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This page is here to give you an idea on the progress of the name issue. The following names have sparked interest in either myself or others in the group, and there's some that should probably be weeded out. Nevertheless, here's the list. The list is almost exactly what is in my names.txt file on my harddrive.

And no, this page hasnt been templated from the main one, it's actually just a remake, I dont plan to use this style forever =) Though yes, the css and most of the html is the exact same, just not for the most likely reason.

Name Creation Guidelines

I will listen to any name suggestion you make, though only ones that I feel safe to represent us with will make it to this list. To be sure you submit good names, I'd like to best clarify what I'm looking for. For starters, you may want to look over the current name list, and see trends in the naming convention. After that, I strongly reccomend you read the following list of criteria.

For our future name, I seek these qualities/atrributes:

  • Absolutely no cliche names
  • No pop culture references
  • Universal appeal, we have members across the globe, we need to have a name everyone can enjoy.
  • Should not imply any undue hostility or aggressiveness (ex The KILLAZ)
  • Should not be an evil sounding name. (ex Legion of Doom)
  • On the same note, should not be an overly "good" sounding name. (ie Keepers of Peace)
  • Dabbling in mythology and folklore is acceptable, so long as it's tasteful.
  • The name should preferably sound cool, needless to say.
  • The name should not have the possibility of being a "double entendre" or misinterpreted.
  • An implied nobility is an asset, though be sure not to imply servitude
  • No names of actual people, past or present, in the name if at all possible.
  • "Double attack" (my own term, patent pending!) names are great, ones that have multiple perspectives, where you originally look and like what you see, then think about it some more and it becomes even better. ex The Einherjar of Azeroth, or Invictus. They sounds good enough when you first see them, but when you understant their meaning, it makes it much more effective.
  • Vague or ominous names can be acceptable, when used correctly.
  • The first few names were based on the idea of being the final thought or final judgement. I think I covered most of the possibilities for that name though.
  • The idea of a united order is also a plus, and has been tried in a few names.

The Names

Omega Order

Terminal Order

Last Order

Empty Dragon(s)

Dragon Battery

___ Dragon Company

Order of the white phoenix

Last Bastion

The ORDERly Knights of War (said jokingly, but worth adding)

Nameless Ones

Jerronimo says:
The Heat of Honor

Shikazu says:
Just puttering around the Internet and came across this: Einherjar- The slain heros that have been gathered in Valhalla. They fight all day and feast all night in preparation for Ragnarok

Ray says:
The Einherjar of Azeroth
Ripshaft says:
ooh, that is sexy, and when you read it, people are going to ask "what the hell is an Einherjar"? and have to look up our site
Ray says:
The Mighty Einherjar
Ray says:
The Bloodshot Einherjar
Ray says:
Ripshaft says:
so there would be the original cool factor, sided with the secondary cool factor...
Ray says:
lol, cool squared

Jerronimo says:
"Order of Unforgiven Dreams" - there can be thousands of different dreams,but only two thing will unite them - same nature and,you'll never know where is the real part!

Jerronimo says:
Order of Dragon Soul, or Dragons Soul Brotherhood

Jerronimo says:
Blades of the Dragon
Jerronimo says:
The same thing - many blades,one in common...

-- Some new updates - All from the namemaster himself, Jerronimo, with comments by same--

In all ideas I was trying to make the point of our unity as sharp as I could,and also to make clear that we all have
something in common no matter how different we are...By the way,thinking about what we are(order,guild...),I think it will be
better to choose something that fits everyone - like ORDER,CLAN,KNIGHTS OF...,BLADES OF...(these I prefer better cause they sounds serious
and shows unity of the group)...

So lets begin with what I could bring together here,shall we?... :)

One more thing - these are mainly ideas(sometimes finished,sometimes not),and we can discuss and correct them - this IMHO is
the best way to choose one that fits everyone.

Wind of the Gods - wind is something you cant see or smell,you can only feel its power...Gods send their wind to...
Knights of the Wind

Little Bastards Clan!!!! - tribute to that little squirrl that Ripshaft once had in his appartment :) - no comments,it's just brilliant as it is! :))

Silent Night - just style(sounds sexy too:).I always liked how it sounds :) .The idea of acting quickly whithout saying long
annoying speaches + nothing will prevent night from coming...
Order of the Silent Night
Silent Night Clan
Knights of the Silent Nights...etc

Order of the Dragons Night
Knights of the Dragons Night (the night when all dragons comes to a secret meeting and discuss things that were,are,will be...)
Order of Dragons Flight - bring no particular idea,but we could make something out of it I think
Dragon Blades
Dragon Soul Knights - united by what we have inside,we are similar wiyh dragons,but differ from them in some way...

Endless(Fearless,sleepless...)Riders - depends on which adjective we'll choose,but the idea remains untouched - we are
united,and therefore our "raids" cant be stopped!:)
Shadow Riders - same + the idea of incoming shadow
Order of Incoming Shadow - sounds little bit evel,thought worth discussing

Wrath of the Nation - a good idea to describe the united force that we will become

Lightning Souls - lightning is a moment of pure energy piercing air with unstopable power(fuck!,sometimes it's hard for me to
understand myself!:))

Mithrill Song
Mithrill Fist

Fist of Heroes
Flaming Heroes - ok,ok,we at least can discuss it!:))))
Heroes of the Sword
Order of Heroes - simple...added just for colorit

Army of Thor - a little devoution to one god,but not so bad...we use power of our God to do shit with our enemyes!:)

Order of Oblivion - three 'O' looks nice!Ok,besides the meaning is mysterious enough for people to start asking about what we do

Warriors of Fate - a good idea to unite-we all are warriors in some way-and to describe the way of our actions->IT IS FATE!:)

Mysteries Beyond - don't know why I thought about this idea...

Ignition of Life - sounds important and mysterious

Silver Heart Knights - same as with "Dragon Soul Knights",but the main idea can be shaped for uor needs

Order of Silver Flame

Blue Sun - sound beatyful,especialy when trying to imagine blue sun.Trere is NO connection whiht gays,you spoiled bastard!:)
Order of Blue Sun
Knights of ...

Last Knights - idea to say that we are last people who cares for normal organization and making everything we can in the game

Eye(s) of Fate

Equilibrium Blades

Elleria - one of the words that I made up myself(if it is mentioned somewhere else - plz tell me:) - I could think of meaning
if nessecery.I have some other words,just need to find them:)

Thats it for now,and I dont think more is needed(yet) - we must disscus them,
and then everybody can say what I need to work on more!But remember - more options doesnt meen better choise!:)



  • Yeah, I love dragons, they stand for what I hope we want to achieve. They're mysterious, wild, intelligent, beautiful, deadly, powerful and respected, among other things, and completely misunderstood by the average populace.
  • Yes, I know where Order of the White Phoenix came from, but I dont think many people know it, and it isnt a half bad name. Besides, we do kind of resemble them, just you wont see me turn into a hand of god and curse you all to death in the end =) (go watch the anime "Berserk" if you're lost. You will not find anything better, trust me)
  • I try to give credit where due to everyone who submits acceptable names, but if I've forgotten to mention it and you would like it seen, please message me or email me, and I'll clear up my oversight.