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Majors Chariot through Temperance


By Mareth SummerWind

I examined the Chariot card from the Herbal Tarot (Tierra & Cantin) for this description and interpretation.

The first thing that I noticed was that there is a castle-like structure in the background. This indicates to me the qualities of strength, defense, and fortitude. The driver of the chariot appears quite virile and confident. He wears a purple (a color I associate with spirituality) hat and cloak. The hat has a pentagram on it, which I see as a perfect balance of the energies of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. There is a large, red plume in the hat, which signals strength. He has a sword at the ready, indicating his ability to defend himself if necessary. His chariot is yellow, which is a very positive color; I associate it with success and knowledge. On the chariot is a yin/yang symbol, another indicator of balance (this time of the male and female principles).

The driver is holding a cyperus (no typo here; it's *not* cypress ) plant--which dominates the foreground of the card--firmly in both hands, indicating that it is under his control. Since I am not familiar with this plant, I had to pull out my copy of The Spirit of Herbs: A Guide to the Herbal Tarot. On page 39, the authors describe the cyperus as a plant that "...teaches the way of the middle path... The three-sided stem of cyperus is a signature of this herb's ability to help body/mind/spirit function as a whole, rather than in disjointed parts."

It seems to me that the Charioteer has it all under control. His energy is balanced between the physical and the spiritual. As long as he maintains this balance, his chances of success are good.

From Prairie
I just got my herbal deck. I love them!

Let's see, you covered: strength, defense, fortitude, virility, confidence, spirituality, balance, defense, success, knowledge, control, middle path, functioning as a whole.

What can I add to that? Only the thought that sometimes, the Chariot can actually mean a journey, whether it be an actual physical journey, or a journey in spirituality, consciousness, or whatever. But, definitely a sense of movement.

Balance is also a key issue here. You covered that in a couple of places. A lot of the major arcana have balance figured into them, but this is one of the more important cards for the concept.

You did an excellent job, Mareth! Thank you!!!

By Krystlhawk

~~~~~~~Strength~~~~ ~~~
In every deck, I have, I see a Lion, which feels masculine, and a glorious woman, holding him, near him. Both appear to be at peace, rolling on the forested floor.

This card is gentle, soft, and full of power.

This card is , I feel, every humans great desire, or at least one of them. If I had the strength to all that is spirited, knowing that "I CAN", I am the strong one, I would be in a much better place ! However, being patient, dealing with "stuff", accepting things as they come, gives us the strength to conquor these things.

I feel that being compassionate, as the Woman is with the gentle Lion, her touch, her love, is what gives strength.

As I look at this card, it teaches me to find strength in all that I do. I lack patience, I am hasty at times, I shout. I must learn to tolerate what bothers me, understand what may be bothering others, and I must learn to accept inperfection.

For this, I need deep inner strength!

By Prairie

The Hermit stands alone on a mountain top, lantern in hand, awaiting seekers of knowledge. The Hermit has attained his spiritual pinnacle & is ready to share his knowledge. The astrological correspondence for this card is Virgo, detail-oriented, strong analytical faculties, perfectionism. The number 9 signifies accomplishment,wisdom, the attainment of goals, as well as the search for truth. The rune is Perdhro. The star in the lantern is a 6-pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, a symbol of wisdom. The lantern is the Lamp of Truth containing the star of wisdom. The staff he carries is the patriarch's staff, a symbol of the narrow path of initiation. (Another religion has its god carrying a shephard's staff. Same meaning.) The snow at his feet represents the heights of spiritual attainment. He wears the gray cloak of invisibility. His secrets are not for everyone, only for those earnestly seeking them, and willing to climb the heights to wisdom. Meditating on this archetype teaches you to honor the wisdom within yourself. Through meditation & visualization, the Hermit allows you to get in touch with the inherent wise person within yourself.

By Armande

I am using the Haindl tarot, a rather elaborate and richly symbolic tarot deck.

It shows the wheel of course, and in the middle a hand that makes a sort of grabbing motion. This to me represents the key-issue of the wheel: the possibility to take a chance, to grab your destiny.

I see it as a positive card, it will certainly open a door to a new life, but it is up to you if you want to take that chance. You are given a choice: remain in your old position or make a boost forward, possibly to an uncertain future.

The Haindl wheel shows the face of a father-figure above and the face of a motherfigure below, both of them in a very strong position, in their strength.

Along the wheel there are 3 animals positioned: a turtle, a unicorn and a snake. To me the turtle tells you about age (it gets very old) and doing things in your own pace. The unicorn speaks of the moon and emotions, it tells you not to fear the hidden emotions in you and also not to fear diving into the unknown. The snake is famous for shedding his skin and starting again with a fresh skin.

This sums up: the wheel in a reading tells you of a pivot point in your life, where new options become possible, that are distinctly personal and it may require making a first step on a new and unfamiliar path.

If you have Wheel in a reversed position in a reading, I generally read it as a possibility that change has become a stressor. It is possible that the person resists change, that he/she is trying to stop events from running their course. The hand becomes more like a closing fist.

One of the foremost qualities of the wheel is that it TURNS. Everything has to stay in motion, ebb and flow of life. It is in the nature of everything in this life and here on earth. So why try to stem the tide? Go with the flow, jump on the boat when it passes your house! There will always come a time to jump off again!

When I signed on for this card, I said the Wheel seems to play an important role in my life. It does, I made a lot of new carreer-decisions and just today landed myself a new job, a more interesting job with more possibilities as well.

And I think this is only the beginning of a number of changes!
Bright blessings,

From Carissa
Wonderful lesson, Armande! You said it.. the Wheel Of Fortune is about CHANGE and the progression of life. You can't stay in one place or phase of life forever.   It's all about cycles...each thing comes to us and then passes in its own turn.

By Steff

Ok guys bear with me. I've never done this before, but this is my fav card so will jump in anyway.

I am using the Russian Tarot of St Petersburg illustrated by Yury Shakov. Instructions by Stuart Kaplan.
This is my favorite deck and reads very true for me....
This card is Justice   XI
Mine is a picture of a woman holding scales in her right hand and a sword in her left. She is standing in an archway. She wears a crown but I see it more as symbolic of her ability to judge things than as something giving her power over others.....

The book says the sword is the sword of retribution and the arch symbolizes the celestial sphere.....

Basic meanings are: reasonableness, justice, balance, harmony, equity, righteousness, virtue, honor, virginity, just rewards....the eventual outcome, whether favorable or unfavorable, will be truly fair to the person concerned....equilibrium, poise, impartiality.

Reverse meanings: bias, false accusations, bigotry, severity in judgement, intolerance, unfairness, abuse.

To me this card signifies the basic right and wrong, if it comes up I tend to believe that, although it may not lead to the answer the person wants, it will be a just decision and it will be the right thing for that person at that time.

I see Justice as the basis of all that we do and tend to believe that this card shows if we are moving in the right direction. If it comes up in reverse I tend to believe that, depending on where it is in the layout, the person has either been judged unfairly or is judging a situation or person without learning all the facts....also believe it means they should reevaluate the situation and what it means to them. I like very much what it says about outcomes: that although I may not like the outcome, or the querant may not like the outcome, that it will be fair and just.

By Prairie

The Hanged Man in some decks is Odin, who hung on the world tree for 9 days & received the runes. The tree is Yggdrasil, the living World Tree (notice the living branches), rooted in the underworld & supporting the heavens. The number 12 is a higher octave of the number 3, careful planning & orderly growth leading to spiritual development. 1(beginning)  + 2 (the reasoning force)= 3 (the product of rebirth). The rune is Nied. The ruling planet is Neptune, the planet of self-sacrifice & idealism. He is hanging on the tree of his own will. Notice the serene expression on his face. His legs are bent to form a cross, while his arms form an inverted triangle.This is an alchemical symbol meaning overcoming the personality & transmutating the lower passions into pure spiritual gold. Red pants represent human passion & the physical body. Blue coat for knowledge. Yellow (gold) shoes to represent his high ideals. The halo showing spiritual attainment, with the grey background suggesting invisibility ( a good reminder to not flaunt your spirituality). This is the archetype to meditate on to help break old patterns of behavior & bad habits that restrict you.

From Raven
Sorry this is short.
The card that I have chosen is the Death Card from Lewellyn's Legend, The Arthurian Tarot. The Death card from this deck shows Gwyn ab Nudd the Welsh Wild Huntsman and gatherer of souls riding with his band of warriors over a desolate landscape. The hills are bare and there is a ruined castle overlooking a river. It is Winter, the Season of Rest and Re-birth. The river running through shows the promise of Life to plant and animal alike. There is a lightning storm brewing over head and the sparks of electricity also symbolize life (ala Frankenstein) bio-electric energy impulses are what keeps us alive but can also kill.

One further piece of symbolism - The horse, ridden by the members of the wild hunt is commonly thought to carry the souls of the dead to the next world.

From Armande
I must say I always kinda like the Death-card, despite its bad image.

To me it speaks of transformation, a psychological letting-go. When this card turns up in a reading it is time to give the issue at hand a closer look and see to what part you are clinging on that you can do without. It depicts a current winter, but you get to decide whether and how it will be spring again. That is why I like the card: it opens new doors and possibilities.

From Prairie
Armande and Raven~
Exactly!! The main thing to remember here is that the Death card means drastic change. The "death" of the old way of doing things, in order to prepare the way for the new way.

From Prairie

Ah, Iris, the lovely Goddess of the rainbow! I have to admit, Temperance is my favorite card in the deck.

  The rune is wunjo, the rune of joy. The astrological sign is Sagittarius, the teacher of truth, enthusiasm, tolerance & beauty. The angel is actually a hermaphrodite (the child of Hermes & Aphrodite), showing a balance between the sexes. The triangle inside the square on her (it's) robe represents the female (triangle. trinity. Goddess) being protected by the natural law. (Hmmm.. maybe that's why I like this card so much) :-)  The cups are the sub & super conscious. The water flowing between them is actually going from the lower cup to the higher one, signifying raising from a lower plane to a higher one.  Notice the path in the background, leading to the sun.The flowers are Irises, of course, sacred to the Goddess of the rainbow. The angel has one foot on dry land (the material world) & one foot in the water (the watery place of the subconscious).

Invoking Iris in your meditation can assist you in integrating two or more important issues in your life. She can assist your process of experiencing your life as an art form that is both tempered & balanced.  

Where to go from here

Fool through Lovers
Devil through World
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