I am pleased to announce that a full-length documentary on the 93rd. Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry is currently scheduled for release in 2009.
The movie is being shot in the Ken Burns style with vintage photos, blending with drawings, illustrations and live action footage shot by high definition video equipment. We also will be shooting background footage on all of the major battlefields on which the 93rd fought.
For more information contact:
Donegal Media Group
231 School Lane
Elizabethtown, PA 17022-8111
Let me start out by saying Welcome to the 93rd. Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Page. I am not one of the re-enactors of the 93rd. here in Lebanon.I am just someone who loves the history and heritage of my home town.I admire those people who take the time,money,energy, and devotion to do the re-enacting. They are a special kind of people.They give so much of themselves for living history so all can learn and never forget our heritage.My hats are off to them. That being said on with the 93rd. P.V.I.
Autumn 1861,marked an epoch in the military history of Lebanon County.From it's earliest inception Mr. Coleman took an active and prominent part not only by his expenditure of thousands of dollars,but by his constant care and untiring efforts in behalf of the welfare of it's widows and children,he enshrined himself in their hearts and marked the soldier citizen,protecting the soldier's castle and those dear to them while absent, stiring to perpetuate the freedom of their hearthstones. Tuesday 5th. day of Nov. 1861.Mr Coleman presented the regimental flag to Col. McCarter and with great feeling and earnestness expressed his interest he had felt in the regiment since it had been organized and that interest was unbated.He presented the flag without an inscription, leaving it for the regiment to say by it's actions what that inscription should be.
I am proud to announce this site,is in this book... "The Civil War on the Web" "A Guide to the Very Best Sites." William G. Thomas and Alice E. Carter
General "John Sedgwick"
"Uncle John"
Commander of the 6th. Corps.
from Feb.1863 till May of 1864
Killed at Spotsylvania.
Below you will find links to this site. After veiwing the page you want just select another page to view. I hope you enjoy your visit. The links will come up in another window, when your done just close it out and view another.
Battles in which the 93rd. Took Part...
93rd. at Williamsburg 93rd. at Fredericksburg 93rd. at Spotsylvania
93rd. at Cedar Creek
93rd. Petersburg Seige
93rd. at Fair Oaks 93rd. Williamsburg Battle Report 93rd. Gettysburg Virtual Tour 93rd. Gettysburg Monuments Mt. Lebanon Cemetery Jacob Seibert "Letters" Civil War Music
 First State Colors
Some other links of interest
Poetry of the 93rd. My Awards Credits Suggested Research Sites
Gettysburg Address Announcements