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My Tree 2

Please feel free to contact me. Many of you have been in contact with me at my other email address, which is fine and is still my main email address.

However, for the purpose of this web page please use the address it will be of help to me as my hotmail account sometimes reaches it capacity so this should help.

If you have information to add to this site, I thank you in advance. If you see a problem please let me know, I will need proof of your updated information. I have found in my research I can find a birth certificate, census record, death certificate, headstone and the account of a family member are all a bit different so in the ongoing attempt to be accurate please provide your source.

I would enjoy hearing from you and if you are one that I have told this site would happen well it finally has, hope you find it helpful.

What else would you like to see included in this site?

Does anyone have old family recipes they would share with us? If so send the recipe and who always made the recipe this may be a fun addition to this site.