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Tarot Discussion Class Notes -- WANDS

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WANDS: Wands represent fire, the south, summer. They have to do with primal energy, growth, the will, inspiration, determination, strength & intelligence. They deal with the spiritual level of consciousness. Wands mirror what is important to you at the core of your being.

From: Prairie:
ACE: Fire signs of Leo, Aries & Sagittarius
2: Mars in Aries
3: Sun in Aries
4: Venus in Aries
5: Saturn in Leo
6: Jupiter in Leo
7: Mars in Leo
8: Mercury in Sagittarius
9: Sun & Moon in Sagittarius
10: Saturn in Sagittarius

From: Sunraven
Gently meet,
Let's pretend. here is the background. You are in a new Universe. There are 4 major planetary systems in this particular galaxy. You are in the Wands system. There are 9 planets. the Ace of Wands is the sun. Now. Since each Wand is a world, why not visit each one? Start with the ones we've looked at. Meditate on each, as though it was a world. Tell me about these worlds. What landscapes do you see? Are there cities? What is the architecture like? Tell me about the people. the way they act, the kinds of clothing they wear--what is the feeling of the place? How does it make *you* feel to walk down a street in the V of wands? What impresses you about the II? This exercise can help you by allowing you to immerse yourself in the energy of each card. By looking at it from another view point--that of "tourist" you can get a feel for the ways in which these energies interact with the other energies of the deck. You see, each card contains a whole range of ideas, thoughts, feelings, imagery and associations. Each card is a construct ... a collage of similar meanings, organized into one place, and depicted by one representative picture. there are clues n each picture concerning all the different ideas--but the more a part of the environment of each card you can become, the deeper your understanding will be.
Gently part,

From: Kat:

I use the Hanson-Roberts deck. below is the results of my meditation.

Ace of Rods--Makes me feel like the start of a new day with an achievable goal in the distance. It will just take some effort to accomplish it. What a beautiful day!

2 of Rods--Makes me feel like an adventure in the making, although still in the planning stages. I am waiting for another's input before continuing.

3 of Rods--The adventure has started but some are necessarily left behind whether because of age or because someone needs to keep the home fires burning.

4 of Rods-- A celebration! A feeling of achievement and also knowledge that the hardest is yet to come.

5 of Rods--Conflicts, arguments slow me down. Need to think calmly and rationally. Don't lose that temper.

6 of Rods--A parade! Another milestone has been achieved but it isn't the time to stop trying to achieve my goal. I am still in armor so the battle has been won but not the war.

7 of Rods--I am facing overwhelming odds and winning! YEEE HAW!

8 of Rods--Incoming messages trying to distract me from my goal. Need to slow things down. Deep breath and don't act irrationally!

9 of Rods--I am patiently awaiting my next battle. My defense is ready. Who goes there?!

10 of Rods--I am trying to keep my heavy load together without letting it overwhelm me. My goal is in sight, just need to keep going. Come on, one foot in front of the other!

From Carissa:
Meaning: A new creative opportunity. Aspirations. Use your creative energy and passion to take the first steps. Listen to your instincts. Don't second guess yourself. The gut instinct. Often this card can signify a new business venture or new career- look to the surrounding cards for confirmation. According to some books, it can also signify a birth in the family. Once again, look to surrounding cards for confirmation.
Reversed: setbacks in a new endeavor, selfishness or a lack of determination may prevent the project from reaching completion.
Description and symbology (Rider-Waite deck): A hand reaches out from a cloud to grasp a wand that is still flowering. Eight leaves are floating down on the wind to signify material and spiritual progress and balance. In the distance on the left, there is a castle to represent the promise of what may come.
Homework: Begin something new to let out some of your creative energy. Paint, draw, sing, write, dance, decorate your house or altar, cook... something. Think about where your passions lie. What changes are you seeking in your life? What do you want to have begin in your life? How are you using your raw personal power?
And an affirmation, from "The Enchanted Tarot" by A. Zerner and M. Farber:
"Power and passion are inspired. Fear and darkness are retired."

From: Shoshana Hathaway:
The Ace of Wands is all about the Life force itself. This is one reason why some experts associate it with air, and some with fire. But, even when associated with air, and the growth of Spring, the fire of life is implied. This card sizzles with energy. You see, Wands represent will. Now, this will can be the Will of spirit, or the will of personal desire. It is what makes us do things. Wands are all about motivation, too, because they deal with our self-concept, our ambitions, and the ways in which we feel successful. Think about it. Every fairy tale includes at least one magic wand. Now, what is a magic wand? It is simply the tool through which the witch, or fairy godmother, or whoever, focuses her will, and through that will, makes changes in her reality. So, when you see this ace--be aware that what is being talked about, ultimately, is an act of will. Now, acts of will require enthusiasm and passion. So, the wands are also about those things. But don't get confused, here, because the cups will also talk about passion--but of a different kind. (smile.) The aces are seeds. Like all seeds, they must be cultivated. When you see any Ace in a spread, yes, something new has begun, is beginning or will begin. But, at this point, what you are being given is a seed. Like the seed buried deep in the Earth, you might not see its growth for a while. And, just to complicate matters a little, that seed could be buried in the fertile soil of your own sub-conscious. So, Aces are seeds, known and unknown. But tend them well--if you want the fruit. If you don't, they won't grow. That simple. (smile.)

From: Sunraven:
The following was from Mary K. Greer, and Arlene Tognetti and Lisa Lenard.
Decks used for this lesson: Eilleen Connolly and Rider-Waite
Wands may be called, wands, or staves, or rods or batons. The element of the wand is fire. Most wands are shown with green leaves growing out of them. Wands made from wood represent life.
The twos represent Discovery, cooperation, effort. Wands is also energy. They deal with such things as: growth, personal idenity, new ideas, goals, lifestyle, career, (not money, however), success, enthusiasm, the ways in which we present ourselves to the world.
This card shows the patience and focus of your intent. You've set things in motion, so they'll surely develop, and you can patiently wait for your rewards. As ideas begin to develop, things start moving along, you begin to see how things materialize. It also means beginning a new project or venture. Trying something out. Doing research. Wands, then, are associated with feeling of success, or the lack thereof. Wands have fast moving, forecful energy, associated with fire, with summer, with the east and with masculine energy.
Eilleen Connolly's II Wands: Shows a man wearing green cloth and an emerald green umm.. wrap around?... in his right hand he has the world in his hand... I've got the song going on in my head... he's got the whole world in his ok now in his left hand he is holding a large wooden wand with healthy green leaves on it... he is standing on top of what looks like a tower or maybe a cilo with white lillies and red roses... flying towards him are 2 green birds with a red spot on their back.. they are carrying the wand filled with leaves to the man. Background is of blue/pink sky with lush greenery on the ground and you can see mountains far out... the sun is a beautiful shade of red...
In the Rider-Waite deck: II Wands A man standing holding in his right hand the world and in his left hand he is holding a large wand with leaves, to the right of him stands another large wand leaning against the tower walls. He is wearing a red hat and brown coat and his cloth underneath the brown coat is tan/orange. In front of where he is standing, you can see maybe what looks like maybe a small village, lush with trees and mountains and a lake.

From: Shoshana Hathaway
OK. In both the Connolly and Waite decks, our man holds a globe in his hand. I believe that, in both cases, it is the right hand. More on that in a minute. But ... The Connolly deck was designed in the following way. All male figures represent the conscious mind. All female figures represent the sub-conscious mind, the emotions, etc. All children represent that part of the self that is the wisest. Not quite the higher self--call it the link between the subconscious mind and the higher self. All the little winged cherubs represent the higher self. You can't extend this to other decks, though it might be somewhat true for the Waite deck. Though I will admit I've never read so.
So. We are dealing in this card with the *conscious* active, mind. The will--but the will of the conscious mind. Now. Back to the globe. He holds it in his right hand--the giving hand, by tradition. The birds that are approaching him are green, (in this deck, green is the color of both growth and gentle self-discipline.) and red, which in this deck, is the color of individuality. So. In order to take that second wand--which is the result of his effort--the gift, if you will, of his inspiration, or the Universe, he will have to give up something. Any fellow Heinlein fans out there? Recognize this? TANSTAFL. (There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.) This means that we pay for everything we get, in some way. Dollars and cents are the most straightforward form of payment. We may pay in time, in effort, in energy, in commitment. What our young man will pay for his new wand with is his old world view. If he isn't willing to give up his status quo, he literally can't take the wand. And if he can't do *that* he can't use it to create the III.
One other thing about all the II's. Each and every one of them deals with polarity. me/you. this/that. me/not me. In this case, it is me/my project. This is a card of good beginnings, in the positive. But in the negative, it's a card of entrenchment. Fear of the new. Disorganization, lack of enthusiasm, and inability to get something headed in the right direction. (grin.)

The Three of Wands - key word "Opportunity"
Threes -- Corresponding Major Arcana Card: The Empress
Threes represent the idea of creation, gifts, challenges, opportunities & imagination. New directions & growths can take place. There is divine creation & spirituality & a regeneration of creativity.
Description and Exercise: Have ready a pad of paper and a pen to record your impressions. Find the three of wands in your deck and study it (ideally using the Waite deck). Place it upright before you.
A man (we assume) stands alone at the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea. He appears to be richly dressed. Three wands are planted in the earth near him; they all have leaves, so we know they are alive at this moment. The man's right hand grasps the wand closest to him. In the far distance we see mountains - they represent knowledge. The man is turned away from us, so we cannot see the expression on his face, but he appears to be looking at three ships on the sea. Are they his ships? Are they going out, or returning to port? Is he gripping the wand out of anxiety, in confidence, or resignation? Why is he standing alone?
Now turn the card upside down. What are your impressions? Does it look as friendly? Look at the wands themselves - what do they resemble now? What do you think about the man's hand gripping the wand? Has the attitude of the man changed in any way? How do the ships appear now - do they look more or less fragile on the sea? What are your impressions of the sky, and the mountains?
Turn the card so that it is upright once again. See the difference? Which do you prefer, and why? Continue to turn the card periodically, recording your impressions as they occur to you.
THREE OF WANDS - Aries/Leo -- the decanate from March 31st to April 10th
Upright: Trade & Communication
The Three of Wands relates to business & enterprise, the successful beginning of a project and the laying of plans for the future. It represents career & life-style, which is full of ideas & energy, opportunities & prospects for the near future looking optimistic. It suggests that a recently begun enterprise is successful. Business may be brisk, and there will be many good ideas. However, the Three of Wands does not know how to get down to work. It wants something out of reach, yet love and care for others is very strong. The querent may recently have begun a new job, or will receive an offer for a new position soon. Cooperation is key now, and negotiations should be successful. The querent may be a person interested in communication and human relations and the commerce between people. She may also be someone skilled at seeing the connections in life, or someone who seeks to develop and understand connections; where she is, where she has been, and where she is going. A successful beginning of a project or inspiration & fire of the artist or the inventor. The basis of the work is firmly established & the undertaking can be fearlessly continued.
Reversed: Obstacles to Communication.
In its reversed position, the Three of Wands may indicate a lack of cooperation, wasted efforts, delays, or bad luck or obstacles from outside in commercial or communication ventures. The querent may feel a creative block, and find that their goals are hard to reach. Their problem may involve over-confidence, pride, or arrogance on their part. They need to be open to receiving help and input from others, but know at the same time that opposition may come from a person who exploits other people for material gain. There is the possibility of betrayal of an enterprise by a person who had the power to aid it. The querent may have set their expectations too high. Possibly they may need to reset their goals so that they are more realistic. The querent or one near her must deal with difficulties in the exchange of goods or ideas or with matters of trust. It can also indicate failure due to lack of nerve or paralysis of the will.
Using brightly coloured crayons, draw a picture of what you need or wish to manifest. Place the drawing under three orange candles on a new moon. Light the candles. When the candles have burned out, an opportunity should present itself. Remember to look with the eyes of a child, because if you look only for the shape you expect your opportunity to take, you might not see it.
Information from: "The Enchanted Tarot", Mary Greer and "A Feminist Traot"

From: Kat:
I have used the following decks in defining this card:
Mythic Tarot
Witches Tarot
Robin Wood
Old Path
This is my summary for the 4 of wands/rods/staves etc.
Celebration of recent good fortune; marriage or good solid business relationship; the successful completion of the initial stage of a project; cooperation, heading in the same direction, of the same mind; the coming together of ideas; satisfaction with current situation.
Reversed: lack of commitment; shaky relationship; difference of opinion and a change in goals in a partnership; failure in initial stage of project; dissatisfaction and loss of tranquility; disorder; too many ideas to act upon.
Advice: don't get complacent about your situation, there is still much to do.
Card Descriptions:
H-R: A bower of flowers held by 4 rods covered in buds. Underneath stands a lady who is add flowers and her servant. In the background is a castle with a bridge over the moat.
Mythic: A man stands in the middle of a group of followers who are holding flaming wands as if celebrating. In the background, a ship is anchored near shore.
RW: A couple dances on a flower decorated stage underneath a canopy held by 4 crystal tipped wands. In the background is gently rolling hills in front of which are fields covered in piles of wheat.
Witches: 4 yellow robed figures carrying rods in their right hands walk down the same path way despite the many choices of paths. Shining down on them are 4 rays of light.
Old: A well dressed couple and their child stand on a green in front of a distant castle. The man holds a 2 prong pitch fork, the woman a broom, and the child a rod in each hand (each has a single branch of leaves). Behind the woman is a dog.

From: Krystlhawk
Merry Meet everyone,
I have always loved this card. My first impression is joy. Seeing the bridge of flowers attached from one wand to the other, with the castle yonder, makes me feel that there is more to what I am doing. I have always been attracted to my dreams, I have reacurring dreams about crossing over water, looking at a far beyond place.
Hey.........maybe this is a premonition card for me like the Tower Painting was !!!! :-)

From: Freya
This is the five of Wands from the Witch's Tarot.
DESCRIPTION: An older man(maybe a wise one) is standing on a group of boulders brandishing a staff. There are four other men standing around him one can not be seen with the exeption of his staff. The old man is in a defensive position and this is set in the woods with a body of water in the back ground.
I see confrontations both seen and hidden. Depending on the spread and the position in the spread it could mean also mean facing upcoming situations as well.
Reversed: (depending on the spread) could mean coming out of confrontation or going into a hidden confrontation.
From: Brigit Douglas
I have the Rider Waite deck and thought I'd drop a line or two... In this deck there are yellow, brown, red, etc. people fighting with their dandy wands. Some books suggest it's a fight between races. I would interpret this further as maybe it's a fight on superficial grounds. For example, yuo are fighting emotionally and being subjective, rather than logical and objective. But conflict is totally this card!
Ok, ta! Brigit

From: Robin Goodfellow:
Colors aside, I have a very different take on the meaning of this card than that of conflict. In my readings, I generally see this as representative of a group of people who are committed to an end, but they cannot fully agree on how to effectuate this goal, as each has his/her individual agenda as to how to bring this to fruition. It could mean an office where everyone disagrees on how to get a job done, or it could be a coven of Witches where there is a ritual to do and little agreement on how to make it work. The only conflict is the lack of agreement, and I don't see outright enmity among those involved. As far as differing colors is concerned, maybe the way to look on these is as representative of the differences among the participants, possibly relating the colors to the elements and thus to the psyches of the individuals and their different perceptions, for example, airy personalities might be colored gold or yellow; earthy ones in green or brown, etc. When the disagreements are resolved, perhaps by a strong leader, then the pentagram will be formed. The pentagram is the first form where a line can be interwoven to complete the figure, and this interweaving is significant in all group and magical dynamics.
Robin Goodfellow

From: "Betsy Adams"
I personally use the Connolly deck, or the Sacred Rose. However, my life is going nuts, so I unfortunately do not have descriptions of the cards. I can tell you that the Connolly deck is mainly decorated in warm pinks and golds, and is very "happy". The six of wands relates to the Lovers in the Major Arcana, and below are some key points that I have accumulated of my years of study:
A) Good News, Success through Industry
B) Enlightenment
C) Wisdom is understanding what the intellect knows
D) Good news & conquest
E) Open self up to all & nothing complete connection
F) Victory after strife
G) Sense of self – have considered all
H) Made right decision, will see results
F) Advancement in the arts & sciences
REVERSED: Indefinite delay, fear of victory

From: Prairie:
I'm just going to add a few things to the lesson for the 6. I'm using the Rider-Waite deck.

In this card, we see a man riding a white horse. He wears a laurel crown & carries a laurel wreath on his staff. Obviously, this card signifies victory, but what kind of victory? What do we NOT see on this card? There is no conquered enemy. This card signifies a victory, but it's a victory over self. This is a spiritual victory, or a victory in the areas of your life that you consider important. For the next 6 weeks or 6 months, watch for an opportunity to show itself in your life. The astrological correspondence for this card is Jupiter in Leo. Leo is a fire sign associated with creativity. Jupiter is the planet associated with growth, opportunity, & expansion. So, the 6 of wands represents a creative opportunity, growth & victory in a creative field.

From: Sunraven:
Gently meet,
Hi Prairie, yes. And also, I've read some other interesting things about this card.
The older books say that although this is a card of victory, it is associated more with another person's victory from which you benefit. I believe one of the older esoteric names for this card was the Lord of Ephemeral Victory, or something close to that. But--the point they were making is this. To them, this represented a small victory over some situation. Even more, it represented reputation. With this in mind, I have found that, in spreads, this card often represents a little good news--a pat on the back--and it sometimes indicates that you can um, hang onto someone's coat tails. You may be cast in a good light--but that light is really a reflection of someone else's light. Ah. The Lord of Reflected Glory. that's it! lOL! Anyway. Let's say, for example, someone in your work unit does a *really* good job on a project. Now, if you are their supervisor, you may well get part or all of the credit. The other thing about the VI of wands is that it represents a point of perfect balance. It can be a real comfort zone--for a while, at any rate. You got your way, and things are going well. But don't unpack!
Gently part,
Sunraven, who just *loves* this list!!!!!!!!!

From: Sunraven
Gently meet,
Before I begin to discuss this card in particular, let me say a word or 2 about wands and 7's. Wands are all about the Spiritual and the spiritual. They address what makes us tick. Our personalities, egos, enthusiasms, self-concepts, and personal energy, both internal and external. This is one of the reasons you will find so any varying interpretations of this suit. It almost defies description—but not quite. (smile.)
Now the 7's are all about attaining higher wisdom—through a process of testing, internal examination, and choice. You will find a challenge in each of these cards—and you will need to use different techniques to meet and overcome that challenge.   Remember—each card in the Tarot talks about, among other things, a process. Taken together, these processes describe the ways in which we conduct our lives, constructively and destructively.
Now, the VII of wands is all about struggle. It's about standing up for who we are and what we are. In a sense, this is one of the "boundary" cards, because, when you see it, you know that things have reached a point beyond which you do not want to go. Negotiation is over, here. In order to maintain your personal integrity, you are going to have to be firm. If you're lucky, you can just be firm quietly, and those around you will respect your stance. If not, though, you might have to "fight" for what you believe or want or need. This can take several forms, of course, from a firm statement to an all-out "war." But what is at stake is your own self-image. We all have a line beyond which we will not go, and this is it.
On another, but similar note, this is a risk-taking card. In the VI of wands, we see that someone has reached a "comfort zone." But the problem with comfort zones is they very quickly become ruts, then prisons. We can't stay in them for very long, or we stagnate. The Connolly Deck depicts this particularly well. Our young man (the conscious mind) stands in a nice green pasture surrounded by 6 wands. (Look at them long enough and they start to look like a stockade, BTW.) In his hand, though, is a 7th wand. This is a pole vault. If he is wise, he'll use it to jump the fence into freedom.
On the negative side, this card can manifest in one of 2 ways. It can indicate an unwillingness to stand up for yourself. The eternal martyr can be found here. But it can also indicate bickering. At its worst, it is one of the most confrontational cards in the deck—because the energy that drives it is pure unadulterated childish ego. Fighting just to fight. It's the person who wakes up angry and gets worse.
If you're doing a relationship spread, you don't want to see this card with the III of swords. I can almost guarantee you that this combination indicates discord of the worst kind. See, the III of swords (later lesson, ya'all) can indicate expressing thoughts which are based on a misunderstanding. And it can indicate quarrelling.
But, back to the positive. If you are willing to sometimes draw your line in the sand, and say "This is who I am, this is what I require." Then you will only have to do it once—and if you are ever driven to that point, you will know something very valuable about yourself.

From: ReddKaat
MM all!
I chose to do the 8 of wands because in the Robin Wood Tarot, the imagery struck me as, well, weird, as well as very potent. In the RW deck the 8 of wands is a picture of 8 crystal tipped and wire wrapped rods hurtling through space, right past Jupiter, the moon and earth! In the Tarot of the Cat people, the imagery is of a person walking (dancing?? the cat certainly looks like she is!) and juggling 8 wands, one step ahead of looming disaster. So what does that tell me? Before I even get to a book, it tells me of movement, purpose, and balancing
Source 1: Learning the Tarot, Bunninng
1. quick action
2, Conclusions
3. News
Source 2: Robinwood Tarot, the Book, Wood sudden advancement, swift activity, path of activity, hope, hasty decisions, swift expansion
Source 3: A Travelers Report, Kuykendall swift activity, sudden progress, movement So what does that tell me? When this card comes up in a reading, I would interpret it to mean forward movement, spiritual, mental or physical, depending on its placement and surrounding cards. Forward movement that may be a step or two out of pace with the rest of the querents thought patterns. To me this is the bowl-you-over- if-you don't watch-it type of energy.

From: Emrgngwmn
The number nine is the number of completion. It is the final stage of all the numbers that have come before it. In this number we also see tiny little seeds of new beginnings being planted to take root.
I have to admit..the IX of Wands is a card I have had intimate contact with. I have chosen this card from 3 different decks.
Universal Waite Deck: When I first look at this card I immediately see a card of separation, so I know this person is standing alone. I see a man who has been to battle many times. One who has been knocked down and around, beaten, yet he has overcome all that has gone before. He has fought the battle and won. He appears drained and weary as he leans on his wand, but is ready to go to battle again. He stands up for what he believes in and holds firm in those beliefs. He is secure in who he is.
Tarot of the Cloisters by Michelle Leavitt: A man is dressed for battle. He stands in front of 8 staves and proudly holds the ninth with strength and ease in a position of defense. He is alert and ready for battle. He is ready to defend himself and has covered all of his bases. He is determined to win.
The Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr: A woman elegantly dressed is surrounded by staves. They appear to be protecting her. She holds one in a relaxed position as if to say I know how to use this so don't mess with me. She appears calm and serene almost resting as if gathering her strength. She is getting ready to do whatever it takes. She knows she is close to completing her goals but needs to take the time to regroup before completion. Her base is secure.
I read reversals as blocked energy of the card. In other words, if a card comes up reversed, I read it as having the appropriate meaning but as something blocking it from having the full intent at this time.

From: Indigo
Ten of Wands: Oppression
I work with the Thoth Deck and this card is called Oppression in the deck. This card speaks to me of self-oppression. This is oppressing oneself either through holding back, editing, rehearsing, or not fully expressing oneself. This can be either mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically.
It has similar meaning in the Ryder-Waite deck. It means oppression no matter which deck I've looked into. It's oppressing oneself; or gaining something physical, then oppressing it because you don't feel you deserve whatever that something is.
From: Sunraven
Gently meet, Indigo,
Yes. Absolutely. But, may I add a few things? This card can also mean being oppressed by outside sources. Overworked, over tired, over stimulated. Having more on your plate (or back) than you can possibly handle. I always tell folks when they get this card--that everyone knows their name, and they all want something from you--NOW. This is being overwhelmed at it's worst. Live and everything in it becomes a burden, and each little task just ads weight. I remember reading somewhere, maybe in Wang's CABALISTIC TAROT (which is one of my favorite books, BTW) that the X of wands is like a forest fire. It destroys mindlessly, but often does good in doing so, since it cleanses the landscape.
Now. There are times when you want to see this card, cuz it reflects what should be going on in your life right now. People who are moving houses in the next month get this a lot--and you can see why. But usually, if this card is prominent in a spread, you need to take a chill pill, and you need to do it now.
Some cards you never want to see with this ...
IX of swords. X of Swords. V of pentacles. and VIII of wands with this one can mean overload and burnout.
Great job, Joy!
Gently part,