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Hillsboro, Oregon

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    Location: About HHS > Bylaws


Article I - Name
Article II - Purpose
Article III - Membership
Article IV - Government and Administration
Article V - Meetings
Article VI - Nominations and Elections of Officers
Article VII - General Provisions


The name of this organization shall be the Hillsboro Historical Society.


The purpose of the Hillsboro Historical Society is to protect and preserve our historic properties and to educate and engage the public in appreciating the value of our heritage and its contribution to the culture of our community.


  1. Eligibility

    Any individual, corporation or other organization that supports the goals of the Hillsboro Historical Society may become a member of the organization.

  2. Dues

    Dues will be $20 annually for non-contributing members and $10 annually for contributing members. A contributing member shall be defined as a member actively participating on one of the Society's five committees. Members of the Board will not be charged dues.

  3. Termination of Membership

    Any member may be expelled for any action which is detrimental to the best interests of the organization. Expulsion shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board. In the event that such expulsion is contemplated, the Board shall notify the member in writing of the reasons for the proposed action not later than ten (10) days prior to the meeting, and of the time and place of the meeting of the Board at which the expulsion is to be considered. The member may attend the Board meeting and be heard, and may also submit written objections to the proposed action. The expulsion shall be effective immediately upon the vote of the Board. An expelled member may receive a full or partial refund of dues.


  1. Board

    1. The business and affairs of the Hillsboro Historical Society shall be managed by a Board of at least five officers, each of whom shall serve for one year, except as provided below.

    2. The Board may determine the number and titles of additional officers at any regular or special meeting, by a majority vote.

    3. The Board may delegate the management of any of its functions to five major committees. The activities and actions of such committees and individuals shall be subject to control and approval of the Board. The Board may dissolve or form any new committees as necessary to accomplish the goals of the organization. The committee roles and responsibilities are as follows:

      1. Publicity Committee: This committee would be responsible for publishing a newsletter every quarter. They would also be responsible for developing a newspaper article for the Argus on a regular basis. They would be responsible for any press releases or publicity necessary for the Historical Society. Lastly, they would organize an awards dinner once a year to honor the best volunteer, as well as the best restoration project of the year.

      2. Tour Committee: This committee would be responsible for organizing and scheduling several open houses throughout the year, as well as tours of historical sites in the area. Their focus would be on developing a tour during the National Historic Preservation Week in May, as well as a Christmas home tour at the end of the year. They would also be responsible for developing a tour guide booklet similar to the one developed by the Friends of Historic Hillsboro.

      3. Preservation, Research & Advocacy Committee: This committee would be responsible for acting as an advocate when cultural resources are threatened. They would try to match up threatened properties with sympathetic owners. This group would also be responsible for adding new properties to the local resource inventory as well as to the National Register. Lastly, this group would provide resources and assistance to homeowners or citizens interested in researching the history of their homes.

      4. Restoration Committee: This committee would be responsible for teaching local homeowners how to restore and maintain their historic homes. They would organize and host several workshops throughout the year on various topics. In the future, they may possibly even purchase and restore threatened resources in the community. They would provide resources to homeowners on a variety of methods and techniques for restoration.

      5. Fundraising Committee: This committee will be responsible for organizing and conducting various fundraising activities for the Historical Society on an as-needed basis.

    4. The Board shall approve an annual budget submitted by the Treasurer in October of each year.

    5. Vacancies on the Board arising between annual elections may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining Board members. These interim officers shall serve until the next regular election.

    6. Officers of the organization shall not profit financially from the workings of the Hillsboro Historical Society. Therefore, no officer shall be compensated by any wage, salary or fee but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred. Any money raised on behalf of the Hillsboro Historical Society, less reasonable expenses, becomes the property of the organization.

  2. Officers

    1. The Board members include but are not limited to: Chairperson, Vice Chair/Membership Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer, Attorney Advisor and five members-at-large. The members-at-large shall be the chairpersons of the organization's committees. If needed, officers of the Board may also serve as chairpersons of the organization's committees.

    2. The officers of the Board shall, subject to the Bylaws, carry out the executive function of the Hillsboro Historical Society. The officers shall perform their duties as follows:

      1. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Hillsboro Historical Society at which s/he may be present; shall make all appointments of individuals or members of committees which the Board may authorize; shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the Bylaws or assigned by the Board; and shall coordinate the activities of the officers and any committees in order that the purpose of the Hillsboro Historical Society may be achieved.

      2. The Vice Chair/Membership Coordinator shall assume all the powers and duties of the Chairperson in the absence or inability of the Chairperson and shall carry out other duties as may be assigned by the Chairperson or the Board. S/he shall manage and coordinate all the efforts of the members, and shall be responsible for recruiting new members to the organization as necessary.

      3. The Secretary shall record and maintain the minutes of the meetings of the Board; shall issue all notices provided by the Bylaws; have custody of all books, papers and other documents of the Hillsboro Historical Society; shall maintain an up-to-date copy of the Bylaws; and perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Secretary by the Chairperson or the Board.

      4. The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds of the Hillsboro Historical Society; shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Board; shall keep a full and accurate account of all financial transactions and disbursements; shall make regular reports to the Board; and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated to the Treasurer by the Chairperson or the Board. The Treasurer shall be authorized to sign and endorse checks in amounts totaling less than $50. For checks over $50, two signatures shall be required: that of the Treasurer and the Chairperson.

      5. The Attorney Advisor shall be contacted on an as-needed basis to review and provide advice regarding any legal issues or documents pertaining to the organization.


  1. Board

    1. Meetings of the Board shall be held at least four times per year. Times and locations shall be announced at least ten (10) days prior to each meeting, and shall be open to the general membership.

    2. Three officers or one-half (1/2) of all officers, whichever is greater, shall constitute a quorum which may transact business on behalf of the Hillsboro Historical Society.

  2. General Membership

    1. Meetings of the members of the Hillsboro Historical Society shall be held every other month on the third Thursday of the month. Times and locations shall be announced at least ten (10) days prior to each meeting, and shall be open to the general public. Additional meetings may be scheduled as needed.

    2. Meetings of the individual committees shall be held every other month as well, during the months when there is no general meeting scheduled.


  1. The Chairperson shall appoint a nominating committee in July of each year. The nominating committee shall select a minimum of one nominee for each position on the Board and present its list of candidates at the September general meeting.

  2. Officers will be elected by a majority vote of those present at the September general meeting.


  1. Amendments

    These bylaws may be amended, repealed or altered, in whole or in part, by a majority vote of the officers present at any Board meeting as long as the amendment has been stated in the notice of the meeting.

  2. Procedures

    General parliamentary procedure shall be observed at all Board meetings, so far as is practical and not inconsistent with these bylaws.

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