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From Prairie:
The Hierophant is known as the High Priest in some decks. He is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess. (Do those pillars look familiar?) The Fool has mastered logic, intuition, his senses, and now is ready for Spiritual mastery.

The crown he's wearing has 3 tiers to represent his dominion over the 3 worlds, as does the triple scepter. He can now claim mastery, through his spiritual life, of the id, ego, and the superego.

His right (power) hand is raised in benediction, the same hand the Magician has raised. In the Magician, he was taking raw power from the Universe & manifesting it on the material plane. In the Hierophant, that power is channelled through society. (Through the religions of the world).

The crossed keys represent a balance similar to the meaning of the solar cross on the breast of the High Priestess. Where she internalized the balance, though, the Hierophant externalizes it. These are the keys that unlock the mysteries of the Universe.

Number 5 is the number of mankind. The Hierophant is the leader of the religions of mankind. The other symbols on the card have all been covered on the former cards: The red roses & the white lillies; the pillars;the blue collar (from the HPs dress); the white undergarment & the red overgarment.

The only problem with the Hierophant is that, while he is a recognized spiritual leader, he seems to have allowed the outward forms of the religion to override his spirituality. This is a problem that needs to be addressed in his life. Meditate on this card when you feel in danger of the same thing


Pick the Hierophant from your deck. Place it on the table and study the symbols on the card. Ask the Hierophant to show you how to grow and develop spiritually.

Shuffle the deck in your usual manner, then pick out 5 cards. You are going to lay them out in a spread similar to the Celtic Cross.

The Hierophant goes in the center.
Card 1 goes below the Hierophant.
Card 2 goes to the left of the Hierophant.
Card 3 goes above the Hierophant.
Card 4 goes to the right of the Hierophant.
Card 5 goes across the Hierophant.

Card 1: Your subconscious. Write down the very first thought that comes to your mind, whether or not you feel it has anything to do with the traditional meaning of the card. This is a message from your subconscious. Don't try to analyze it, just write down your thoughts and impressions as they come.

Card 2: This is the path that has led you to where you are now. Study this card and think about whether you should stay on this same path or follow a different one. Take a moment to be grateful for the way you have come. The path may have been smooth or rocky. Either way, be grateful that it has led you to where you are now. If it has been a rocky path, and you feel you need to forgive yourself or someone else, take a minute to ask the God/dess to help you in this process.

Card 3: Your conscious. This card shows the conscious decisions you have made that affect your spirituality. Study this card for insights into your behavior up to this point. Is there a conscious decision you need to make regarding your spirituality?

Card 4: This card shows where you are going in your spiritual progress. Relate this to card 2. Is your current path leading you to where you want or need to be?

Card 5: This card is the final message from the Hierophant. Tie this card into the rest of the cards and use it to decide what you need to do to get to where you want to be.

Finally, using what you have learned here, make a list of concrete steps you can do to improve your spiritual life. Make a commitment to follow through with your goals.

From Prairie:
I'm using the Robin Wood Tarot.

Card 1: Your subconscious. Write down the very first thought that comes to your mind, whether or not you feel it has anything to do with the traditional meaning of the card. This is a message from your subconscious. Don't try to analyze it, just write down your thoughts and impressions as they come.

The QP. This lady is gentle. She has a rabbit at her feet, but she is much too concerned with money and making a living in the material world. she is concentrating on the pentacle in her lap, and not even seeing the rabbit behind her! Am I giving too much attention to the material things of life and neglecting the spiritual aspects of my life?

Card 2: This is the path that has led you to where you are now. Study this card and think about whether you should stay on this same path or follow a different one. Take a moment to be grateful for the way you have come. The path may have been smooth or rocky. Either way, be grateful that it has led you to where you are now. If it has been a rocky path, and you feel you need to forgive yourself or someone else, take a minute to ask the God/dess to help you in this process.

Chariot. What a long, strange trip it's been! Without going into too many details, I must say I've been to too many places and have seen too many things! The Chariot is ever moving, though, and I feel my journey is more important than my destination. The path that has led to my present point has been a long and difficult one. There are some people that I need to forgive, and there are some past actions of my own that I need to forgive myself for. That forgiveness is, in and of itself, a journey towards spiritual healing. All in all, though, I believe I am on the right path and I have no desire to turn aside to another way.

Card 3: Your conscious. This card shows the conscious decisions you have made that affect your spirituality. Study this card for insights into your behavior up to this point. Is there a conscious decision you need to make regarding your spirituality?

KnS. I made the conscious decision to become what I am. The Knight of swords is a spiritual warrior, and his principal weapons are his intellect and his communication skills. I'm not going to go into too many details here. Suffice it to say, I am aware of the conscious decisions I have made and I am comfortable with most of them.

Card 4: This card shows where you are going in your spiritual progress. Relate this to card 2. Is your current path leading you to where you want or need to be?

Card 2 was the Chariot. Card 4 is the KnW. The journey I have been on has lead me to this point, and the KnW is ready to guide me the rest of the way. The KnW is the optimal card for spiritual growth and evolution. This tells me that I am going in the right direction. His wand will light the way and clear any blocks I may encounter. I have been struggling with a decision lately regarding whether I should resign as High Priestess or continue in my current role. The Knight tells me I am on the right path, and I need to continue. The illumination of that lighted torch is still needed by others, and by continuing to guide my Circle, the torch will light my own way, as well.

Card 5: This card is the final message from the Hierophant. Tie this card into the rest of the cards and use it to decide what you need to do to get to where you want to be.

The World. This exercise has helped me to make some important decisions in my life, and the World card in this position tells me that the outcome will be wonderful!

Finally, using what you have learned here, make a list of concrete steps you can do to improve your spiritual life. Make a commitment to follow through with your goals.

1. Concentrate more on spiritual goals and let the material world slide into second place. (QP)

2. Work on forgiving others and myself for the painful experiences in my past. (Chariot)

3. Continue on in my role as High Priestess, and become more active in the spiritual lives of the people in my Circle. I have been neglecting that part of my duties for much too long. (KnS)

4. Praise the God/dess on a daily basis for Her/His role in my life and develop a more thankful attitude about the circumstances in my life. (World)

5. Work on my journals and BOS more so that when the time does come to pass on the wisdom I have gained, the means to do this will be close at hand. (KnW)

From Lynell:
Sorry my exercises are always so long! I get involved in them and one thought just leads to another ... then I don't know where to cut them out.

The Hierophant Exercise
(Using the Thoth deck)
Card 1: Your subconscious.
9 of Cups
So many cups, crowded - the stuffed animals in my bed as a child. I wanted to make sure that each felt loved, no favorites. I extended my arms out so that each one was touched. So difficult to love them all, yet I felt their feelings, rejections. I can't hurt them. Where are they now? I see one whose throat later was torn open by someone who was angry/jealous.
Flowers, shooting rays, healing light, like arms reaching down, encompassing all.
Purple cups - royal, spiritual.
Orange lattice fence - church window shape - a guard gate. A table. I am remembering a poem I wrote as a child: "Little man upon the table, say a word if you are able. With your suit of greenish-yellow, speak to me oh little fellow."
Floating cups in grey skies - winged angels - intervention - guardians - city of angels - the movie "What Dreams May Come."

Card 2: This is the path that has led you to where you are now.
Princess of Disks
I had drawn this same card earlier as a meditation card. She is pregnant, ready to give birth to something new. She carries a crystal tipped wand, a shield disk, horns on her head. An altar is by her. She's been through quite a lot to arrive to where she's at. She's rooted now, very much a part of the earth, her surroundings. Yellow, energizing - intent, purposeful. Draped with fur. Mountains behind. I hear the song: "Love lift us up where we belong ... on the mountain heights, where the eagle flies ..."
Creativity and the arrival of something new - I guess I've always been searching for that new world - or hearing the call to go. Always waiting for "my time" to come?

Card 3: Your conscious.
Guidance, idealistic, hope for better, other-worldly/other-time. As above, so below: bringing heaven to earth. Crystals: thinking, calm reflection, quiet. Night, mystery, forming new world - intent on activities, dreamy - wishes, a guide - seeking the Christ child - white, purity. A conscious desire to create my own circumstances, to recreate what I see in my imagination's mind. To anchor everyday life to my Star.

Card 4: This card shows where you are going in your spiritual progress. Relate this to card 2.
8 of Cups
One of the cards that Arrien (Tarot Handbook) says is a challenge for the Star. "Over-extension or compensation." A swamp. Emotional exhaustion, depletion, over-extension of energies. Giving too much to others without restoring energy. The result of overdoing something. Loss of motivation. Burn-out. Separating out - facing a decision to move on.
About 8 months ago (in December) I made the decision to quit my job and work on personal projects at home. It's been very difficult this year. I've been somewhat disoriented, trying to find my center. I've made a lot of progress in some areas, but still feeling alone, isolated, unsure. I'm looking for that "North Star." It's been a difficult time, but I feel a necessary one if I am to find my own center and withdraw from my unhealthy desire to solve other people's problems (in work and in relationships). I've been somewhat brooding and physically inactive, withdrawn from a lot of social activities. I quit a couple of other groups that I had been in, didn't want to be the leader or example anymore.
If I relate this to card 2, Princess of Disks, I'd say she was in her 8th month. A tough time. Fulfillment (9 of Cups) is near, but not yet.

Card 5: This card is the final message from the Hierophant.
Looks like the Star, but not as dreamy. She's empowered here - stepping on the head of the snake, opening the eye of consciousness - a sickle moon measures or pierces the eye or net around her. Here are the golden streams again from the 9 of Cups. The four beasts in this card are the same ones from the Hierophant card, except here, they are alive and breathing spirit-winds - not pale or mask-like, but golden. To me, the figure relates to the Venus in the Hierophant and to the golden wings/streams of the 9 of Cups. They refresh and release the waters in the 8 of Cups. The motivation to help and love seen in the other cards here seems to have been strengthened. There's a confidence and tapping into power, not a draining away.

Finally, using what you have learned here, make a list of concrete steps you can do to improve your spiritual life.
The turning point here seems to be getting past the swamp of the 8 of Cups. I'm thinking about the movie "Neverending Story" where the young hero loses his horse to despair in the swamp. Motivation must be kept up despite appearances.
Something concrete: I have been working on that. I've set up a schedule for my work at home, and so far I've met my own "deadlines." Actually, I've been working pretty hard on this aspect - maybe overdoing it? The difficult part is discouragement, the "what's the use" attitude that arises and scatters my energy. Arrien suggests using the energy of the Adjustment (Justice) archetype to help with the 8 of Cups experience: balance - readjustment - justice. In this regard, I feel that I need to refresh myself more physically. So I will:
1. Spend at least 15 minutes each day outside, just enjoying nature.
2. Eat one good home-cooked meal a day, the "healthy" variety.
3. Try to get more sleep than I have been, even if that means I need to take naps.

Affirmations for Adjustment (based on Arrien's)
I am balanced and centered.
I value being truthful [to myself] in difficult situations.
I honor my word and commitments
I am grateful for who I am and for what I've been given.
The abundance and beauty of Nature is a reflection of my own nature.

From Prairie:
Very good goals and affirmations. Sometimes, finding our way home, spiritiually, isn't easy! Once you fiugre out what you need to do, stick with it! Thank you for the lesson, Lynell!!