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The Duplication Ray

Dormad Mondra has just recently found another Yunk worth brining in to the constant fight against the klunks. His name Is Soldier Mitch Yunk. At Many times he is very calm, but when needed in battle, he turns into Combat Mode, but at ANY time, he always keeps his cool. at the time of Mitch Yunk's entry into the Yunk Army, the Yunks where developing a weapon that could duplicate anything, from weapons to Unks. Every Yunk was sworn to secretcy, except some unknown Yunk told the klunks, and Now the klunks are on a march to capture the ray known as The March Of Death!


On an Asteroid, near the closets star to the earth (besides the Sun),Alpha Centura, there is an Atmosphere that is sutable for life. On it, The yunks decided to build a Base camp. The enormous Asteroid is equal to the Size of Russia, with many Caverns, Canyons, and Moutains. On this Asteroid, The Yunk Army is testing the most powerful weapon yet, The Dark Ray, At the same time of the testing, an exploration of the Asteroid is underway......

"You find anything yet?" MitchYunk asks Chadener Ark. "I don't think there is one living thing on this rock!!!"

"Hey, radar Don't lie, and when it says somethings here, somethings here!!" Chadener Reinfoms. "It might even be a Klunk Spy!!!"

Off to the west of them, they hear what seems to be a scrapping of metal against rocks.

"Get you Yunk Blaster ready, I think we've found our spy!" Chadener says. Slowly , they both get out thier blasters.Quietly, they start the Hike toward the sound. When they got there, they were Awestuck. Torn and lying on the ground was MitchYunk's personal Hovercraft that they rode out here. And what was even more frightening was what was standing above the Hovercraft remains. It was at least 12 feet tall, Skinny body, Orange/Green scaled skin, A head the size of a bookshelf, and the teeth were gleeming white, dripping with ooze. Filled with anger and fright, MitchYunk opened fire on the creature.

"Leave it alone, it'll kill us!!" Chadener pleed, but to no prevail, MitchYunk Kept on blasting away. "It'll attack us!!!"

Sure enough, Chadender was right, the creature was charging toward them, and at incredible speed. As quick as he could, Chadener pulled out MitchYunk's radio that slid from his Hovercraft and dialed in to base camp. Rolling out of the way, Chadener was saved, but not the same with MitchYunk. The beast quickly tackled him, and if MitchYunk wasn't as strong as he was, he would have surely perished, but he was able to keep the beast inches away from his face.

"MayDay, MayDay, we need quickest assistance at the drop-off point from search party 9, We have discovered a hostile new life form, I repeat, very HOSTILE!" Chadener yelled into the radio.

Within 30 seconds, a rescue hovercraft was there, with a party of 15, heavily armed Soldiers, and with the size of that beast, every single one of them was needed. With great quickness, the 15 Soldiers started to blast this Beast. It then turned it's Attention to the Soldiers. Charging with teeth bared, the beast ran by, and with 1 slice of it's claw , it took of the heads of 4 Soldiers. The other soldiers were frozen in awe/fear. By extreme luck, the beast steped on a loaded yunk gun and caused an explosion. everyone ducked behined rocks. 3 living things were killed in the explosion.2 Soldiers and the beast. MitchYunk would rather have had the beast get him, instead, he faced a fear 20 times as great as that beast: Dormad Mondra!!!


As Mitch was walked down the corridor by a yunk guard to Dormad Mondra's office, millions of thoughts rushed though his mind:

"I could head for the window, and jump out and take my chances,"

"I could steal the Yunk guard's Yunk Blaster and shoot her to pieces,"

"I could say I got sick from that beast and they'ed have to treat me for infection,"

"Or i could just go though with it."

Within moments, MitchYunk was thrown in to the office by the guard. She handed Dormad Mondra the reports of search party 9. After He read the reports, he looked up at MitchYunk.

"MitchYunk, this is your 2nd infraction since you inlisted in the Army, and that was 3 days ago!" Dormad Mondra Explained. With much anger, Dormad Mondra threw down the reports infront of MitchYunk. And then came what MitchYunk Hated the most when he was being punished: The Scilence.

"MitchYunk, I am TIRED of being soft with you!!This time you will not be a lucky." said Dormad Mondra. He then walked over and picked up his radio transmitter and punched in a bunch of numbers as if he was happy about it."Hello, I would like to ask of training for Soldier 438. Yes, that's the one.Yeah, 2 infractions in 3 days!! Gotta be a record!! Ohh, You'll be right up.Thanks!ByeBye!!"

"He'll be up in a Minute!" Dormad Mondra Gleemed

MitchYunk sat down and he rolled his eyes. His anger was growing with every look he took at Dormad Mondra.

"He'll set you straight! He is very, strict," Dormad Mondra said.

MitchYunk then heard the footsteps of his trainer walking down the empty corridor.Slowly, his footsteps became louder and louder until he was right in frontt of Him.

"Hello, MitchYunk.You are in the presence of Nesseck Alamar Zrannit. I will Be your tranier for 1 week. In that week, I will except NO fooling around, and If there is any, it means an automatic suspension from the Army." Ness reported.

On the way back to his Quarters, MitchYunk was being lectured by Nesseck. You couldn't really call it a conversation because it was mostly Nesseck doing the talking.

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