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Dr. Anatoli Lisnianski
The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd.
Planning, Development & Technology Division
New Office Building, 1 Nativ Haor st.,
POBox 10, Haifa 31000, Israel
Tel: (972)-4-8183733
Fax: (972)-4-8183790
E-mail #1:
E-mail #2:

Personal Information:
Marital Status:
Married, 2 children

1984 Ph.D. in Reliability, Federal Scientific & Production Center "Avrora" in Sankt-Petersburg, Russia
1975 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia

Professional Experience:
  • Industrial Appointments:
    1991 - present Engineer-expert, The Israel Electric Corporation Ltd.,
    Planning, Development & Technology Division, Reliability Department
  • Systems Reliability Assessment and Risk Analysis
  • Development Models for Optimal Decision Making:
       - Maintenance, Redundancy, Inventory Policy
  • 1975 - 1989 Senior Researcher,
    Federal Scientific & Production Center "Aurora"
    in Sankt-Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia
  • Power System Reliability Assessment and Optimization
  • Uninterrupted Power Supply
  • Control Systems Elaboration for Ships Power Systems
  • Academic Appointments:
    Adjunct senior lecturer, Haifa University
    Adjunct senior lecturer, The Technological College of Beer-Sheva

    Over 80 scientific papers, 1 book, 3 book chapters and 3 inventions.

    Special Missions:
  • Guest editor of Special Issue of International Journal of Reliability & Quality Assurance
  • Reviewer for:
  • IEEE Transactions on Reliability
  • Reliability Engineering & System Safety
  • Quality & Reliability Engineering International
  • European Journal of Operations Research
  • Chairman and invited speaker of special session "Multi-state system reliability" on international conferences "Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR)":
  • MMR2000 Bordeaux, France
  • MMR2002 Torndheim, Norvey
  • MMR2004 Santa-Fe, USA
  • MMR2007 Glasgow, UK
  • Member of:
  • Scientific program committee of the international symposium "Stochastic Models in Reliability, Safety, Security and Logistics (Israel, February 2005)
  • Scientific program committee on 9th & 10th conferences of International Society of Science & Applied Technology in Honolulu 2003 & Las Vegas 2004 (USA)
  • Scientific program committee of ESREL2005 in Gdansk, (Poland)
  • Scientific program committee of PSAM2008 (Hong Kong)
  • Senior Member IEEE (Number 40328794)
  • Israel Society of Quality
  • Listed in:
  • The Marquis' "Who's Who in the World", from 22nd edition
  • The Marquis' "Who's Who in Science and Engineering", from 8th edition
  • Publications | Cirriculum Vitae | Book | Main Page | Contact Me

    Anatoly Lisnianski, Israel, 2008