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History of the Craft

Wiccan Ways

When did Wicca begin? You may get conflicting responses based on whom you speak to. Some will tell you that it is a religion that was around prior to Christianity. Others will say that it first appeared in the 1940's. Which answer is correct? I would have to say that it most likely did first appear in the 1940's.

Paganism in itself does predate Christianity and it is the foundation of the Wiccan religion. However Wicca as a religion can truly be attributed to a British Civil Servant named Gerald Gardner. Gardner was initiated into Wicca through a group called the New Forest Coven. According to Gardner and Dorothy Clutterbuck, the leader of the New Forest Coven, it had been in existance for decades.

Gardner blended what he learned from Ms. Clutterbuck with Mason-like ceremonies and thus created what is known as Gardnerian Wicca. Later in 1954 Gardner published a book about the practices of witches and proclaimed himself to be one, the book was called Witchcraft Today.

Since the 1950's Wicca has continued to evolve and strict Gardnerian Wicca has become rare. Wiccans have moved more towards Electic Wicca. Throughout all this several traditions of Wicca have risen and many more will continue to rise as Wicca becomes more and more socially acceptable.

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© Wiccan Ways Information Database & Hawke SilverFeather, 2003
Last Updated: May 11, 2003