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The thoughts of a confused girl...
Friday, 19 December 2003

"And I'm all mixed up, feeling cornered and rushed

They say it's my fault but I want her so much

Wanna fly her away where the sun and rain

Come in over my face, wash away all the shame

When they stop and stare - don't worry me

'Cause I'm feeling for her what she's feeling for me

I can try to pretend, I can try to forget

But it's driving me mad, going out of my head"

This is just a song about how i love 'Angelita'
This song is about 2 girls who are madly in love with each other, and they just want every one 2 except them. So finally, they decide 'I dont care anymore...when they stop & stare @ us holding hands and showing affection, just ignore them. Because we love each other.' The words to this song are sooo beautiful.

song: All the things she said
artist: T.a.t.u

Posted by oz/bad-girl69 at 2:40 PM EST
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Lets call her Angelita
***i am in love with a certain will read all about her in these blogs. but i dont want 2 post her name up here because not all of my friends know about us. so to conceal her identity, lets call he Angelita. and me - im dora the explorer!! lol. no but we havent told some folks about our bi-ness***

Posted by oz/bad-girl69 at 2:35 PM EST
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Just a poem for my lady...

~For you baby~

My body yearns for you. I want your beautiful body on top of mine. I want to explore your body. Caress your soft skin, lick you all over and kiss you forever. I want you, I need you,



Some people just dont understand us...

Posted by oz/bad-girl69 at 2:27 PM EST
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girls or boys
~B.o.y.s. or G.i.r.l.s?? ~

Girls are much better kissers

Boys often date you strictly for the sex

Girls only say 'I love you' when they mean it

Girls tell you how they feel

Boys tend to lie

Girls are so fiiiiiine and petite

Boys are cute and sometimes drop-dead sexy

Girls are more about giving than receiving in bed

Boys are so skilled in sex

Boys are heart breakers

Girls are there when you need them

>MOST< Girl's arent back-stabbers

Boys are so complicated...

Boys get jealous easily

So...which do you prefer? I dont understand why it is so bad if someone likes another human being of their own sex. Some people see it like this - 'Im a girl, and shes a girl. Therefore I will understand how she feels and what she needs. I just refer to my own feelings. ' And sometimes I think 'Maybe this is just a phase' and I close my eyes and try all I can not to be attracted to females, but I can't do it. I had my first sexual experience with a girl this summer. I will never forget it, or her. Her name was Kerry Torbit. I loved it so much, she was so gentle. And she didnt expect me to do anything, she just wanted to pleasure me. See guys just want to be pleasured. Well most of them anyway. I mean, there is not a single thing I don't like about my girlfriend, she is sooo perfect. She's beautiful, smart, funny, friendly, and she's not afraid to say whats on her mind. I mean - you just dont understand how beautiful she is...We've been friends since 7th grade, adn now we're in 9th. We have only been going out for...maybe 1 or 2 months. And I love her so much. I think she is the most beautiful creature God has put on the face of this Earth. To me, no super model, porn star, or singer is more pretty than her. I would love it if we could spend forever with her. And I know she would never lie to me. She is sooo sweet. She couldn't hurt a fly. Excpet that beotch Can you give me one good reason that people hate gays/lesbians/bisexuals? Someone please explain it to me because I dont understand. Now I think the thought of 2 men having sex is kinda icky, but in a way its beautiful. If thats what they want then let them be - let all of us be. Right now, being a bisexual 15 year old girl in high school, a lot of girls dont talk to me because they think Im checking them out. Its not like that. Its not like EVERY SINGLE GIRL WE SEE WE CHECK OUT. I mean - that really pisses me off sometimes. And some say 'Its sooo ungodly.' Dont get me wrong- Im a christian and I love god to death - he is the father of tall living things - no matter what color or which sex you prefer; but I dont see why its a sin for me to be attracted to another girl. Well yeah I do...but it's confusing. >>BUT THIS ISNT A BIBLICAL DISCUSSION<< so Ill drop that subject.

>>i posted this in my diary, but i will not provide the link. what do you think? why do they want to accept me just because I like a girl? I don't understand...
some body explain it to me. and i still haven't told my life long friend about my sexuality. she thinks im as straight as...yeah- straight. how do I go about coming out 2 her? she is soooo homophobic and I dont understand her point of view. i asked her what would she do if i told her i was bi and she freaked out. she wouldnt talk to me the rest of the night.

**d.o.r.a. t.h.e. e.x.p.l.o.r.e.r**

Posted by oz/bad-girl69 at 2:20 PM EST
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