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The Pants Appreciation Society's First Ever Newsletter!


Well, here we are, the first ever newsletter. I suppose I'd better introduce myself and my partners in crime. I'm Purple Paul, also known as Dylan and my co-associate is Zeb, the legendary bouncing, juggling, glow-in-the-dark diaboloist and continually happy person.

Our aim is to spread the word about the magical qualities of pants. You may be sceptical at first, but this will soon change when you try out our scientifically proven tests for yourself (I'm good at this hard selling thing aren't I?)

Future newsletters will contain articles on the magical properties of Pants, including their healing ability, breathable qualities for certain substances but not others (eg sand gets inside them but never comes out) and pschological effects on the wearer.

Other than that we have supporters (in the loosest possible sense of the word) from Scotland to the Isle of Wight

Short Term Goal

The current stage of our plan for world domination is recruitment, we need as big a following as possible, so please spread the word around and photocopy this newsletter to give to your friends.

Where To Find Us

We can be found at the Glastonbury festival 98, Phoenix festival 98, Lowlands Festival 98 / Reading 98 (same weekend - bummer!) or at our secret HQ.

End Bit

Wow, this newsletter will be worth thousands when we're rich and famous. To quote our role model "This time next year we'll be miwwionaires".

[Pants Appreciation Society Home Page]