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Happening 25

*Page under reconstruction*

Hey guys! The ending weekend in August, I went with some of my church friends to an event called Happening in Kearney! Throughout the weekend, we have fun by going into groups called "families," concerts, learning through our faith and a ton of other fun activities! This year it was Happening 25, and I'm proud to say I was a "Happener."

I'm posting some of my favorite pictures from the weekend. We had a photographer, Konstance.


Don't ask... a little too much fun at camp. This is my friend Brett... I found it to be humorous.

Brandon striking a "model pose." The weird thing? He didn't pose!

My family, the Headless Chickens. We chose that name for lack of more creative ideas, haha.

Friend Liz reading from the Bible during our plays.

David and Natalie cooking up a concoction in the bell. Explanation? The group leaders carry the bell for when they need our attention, but when someone takes the bell from them without them noticing, they have to eat/drink whatever they put in the bell.

Steev rocking out on his guitar during "music time."

As you can see, Happening was a great experience! I got to meet a TON of new friends and grow in my faith at the same time! I am definitely planning on going to Happening 26 next year.

Made 15 January 2005
by Kari Tietjen.