standing outside wanting to see him because they were concern that he was beside himself, meaning.. going crazy, nuts or suffering from schizophrenia.. as it implies in Luke and Matthew. What did Yeshua say? My mother and my brothers and my sisters are those who hear the word of GOD and act upon it.. Note: That phrase about Yeshua being beside himself (crazy) is no longer found in the newer versions of the Bible. That was taken out, I wonder why? What did Yeshua say to the woman (in Luke) who told him.. "Blest is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you". Yeshua replies to her... "Rather, Blessed are they who seek the Will of the Father!!" There are many other examples like these that clearly shows what kind of a relationship Yeshua had with his own mother, brothers and sisters, in his own household. This is the reason why Mary has little mention of any kind of close relationship with Yeshua in their writings. The birth of Yeshua, the Bethlehem story, the killing of thousands of babies by Herod, the flight into Egypt are writings of a later date that was nicely, cleverly inserted by some monks in order to give a credible link to Yeshua as the long awaited Jewish Messiah. At that time, they did not fully understand or know the true mission of Yeshua as the Redeemer of humanity, in that through his actions, he had changed the mind of GOD, to destroy humanity. Yeshua also done away with the need of sacrificial sin offerings with the New Covenant that he brought as it is stated in the New Testament. Knowing that Mary belonged to the Pharisee Sect (denomination). I can see Mary, the mother of Yeshua hunched over with her hands grasping the side of her head and say, I always knew that Yeshua would become a Rabbi, but for him to turn out to be so, Un-Orthodox.. Oy Viae!! But seriously, Mary only came to the full realization of the truth about Yeshua when she was at the foot of the "cross". It was at that moment of realization that Mary's heart was pierced. That it finally dawned on her the full recognition and understanding about Yeshua, her son, that she had never really understood before. As you can see, it is a far different picture than the one the Roman Catholic Church like's to portray Mary in order to make her like a goddess that would conform to their image of a Mother of God. Despite all that we know about her, we see Mary as someone "special" because she is the mother of Yeshua and we respect her for that. But we can never see Mary as the Mother of God. Nor do we see Yeshua as GOD, for the simple reason he is not GOD, nor will Yeshua ever replace GOD, as our Heavenly Father. These and other issues are where we greatly differ from Christian teachings. They are free to believe in whatever they want to believe, that is their right. This is the Key element that separate us from "Christianity" who have broken the Covenant with Yeshua, and in turn with GOD, our Heavenly Father. As Yeshua had said when he prayed to GOD... "Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, to you I offer praise; For what you have hidden from the learned and clever you have revealed to the merest of children. Father, it is true. You have graciously willed it so". These statements you will find in Matthew 11:25-26. in the New Testament.

Check out the public library to get a better understanding on the great confusion that existed in the early days of Christianity. This is a good place to start for those people who are truly looking for the truth and are wanting to get to the bottom of this issue of the early Christian era and the development of the New Testament. Who really want to understand what went on during those early years of Christianity.


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