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Is My Fish Sick?

Fish disease can be both highly distressing, and in many cases, costly both in treatment and replacement costs. A key aim is encourage prevention via regular water testing and water changes. In general diseases are often oversimplified, which in turn leads to misunderstandings about diagnosis and treatments.

There are many health problems that are beyond our control. Like any animals, they are susceptible to a range of problems such as tumours, heart and other organ disease, as well as metabolic disorders such as diabetes. However, the overwhelming majority of common health problems involve external parasites, fungus, gill and bacterial infections. An important point is that any body of water, be it a tank or pond will be teeming with millions of opportunistic bacteria and nearly all fish carry small populations of parasites. All animals, ourselves included, are constantly surrounded by germs and bugs, but healthy animals can keep them at bay.

These germs and bugs constantly probe and try to breach the fish’s immune system to gain a strong foothold. In general, for them to be successful there has to be an underlying predisposing factor such as poor environmental conditions, poor nutrition, overcrowding or poor water quality. In addition to causing stress, which will depress the fish’s immune system, such conditions will often encourage increased numbers of opportunistic pathogens. Any treatment plan should also tackle any underlying problems at the same time.

Before diagnosing your fish observe any changes in behaviour, such as flashing, not eating, clamped fins, heavy respiration, self-isolation, gasping at the surface or water return, loss of equilibrium, jumping – all which indicate the need for further investigation.

Check that the temperature is correct. If needed, adjust slowly. Check pump and tubing to ensure maximum airflow. Clean filter and check tubing for obstructions. Check ammonia, nitrate, chlorine and pH levels to determine water quality. Measure and correct levels if off.

Diagnose Your Fish