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You're probably wondering what this is all about. Follow me and hopefully you'll have as much fun here as I did making this!

Oh my. I hardly know where to start. I LOVE this movie! Okay, wait, let me start over. The first I heard of this movie, or actually read about it, at the Lea Salonga website - me being the crazed Les Miz fan that I am - and it made me rather curious. I did take note that B.D. Wong was listed as a voice credit - you have to understand I had a past obsession with Jurassic Park - and then I kinda forgot about it. I hate to admit it but me being the ignorant ABC (American Born Chinese) that I am, I had never heard of Mulan in my entire life. But I did ask my mom and Chinese teacher who cleared things up a bit for me. At that time, I was rather wary of what Disney might do to this legend - this was about the time we started to learn about the Les Miz movie. I did manage to download a trailer and it was pretty encouraging - ,'I have to wait til SUMMER?? *wail*'

June 19, 1998 - I had fun! I regret that I wasn't enthusiastic about this movie and therefore I missed all the Mulan guests on Good Morning America. Phoo. I did manage to catch Reflections on Ice w/ Michelle Kwan and the Making of Mulan. So by Friday, after seeing these programs, I was a bit enthusiastic....and a bit wary (side effect of watching Les Miz). My buddies and I went and watched it and....Damn, I LOVE this movie!! I sort of wished I hadn't seen Reflections on Ice beforehand since it gave away basically the entire story. But getting to the point, I enjoyed myself. If I had said anything bad about it in the past, I take it all back! I was simply overwhelmed by it. So here it is, my new obsession. Now, mind you, that doesn't mean I'm stopping with Les Miz, though. *g*

I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I haven't updated this page much in the last few months (but I have valid excuses! :P ha. ) One of which was school. The other two....::shudder:: My life has been very rough these last few months....just too many chasms than hills :P But hopefully there will be major updates during summer vacation? Heck, I may even find time to write more of "Beyond"!

Okay, seriously, I will update....just give me 3 more weeks. I've got to take my AP tests and graduate and then I'll have all summer long to get back to this. :) Major news! I went to Disneyworld! I went to MGM Studios! I saw the Mulan parade! I MET SHANG!!!!!!! *drool* *rant* *rave* okay, so of course that means I will have pics up on this site with a little story about how I totally lost my head meeting Shang. :P Something else for the humor section. :P

And one more thing! Mulan in strange company. Did I make that? Yup! All me. (well, my mom did do the sash but other than that... *G*)

3-7-2001 : Okay, okay, okay. I know I haven't updated at all in the last few months - *wince* - especially with the stories. My profound apologies. I had ideas for different fanfics that would NOT leave me alone so I had to jot them down and it turns out that they were VERY long and it took me the entire summer to write them. They're Gundam Wing fics. hee. If you want to read them, email me and I'll give you the link. Ok, so now that I had spent my summer on something besides Mulan, I couldn't do anything with my webpage during the year. Why? Cuz I'm at college. At college, you say, then party on. You have tons of time right? Heh. I would have tons of time to write fanfics but I go to MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - and I'm trying my darndest not to fail out of here. I'm really really sorry y'all have to wait til practically the next summer for me to write more but try to understand my situation. Thanx. ^_^

WARNING: I assume that if you're here, you've already seen the movie, if not, then prepared for the millions of spoilers in here.

Soundtrack - Everything about it, comments, and where they occur in the movie.

Movie - Why I like Mulan.

Stuff - all the interesting little things that come up in the movie and my comments on them.

Trivia - Didja know.......? (coming soon!)

Quotes - My most favorite ones.

Another Obsessive list! - How to know if you're obsessed with Mulan....

What to Say?? - my own fanfic....hee hee...Shang and his thoughts from the Palace to Mulan's house. Special appearances by me, Diana, and Des! Many thanx to Karen for letting me "borrow" pics from her page.

Beyond the End - Guess what? Lightning struck me! Yeah - this is the continuation of "What to Say?" in a way. The fighting begins again.....with the same sort of ridiculousness from the previous story...and random pandas!!! Warning: This is multi-parted and only the very beginning has been completed. Check back often for new installments! Yes, I've finally written Chapter 5!!!
Ch 1 Ch 2 Ch 3 Ch 4 Ch 5

Toll - my poem about, well, I think you can pretty much figure that out.

A Minor Reflection - An ancedote on the McDonald's Mulan toys *g*
A Minor Reflection II - An ancedote about idolism.

A Guy Worth Fighting For - My parody....hee hee. Funny stuff - read!

NEW! FANART!! Okay, okay, I admit it, it's not real art. These are just sketches I've done when I'm really bored in class. Wanna see 'em? Just promise me, don't laugh.

Mulan: Decisions - by Paul!
First seen on the AOL Mulan MB, the world of the characters in Mulan drastically changes (for the worse) when we obsessive insane AOL members meddle in their affairs! (And you thought author intrusion was bad.... :) Insanity and hilarity!!! It's up in its complete form!! :)
| Part I |Part II |Parts III and IV |Part V | Parts VI and VII | Parts VIII and IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII and XIV |

Are YOU on AOL? You wish to join in on our insanity? Visit the Mulan AOL Message Board! Also if you wish to chat, you can go to Mulan luvers We meet there every Sat night at 8 PM EST with fun conversation, trivia, games and more!

I'm working on a set of pages that'll teach how to write the names of Mulan characters in Chinese! :)

**I want to take this time to thank Karen and Linasia for letting me use their fabulous pics! Also, the midis throughout this page I got from Linasia's webpage, created by Tom.**


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