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"Calling The Office"



You may call the Decatur Township Police Office at (814) 339-6775. This would usually be the number to use if you wish to ask a question about an ongoing investigation or to ask for advice on a non-emergency or incident related matter.

The Secretary is normally in the office between the hours of 8 AM and 2 PM on weekdays. During the hours that the secretary is not in the office there is an answering machine on the phone line and you can leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

You may also FAX information to the Decatur Twp. Police at (814) 339-7240.

More Information :

When You Dial 9 1 1
Non Emergency Calls
Local Calls to Police
If you are a Crime Victim
Mutual Aid Agreements
Victim’s Resources Page
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Email: decaturtpd(at)cji.net