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From Armande

I'm going to make this a highly personal account of the devil.

I see the devil as an opportunity to learn big lessons about yourself. They are not the easy ones and not without risk, but well worth the effort. The devil represents what it is hidden, the underworld, the shadowside. Everyone has a shadowside, but most people try to hide it, as if it's not supposed to be there.

My point is that you need it to set things in motion. Light is quite passive of itself, you need the dark to stir things up, to get things moving, to learn from it.

The devil is just another side of being human. Humans have a duality in them: capable of both good and evil. The devil is a one-track-guy: just evil. Just like angles are only good. That is why I have my doubts about the current tendency (in society, new age etc.) to always work towards the light. I like light just as much as everybody else but when the key seems to be avoiding the dark, to strive for the light is useless. We need to acknowledge the dark bit as well, it serves a purpose. Everybody agrees to this in principle, but shuns the matter when it gets too close to home. So when the devil shows up in a reading, I interpret that as dark issues being repressed. There is something you need to bring to the surface. Look the devil in the eye, you can take him on. He doesn't get any scarier when you look at him straight and you can ask him what his point/lesson is. Then you can move on.

In books the lustful side of the devil, temptations are often mentioned: dangerous relationships, sexual escapades etc. Only in rare occassions I fall for this p.o.v.

Curious to other people's opinions about this...
Brightest blessings,

From Carissa:
Very interesting, Armande! I like your interpretation of the Devil. It's gotten me thinking on the deeper meanings of this card.

Okay everybody....WARNING! I'm about to go on a deep thought rampage! You might want to run and take cover!

  Like the Death card, this one gets a bad rap. It shouldn't. Most of our problems in life are caused by distorted vision. We work on partial knowledge, using our own guesses (influenced by our OWN agendas and biases) to interpret the acts of others. Our own "reality", then, is different from each other person's reality. Putting everything on the table is usually the easiest way to work through a problem. How often have you had friends having crises or relationship problems, and you know that if you could just get them talking honestly it would all work out? But opening up means letting go of ego, pride, anger, etc.   What is the Devil, if not all these trappings? In order to get rid of your "devils," you must first admit they exist. It's painful, so must of us try or hardest not to! In not admitting and overcoming our devils, we become trapped in patterns of thought and action. one of my decks (can't remember which) this is the name for the devil card.

From Patricia
Thanks for sharing your musings on the Devil. Some more key words for the Devil is: it's the original sex, drugs and rock & roll card.
Love & Light,

From Paula
The Tower I'm using the Universal Waite deck for this description. The image shows a sudden thunderbolt striking a tower, knocking off it's crown and hurling 2 occupants head first in a downward decent. How many times have we all sat safely within the narrow confines of our lives, comfortable in our current thoughts, beliefs and expectations? Then out of the blue "something" happens. It "blows our mind", "knocks our socks off" or "throws us for a loop". We've all been "crushed", "rocked", and "blind sided" by events and people but most especially ourselves. That sudden realization that our comfort was based on an inadequate foundation of thought, belief and action is a humbling, frightful, but necessary, experience. A tower experience is any experience that shakes the foundation of our current sense of security and/or forces us to question our strongly held beliefs, perceptions, attitudes and behaviors. We will feel afraid, shaken and insecure. It is a time of great turmoil as we seek to understand how we could have been so wrong, so fooled, so naive, or so blind. And Oh God, what will we do, how will we manage?! Often sleepless nights, depression, grief, anger and confrontation are normal reactions to major changes in our tangible and inner worlds. Divorce, death of a loved one, financial failure, health problems, a child leaving home will rock our world from the tips of our toes to the crown of our head, affecting us spiritually, mentally and physically. Sometimes the Tower appears more simply in the guise of a remark, an article, or a Tarot reading, it can be anything that shakes us to the core of our being and upsets our comfortable lives.

Soul shaking experiences, though difficult, are necessary for they literally force us to grow beyond our present level by blowing us out of our comfort zones. Once we hit bottom the choice is ours, we can revert to the self defeating, bondage of self (Devil) or reach for the Star. We begin to reach for the Star with the realization that our true security and strength lies within ourselves and our relationship with the God of our own understanding.

      We know we will arise stronger, wiser and more serene as we begin to develop qualities we didn't even know we could possess.

The world will continue to bring Tower experiences that can revolutionize our lives if we let them. They are the vehicles which shatter our illusions and bring the revelations necessary for our spiritual growth. Notice, the 21 fire yods falling along with the two upended individuals. Though we can't see them as we plunge downward, are they the seeds of potential that exist within the matrix of time and space waiting to be developed, or are they simply God's grace?  

I don't like Tower experiences at all. Yet I'm very grateful for them because I've grown tremendously from the emotional, mental and spiritual chaos they bring. They finally force me to face the real problem in

Sorry guys, I got carried away. Hope this wasn't too long.
aka Isodat

From Prairie
Thanks so much! You are right on with your lesson on the Tower. I've had too many Tower experiences, and that free fall off the top of a very tall lightning-struck building is just NOT my idea of fun!!

The sequence of events here is interesting. First, the Devil shows up, and if you choose to follow him, then lightning strikes, and the next thing you know, you're doing this massive swan dive. Thank God/dess the Star is waiting to catch you at the bottom!!
Thank you, Paula!

From Sunny Rose Silver
The Star is a hopeful sign. Many images show an androgyne or a beautiful woman, either immersed in a pool or standing or kneeling on the edge of the pool. The first things I think about are the Christian baptismal pool or the Jewish mikvah, both ritual baths meant to cleanse or renew. Can you put yourself in the position of the character on the card? Naked with nothing to hide, open to the cosmos and all of its healing force. It is a truly spiritual moment, a link to the infinite. If you are ready and open to receive it. Imagine entering the pool, the clear beautiful water, that reflects your soul, bask in the feeling of clarity. The beautiful stars in the sky produce a natural spotlight. It is your time to shine to receive the gift of healing and spirituality that the Universe is about to offer up to you. Whatever you ask the cosmos to heal, whatever request you may have is at hand and the true healing is possible. Refreshed and cleansed, you are ready to proceed. No more doubts! Take note that this is a personal moment....the character is alone. Should the card be reversed, the meaning would be doubt, that is doubt of the possibility to receive this healing energy.
Sunny Rose

From Mary Star Wolf
Well, I took out my Goddess Tarot deck and looked at The Moon, which shows the Goddess Diana in a blue tunic-like dress, covered by a cape made of a hide. (like a bear I'm sure she hunted). She is surrounded by 4 wolves. In the background, under the cover of aspen trees, are a deer family, safely camouflaged. Diana holds and empty bow and it appears she is moving toward her kill.

At first I thought, this isn't what I should be looking at for this discussion...I'll get my Witches Tarot deck out and use it...but, as I studied the image, it became clear to me what was actually going on... Her gaze is so intense...I see a woman who knows what she wants and is so confident of her mission, her arrow has nowhere to go but to the heart of her focus. She is protected all around by the wolves, who are also teachers, teaching her how to hunt. She is not distracted by other prey hiding in the trees, because they are not what she is focusing on.

Although, it is only known to her what she has targeted, we know her aim was quick and true. I see this as the meaning of the Moon card. We are asked to believe what we cannot see to focus our lives on, but we must be sure that we have the protection and guidance to find and travel a definite path we have been Divinely led to. Our arrows are true and swift.

From Armande
Thank you for this wonderful and personal interpretation of the Moon, StarWolf. I loved the way in which you made a connection between having total trust in something you cannot see - yet. I think that is what the moon is about. It is also about not being afraid to dive into deep emotions, and to trust that you will come back up triumphantly. The moon illuminates the dark and thus helps you to bring out what has been hidden. So you can see what you're dealing with and decide on what to do.

Today was a very bright and sunny day ("was" for me: I am in the Netherlands, Europe), so today is a good day for this card.

I think the essence of this card is: "Confidence". Life is good, the sun is shining and you're on your way. It is that feeling of getting up on Saturday morning, the whole weekend ahead of you, you open the curtains and the sun shines on your face.

Having struggled through the shadowsides you now know yourself and know where you're heading. And the sun illuminates your path. This card tells you you have reached a new level.

In the Rider deck there is a child on a horse, this also speaks of being about to embark on a new journey. The horse is also somehow connected to the sun as well. In the Haindl deck there is a rose in the foreground (a gift) and behind that is a path. To me it looks like when you're in a plane and you surface above the clouds into the full sun. That seems to be the picture here, a path in the sun (above), cut out through the clouds. The Sun is an energetic card, a simple card as well: no eloborate scheming, plain and simple is the best option. When the Sun turns up in a reading, it indicates a boost forward and the fact you can trust that work can and will be done, with relative little effort. BB,

From Mary Star Wolf
All I have to say is...whooo! You speak so eloquently, and I "feel" what is going on within the Sun as you describe it (what can I's nearly Beltane and I'm getting into the energy! This is my first celebration!)...thank you, for all your insights. I really "felt" the Saturday morning metaphor you used. This kind of thing is going on in my life at the present time...I am starting to feel my self awaken from the sun/son and following my Magical path. I feel more confident in my own "power" to shape my reality. I see the Goddesses love in many of the things I do. Thank you again for that beautiful interpretation.


From Carie
This is Carie & I am using the Hanson-Roberts deck & this is the impression that I get from it:
I see a beautiful winged angel blowing a trumpet. There is a banner hanging from the trumpet with a cross on it. There is a family rising up from the water below the angel. The woman has her hands clasped as the father & child raise their hands to the angel.

To me this may mean reawakening of the person that is concerned. It could also be making up for one's sins for the past & present.

Divinatory Meanings:
Judgement, the need to forgive, rebirth, improvement, development, & promotion. Desire for immortality. One should carefully consider their present actions as they affect other people.

Reverse Meanings:
Disappointment, delay, failure to face the facts. Procrastination.

From Prairie
Very good, Carie!! Did you have a nice birthday? (For those of you who don't know, doing this card was Carie's birthday present to herself!)

I think if I had to put a 'key word' on this card, it would have to be KARMA. I think Carie stated it nicely when she said, "making up for one's sins for the past & present......the need to forgive, ...... One should carefully consider their present actions as they affect other people."

Thank you, Carie! Good job!!

From Therese
I am using the Shapeshifter Tarot card "Oneness"
    In the center of the circle representing the world are 4 people of different races and ages showing that we are all connected together spiritually regardless of race or age in life. They are all shapshifting into their spiritual forms, showing that they have reached heightened awareness of the world around them. Above them is an outstretched talon of a Hawk, the ancient symbol of transformation, which is what we are all struggling to do all of our lives. At the very top of the card are several great white feathers showing our search for truth and justice. Below everything are the phases of the moon, as the moon goes thru various cycles and changes so do we. This card represents our constant challenge with evolvement. Throughout life we are ending and starting new cycles constantly, children are born, enter school, graduate and move away and begin a life on their own. As long as we are growing and changing we are reaching an awareness of the world around us.

From Prairie:
Therese said.....
"we are all connected together spiritually..... heightened awareness of the world.... transformation.... search for truth and justice.... new cycles.... As long as we are growing and changing we are reaching an awareness of the world around us."

I think that just about covers it. What more can I add? Just that the World also signifies a completion of a cycle. The work is over. The task is finished. Time to celebrate.

Very good, Therese!!! Thank you for this excellent interpretation.

Isn't the Shapeshifter deck wonderful? Have you seen her Celtic Dragon deck? Wow!!

From Therese
Thanks, Kitten, I really enjoyed that card it has soooo much meaning especially with all the changes I have been making lately. Kids graduating, starting college, ending the 1st year of college, me starting college and starting a new job, etc.... It really got me thinking.

I want the Dragon Tarot!! As soon as I have some extra money (enough money would be nice!!!)

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