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James Pinkney Cagle

The following information is based on family stories about James Pinkney Cagle and was provided by Dana Meara who is related to Pink. For more information about Pink, you can contact Dana at

Pink was a rebellious youth and kept running away to join the Confederate Troops. His father brought him home the first two times. Pink and their family slave, Henry, were captured and arrested by Union Forces while taking a wagon load of provisions and valuables to the Cagle family who had fled to the country during an invasion of Louisville. Pink was taken to the house where the Union Officers were staying but the lady of the house helped him escape the next day. (Henry was taken elsewhere but made his way home in a few weeks.) Pink rejoined his family, but left during the night, made his way to CSA forces under Capt. Metts and enlisted. (He was a bugler and in group pictures found in publications, he carried his bugle to all CSA reunions.)

At this point, Charles Cagle instructed a young slave named Jerry to go with Pink. Both men made it through the War and eventually returned to Louisville, MS. Pink was wounded at the Second Battle of Bull Run (Manassas) and it is said that Jerry carried him on his back for a very long distance to get medical treatment. Pink also had his horse shot out from under him during another battle at Bethel's Church, GA. Jerry and Pink remained friends all their life. When Jerry died, all Cagles attended his funeral at a small church outside Louisville. After Pink returned to Louisville (after time in GA and TX) he was associated with his father in several businesses, blacksmith, grist mill, small manufacturing. I believe that Jerry always worked with them, also.

Pink was captured, along with his Cavalry Unit, escorting Jefferson Davis at Washington, GA at the end of the War. He was released from prison camp at Forsythe, GA in May 1865.

PHOTO of James Pinkney Cagle in the center holding the flag. Next to him is his uncle Dr. William Henry Harrison Richardson. Taken at a veteran's re-union.