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From Prairie:
The Emperor is ruled by Aries. (Notice the ram's heads on the throne?) Aries governs the head & the ability to reason, using all the tools available: logic from the Magician, intuition from the High Priestess, compassion and emotions from the Empress.

He represents leadership & authority. The number 4 is a solid foundation; stability.

The ankh on his scepter represents his rulership over life. The crown symbolizes his authority. The jewels in his crown are rubies & diamonds. Rubies for material possessions & diamonds for spiritual growth. (Remember the red & white flowers in the Magician's card? Same symbology, except where the Magician rules over the natural world, the Emperor rules over the man-made world: society).

The beard shows his maturity, while the armor shows his invulnerability and his ability to back up his decisions.

Meditate on this card when you are feeling particularly powerful, and remember the cards that have gone before to bring you to this position.


Think about an area in your life that you feel powerless over. Pick out the Emperor card and place it face up on the table in front of you. Ask the Emperor to help you find a way to feel more in control of this situation.

Now, shuffle the cards and pick out 4 cards. The first card is what has led up to this situation. The second card tells you where you are right now in regards to this situation. The third card tells you why you feel powerless in this situation. The fourth card tells you how to become more in control of this situation.

Tell us what deck you used, what the situation is (you may give us just a few general thoughts on this, if you don't want to get too specific), what cards you drew, and what they mean to you.

Finally, make a concrete plan to gain more control over this situation, then tell us exactly what you pan on doing today to become more in control, what you plan to do next week, next month, etc until you are in a position of power once again.

This can prove to be a very empowering exercise if you follow through with your plans. Remember, the cards can point the way, but you have to take the first step along the path yourself.

From Prairie:
I have a couple of things in my life that I feel particularly powerless over. I decided to let the cards decide which one has priority right now. I shuffled and cut the cards. The card that came up was the Ace of Cups. Okay. We'll deal with the situation at home rather than the one at work.

The situation deals with my brother-in-law. I chose the Hanson Roberts deck.

The four cards that came up were the 5 of Swords, the 6 of Swords, the 5 of Rods and the Page of Swords.

What led up to this situation is the 5S. I see this as saying that the actions of my husband are what led up to this. He invited his brother to move in with us without consulting me. Basically, he took all my power away by not consulting with me first. The 5S pictures a man holding 3 swords, while the other 2 are lying on the ground, with the former owners of the swords limping away from the battlefield in deeat. I see my husband as the man holding the swords, while I am one of the victims. The swords are representative of my power of say in my own home.

The second card that tells me where I am in this situation is the 6S. I feel like running away from the situation. Literally. I'm even considering moving to another town right now. I've taken steps already, like applying for another job and everything. (The 6S depicts a person rowing a long boat to another shore. Interestingly enough, the town I'm considering moving to is on a river and the house I would be living in is right on the river)

The third card tells me why I feel powerless in this situation. I drew the 5 of Rods. This says that I feel powerless because I've made my opinion known to my husband, and it leads to an argument every time, with me ending up as the loser. He's living here, and there's nothing I can do or say that will change his mind.

The fourth card tells me how to become more in control of this situation. The Page of Swords. Hmmmm....... A need to be more logical and intellectual, and not so emotional.

My plan..... the next time I see my husband for more than ten minutes will probably be Saturday. I'm going to sit down and logically tell him my reasons for not wanting his brother here. I will do this in as unemotional a manner as I can. I'm not going to pretend this is going to be easy. My nature, as a Taurus, is to charge in head-first and start throwing my weight around. The proverbial bull in the china shop. I will not let my emotions run away with me. I will be calm, cool and collected. I will not allow it to degenerate into an argument. I'm in the 5 of Rods mode right now (arguing and fighting), and I need to travel (6S) as far away from that position as I can get to take back the swords that were stolen from me in the original 5S card. The PS also implies the making of LOGICAL plans. I will rethink my original plan of moving away and try to find a more logical solution.

From Lynell:
Just wanted to add my two bits about the Page (Princess) of Swords. She's been coming up for me a lot lately. I don't think she's totally unemotional. I see her as courageous - ready to defend herself when needed. She may at times present a more military spirit than is called for, but sometimes we need to make a stand and be willing to face opposition. She might need to temper her zeal, but her strength is in her convictions.

In *Tarot: Mirror of the Soul* by Gerd Ziegler it says of the Princess of Swords:
"The Princess of Swords represents a fresh intellectual clarity which shakes everything up. ... [She] is not to be intimidated either by the established or the sanctified. ... Her 'no' to repression is rooted in a deep 'yes' to herself and existence. We can compare her actions to Jesus' throwing the moneylenders out of the temple."
Your brother-in-law isn't exactly a moneylender, but ... ??
Sounds like the Page of Swords is quite capable of taking on the Emperor!
Good luck!

From Cristalyn:
Living in a small rented house. (Hubby, myself, son, daughter, son-in-law, 1yr. old granddaughter, and twins arriving in December. I want to purchase a larger home, possibly a duplex, so that my daughter's family can have their own home.(Son-in-law doesn't make enough money for rent is So. California)

Card 1: Two of Pentacles. Balancing the finances is definitely a contribution to this challenge. Hubby and I thought that soon our expenses would be less, but instead now we have grandchildren that we help support. We don't pay for their groceries, diapers, etc. but we do pay all the utilities which are a lot higher for 6 people than they would be for 2 or 3.

(Prairie) Very good interpretation. The 2P says the history of the situation is a position of trying to balance your finances.

Card 2: Nine of Cups. My 'wishes come true' card. That is the keyword here. 'Wishes" I feel as if I am the only one wanting to work towards this goal. Everyone else is just 'wishing'. I am daily bombarded with negativity, such as "We can't afford that"

(Prairie) Where you are right now: You are wishing the situation would change. That makes sense!

Card 3: The Star. Faith, Hope, Inspiration. Being a Major Arcana, this is an important card. I'm not sure of what this means in this position. Am I feeling powerless because my hope and faith wavers? Or because I feel I am the only one with hope and I am alone?

(Prairie) Why you feel powerless. The Star also has a lot to do with confidence and your own self-esteem. Maybe you are feeling powerless because you don't have the confidence in yourself to believe you can change the situation, and that affects your self-esteem.

Card 4: Five of Pentacles. I looks as if the way out of this is to increase the finances around here. Or is it to change to poverty-mindedness of everyone? Or both?

(Prairie) The 5P involves poverty, or worry over finances. Increasing finances is definitely one way of feeling more in control of the situation. Another thing might be to focus your energies on what you have, rather than what you don't have. It sounds like you have a lot of love in the house.

I have been wrestling with this for a long time and I am too close to it. I really could use some insight on this.

(Prairie) A concrete plan might be to sit everyone down and brainstorm some solutions to the money situation. Is there a temporary help agency there that might employ someone on a temporary basis? Does someone have a talent or hobby they could turn into cash? Get everybody together and have a family meeting. Concentrate on everyone's strengths, and see if you can come up with a solution.

From Cristalyn:
Thank you for your comments Prairie Moon.
It was good to hear your insights and I'm going to take your 'solution suggestion'. Why should I be the only one brainstorming.

(Prairie) It sounds like you have a lot of love in the house.

You got it right there. Most people I know think that the solution to my problem is to kick the kids out on their own and just care of Hubby and myself. Eventually I do want them on their own, but for now they need the help and I love the advantages of a multi-generational household.

It was also comforting to know that I wasn't far off in my readings of the cards. I have learned so much since meeting all you guys. {{ hugs for everyone}}

From Lynell:
Cristalyn, here are my thoughts - for what they're worth.

For the 9 of Cups in the position of "where you are right now in regards to this situation" - Could this mean that you might be wanting to grant everyone's wish? To make sure everyone lives happily ever after? You as the Genie?

(Cristalyn) I think you hit the nail on the head here. I do feel as if everyone is wishing and then leaving the granting to me.

In that case, the Star in the "powerlessness" position would refer to your feelings of inadequacy to make these dreams come true. You're wanting guidance on how to make them concrete. As a Wish-Granter, you don't feel up to the job right now - fighting off doubts and negativity.

(Cristalyn) This makes better sense to me now

The 5 of Pentacles IS the negativity. This card is in the "how to become more in control" position. The reality of the situation has to be faced before a solution is found. You guys are in this together. If you want to address the fears and negativity, you'll need to include the others, get them to see the Star you see.

PrairieMoon made some good suggestions about the group brainstorming and relying on the love in the family. The Cups and Star point to good things, but they'll have to be grounded. That means starting where you are now and where your family is.
Best Wishes,

(Cristalyn) Thank you, I feel these comments were worth a lot!

From Lynell:
I used the Thoth deck and the Mirror of the Soul book to help begin my interpretation. I did not decide what area to do the reading on, but let the Emperor decide.

On the Emperor card itself, the Mirror book says: "The Emperor represents the unification of wisdom and worldly mastery. ... power and adventurousness ... inner and outer changes brought about by the creative energy of the sun ... As long as the Emperor's powers are used for transformation and new beginnings, their effect is beneficial. But beware using them to preserve the status quo. ... What revitalization does your life need? Are there steps you would like to take toward this?"

When I saw the cards I had drawn, I felt like this was the situation being addressed:
We are considering selling our current property and building a new home. It has all come up very quickly for us, even though we had been thinking about moving for some time now. We'd been wondering whether we should move to Colorado or stay here. Then, this past week, we had somebody come to the door wanting to buy our property. I won't go into the details, but it turns out that he is also a builder, and we might be able to work out a deal between selling our place and having him build us a new home elsewhere.

Actually, it's been pretty frightening for me. It's like I'm poised on the edge of a dream, wondering if I dare believe it's possible. Can I accept this reality? Will it happen? Will we come out ok, not taken advantage of? And how can we be fair also?

I feel I am powerless to know the full outcome of all of this, what a new house would mean for us or how our finances will "survive." It feels like we're being led to stay in Alaska for now. (Other signs point to this also.) Nevertheless ... financially (and in other ways) I was hurt so much by my divorce, that I've had a difficult time feeling secure and empowered in this area of my life, even though my current husband and I are doing fine now.

Leading up to the situation: Prince of Disks
--"Mastery of structure, design, architecture; great energy in dealings with the material. ... This is the time to take action; if you do so, important experiences will result."
Could this be the builder who came to the door?
I was also working with house plans this past week. I just bought a house planning computer program that I'll be working with too. We've been checking out building sites and will be calling real estate appraisers also. A lot of concrete planning going on.

(Prairie) The first card is what has led up to this situation:Prince of Disks
You asked, ##Could this be the builder who came to the door?## I'm wondering if this might also be your own thoughts. You've been thinking about building and moving before he showed up. (##we had been thinking about moving for some time now.##)

The present time: Wheel
--"New beginning, expansion, big breakthrough; unexpected fortune. ... You stand before the possibility of a great breakthrough! Use the moment"

Is our fortune turning?

(Prairie) The second card tells you where you are right now in regards to this situation. Wheel Changes in the air! The Wheel usually portends good changes.

The feeling of powerlessness: Aeon
--"Highly discriminating or discerning. ... The Aeon points to a need for well-thought-out judgment of the situation. ... You are being challenged to drop your 'worm's eye view,' to see things from a higher plane.

Does this point to my feelings of powerlessness in truly making this happen? Am I afraid of what the judgment of all this will turn out to be? Not feasible? Can I trust my ability to make a correct judgment in the business deal? Is my view still dominated by my past insecurities?

(Prairie) The third card tells you why you feel powerless in this situation. The Aeon in this position points to your own feelings of insecurity and self-doubt. You need to see beyond where you are right now and look at the larger picture. Consider everybody's point of view here. How does your husband feel? Are you feeling like this is happening too quickly, and you have no say in the matter? Do you feel like someone else has taken your power away in this situation? In this case, it sounds like you've been thinking of and planning a move for some time now, but now that the actual opportunity is here, you feel powerless over the situation because the Universe has taken control and provided the means. You are no longer in control. The Universe is. This is not a bad thing. When you put the energy into the World in the form of thoughts, dreams and plans, it shouldn't surprise you when the Universe answers and steps in to take control!

The best approach: Tower
--"Transformation, the old is destroyed to make room for the new. ... The apparent securities of the past have begun to waver and topple. All that remains is trust. ... Are you ready to view yourself and Life with new eyes?"

I need to accept that the old must go before something new will take its place. As long as I waver in doubt and insecurity instead of focusing on how to make it happen, I will prevent the very thing I desire. I must be willing to release old fears and trust in the Universe.

I also see our current house here being destroyed, which will indeed be what happens. Upsetting as this is, I must accept this and keep my eyes focused on what I am building, not on what I have lost.

(Prairie) The fourth card tells you how to become more in control of this situation. I think you have the right perceptions here. The best course of action may be to get out of your own way and let the Universe do it's thing!

One thing that hit me with this reading was that from a simple Knight card, three Major Arcana appeared. It's as if the little work I've done has called in powerful forces.

(Prairie) Exactly! Like I said before, you put the energy out into the World, then the Universe answered you. Sounds to me like you should go with it.

Yesterday, I came across these quotes before doing the exercise and decided to include them here. I think they really speak to my Emperor reading:
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."
~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Concerning all acts of initiative, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issue from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way."
          ~~ William Hutchinson Murray

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen."
                                  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

And as I was studying the layout, moving from the Aeon card to the Tower, my husband came in, not knowing what I was doing, and read this to me:
"I keep watching the Lord; I am drawn to His effulgence. He is plundering me; I am being robbed. He is erasing me; I am ceasing to be. I have no idea where I am going; He is calling me and I am going. This isolate drop is being swept away. I do not know what is happening; He is calling me and I am going."
~ Siddha Yoga Song

(Prairie) Listen to the quotes you picked out. You already know the answer!

I'm sensing a bit of an emotional issue here. Where is your ex husband? Why are you attached to Alaska, and what is in Colorado? The cards are clear that the move will be a good one for you, and yet you still hesitate. Why is this?

(Lynell) PrairieMoon asked why do I hesitate when the move sounds like it would be good and the Universe is "conspiring"?

Aside from my own self-doubts ... I live here in Alaska, but my children (19 - 26 years old) live in the lower forty-eight. I miss being with them. We're so far apart, and I've always been an active part of their lives. Two of my sons live in CO and two in TX. My ex lives in TX. If we move down, we'd go to CO, but we'd be so much closer to all my family. My sister is up here, though, and we're very close. If we moved, she'd probably move also. Alaska has been good for me (and my sister, who moved here because I did). The relative quiet of the place has been quite healing after some pretty tough times. If we stay here, I'd spend winters down near family. So maybe that would be enough balance ... I don't know what's best. Sometimes Alaska's climate can be quite difficult, but it has a certain magic that grabs on to you.

My current husband was born and raised here; in fact, he spent most of his live in the house we're in now. He's willing to move, but it would be a big change to go to CO.

I appreciate your comments. It's good to hear an objective voice. Yes, indeed, why would I hesitate when the Universe is trying to work with me? Getting a larger house would certainly help when the kids visit, and it doesn't preclude moving to CO later necessarily. I do know that it is time to move from where we are, for many reasons.