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The Group

Home :: Personal Pages: Diana, Dmitriy, Marc, Sharon, Stav :: Pictures :: Quotes

Name: Marc
Nickname(s): God
Birthday: January 1, 1989
Groups/Affiliations: The Group, Thee Group (Kirkens), The Other Group
Dmitriy: "You see, Marc is my bitch."
Sharon: "No, he's my bitch."
Marc: "She's got you there Dmitriy."
*Now I'm everyone's bitch huh?... I guess I am.*

"And you call yourself a Dmitriy?"

"And then she'll shut down my computer. =("

"I'm still not a meh-master. When I reach mehn-lightenment, I will become a meh-master."

(Fill in the blanks...) "Thats almost the ___(a)___ ___(b)___... but not quite. If you look up ___(a)___ ___(b)___ in the dictionary, you see a picture that looks almost like it... but not exactly."

?????? - But now I'm confused.
Status: Single
Closing Thoughts: Ok, this may say closing thoughts, but since I make the website, I can do what I want right here. Before I start to rant about how much my life is weird, I need to get this over with. FUCK!! Ok, now on to the autobiography. Back when I was a little boy about the age of 2, my mother said to me............ (2 hours later) ............ and that was the end of fifth grade. So Joey was leaving ............ (3 more hours) ............ so that's when we formed The Kirkens. Oh, we all hated Mr. DePaola too. ............ (2 long hours later) ............ and we decided to call ourselves 'The Group'. Now let me tell you about the group ............ (30 seconds later) ............ and that's about all I can say about them. So as I said before, I started to like ............ (after I say the name) ............ Yeah, and that brings me to now. So you see, I started to write this, and right now, my hands are just typing away. So now that you know all about me... Yeah, maybe you don't. Well, my birthday is January 1st. Um... I am God. Part of 'The Group', The Kirkens, and The Other Group I have "many a quote" (heh... 5). Yeah, I'm usually bored, hense the reason I am currently making a website. Umm... on AIM you can reach me at 'metz4lyfe'. Yeah, that's about it... scram ............ YOUR'E NOT SCRAMMING!!!!