The Lady's Request

Warning: this story contains graphic sex between three individuals, if this isn't your cup of tea please do NOT read further.

Horatio stood looking at the couple on the bed before him.  He could feel a blush sweeping over him, beginning at his navel and continuing up to the ends of his hair.

A husky voice crooned, "Come here, Horatio."  His fascinated eyes slowly moved up to the face of Kitty where she lay on the bed.  She was glowing and her pupils were very big and dark.  Her hair was fanned across the pillows, and the shoulder closest to him was white as milk.  The rest of her body was obscured at this moment by the body of Edward Pellew.  His manhood still resting inside her, he was resting on his elbows, his torso covering hers, but keeping his full weight off her.  Their legs were a tangled braid of pale silk and darkly furred flesh.  Horatio was utterly mesmerized, remembering the events that had lead to this moment...

It had all begun after they were released from the prison in Spain. Kitty Cobham had asked to spend a few days on the Indy, as she was travelling the coast in the right direction for her to make a connection to a boat back to England.  There was a splendid dinner for her in the Captain's cabin that night, all the officers wanting to fete the Duchess of Whorfdale, and those in the know lauding Kitty Cobham's theatrics and patriotism.

At the end of this celebration, the Duchess requested a moment of the Captain's time, asking that Mr. Hornblower be present as well.  The Captain, wondering but chivalrous, agreed.  They remained sitting at the table as the others left, and the men politely turned their attention to the lady.

Horatio was never able to recall quite how it had come about, but the debts owed to Kitty by Horatio's crew from the Indy, and indeed the debt that the nation owed for the safe return of the dispatches were subtly brought up and examined.  When Captain Pellew, normally a suave and savvy gentleman, gallantly extended his services to the Duchess in recognition of her deeds, she pounced on the offer.

It seemed that the Duchess only asked an opportunity to further the tutoring that she had been giving Horatio during his internment. . .but she needed an assistant for this particular lesson.  Pellew felt that he was missing an important aspect to this request, but having given his word, he could not back down.  And so, they adjourned to his private room, led by Kitty.

"You see, my dear Captain, I found that Mr. Hornblower has a ...  deficiency when it comes to experiences of a certain social type.  I
need you to provide an example for Horatio."

The Captain's eyebrows raised slightly, but he entered into the spirit of the moment.  "My Lady, I am yours to command."

Kitty's eyes brightened and her smile took on a sly tilt.  "Indeed, sir.  Then, if you will be so kind... remove your coat, if you please."

Edward's cheeks showed a gentle, ruddy blush; yet, Horatio watched amazed as the Captain obeyed!  What kind of lesson was this to be?

"Ah, yes, much better!  Now, my dear Captain -- no, sir, tonight, you shall be Edward, I shall be Kitty, and our young pupil shall be Horatio!  We will be exploring some . . . intimacies that would seem absurd if we didn't!"

Edward and Horatio exchanged a look of stunned surprise.  Surely, she did not mean. . .

But, it seemed she did, for she moved closer to Pellew, saying, "Now, please Edward -- show Horatio how a man kisses a woman."  He gulped, and gazed into her eyes in the hopes that she was jesting; but it was not so.  Kitty was entirely serious.

Looking down at the Duchess, Edward made a startling realization – he wanted to go through with this lesson -- no matter what was asked of him!  To be able to experience any kind of intimacy with both Kitty and Horatio would be a fantasy or two or a hundred come true!  Having admitted this to himself, Edward plunged wholeheartedly into Kitty's lesson, vowing to teach Horatio, and perhaps even the worldly Kitty! a thing or two. . .

Edward slowly reached out a hand and gently passed the back of it over Kitty's cheek, touching the not quite smooth skin in a caress.  Then, he turned his hand and delicately traced the outline of her ear, causing her to give a sensual shudder.  Seeing this reaction, Edward knew he was going to gain great enjoyment out of his participation in this evening.  He continued moving his hand to the back of her head, using it to tip her head up and to pull her forward towards him.  Glancing at Horatio from under his eyelashes, he could see a look of astonishment and unease on the younger man's face.  Making a note to keep checking Horatio's reactions, he turned his attention back to the woman in his arms.  She was looking up at him with a mixture of challenge, desire and knowing in her eyes -- a very heady blend indeed to a man of Pellew's character.

Edward brought his head slowly towards hers, taking care to align everything so that the moves would be smooth and controlled.  Now was not the time for eager fumbling or frantic passion -- this moment called for finesse.  His tongue came out to gently sweep over her lips, licking at the taste of the wine they had used to toast the king.  When he heard her breath come out in a deeper exhale, he passed his tongue over her lips again, flirting with the join between them until it slowly opened under his seduction.  Shifting closer, urging her body nearer with one hand on her back, he set to work, exploring her mouth and lips, teasing and dancing and duelling her tongue and teeth, totally forgetting about Horatio until the lad moaned.

It was that sound that pulled both Kitty and Edward back to an awareness of the room.  She clung to him, panting, and he supported her, his own breathing heavy, while they both turned to see Horatio.  His face was beet red, his eyes gleamed, and his breath was heavier too.  "Good, very good," Kitty let out a puff of air, blowing at her hair, trying to maintain an illusion that she was still in control of this situation.

"Now, good sir, if you would play lady's maid for me. . ." Edward's lips quirked up at Kitty's request, but he willingly began disrobing her, caressing each inch of skin that was revealed, taking great care that Horatio could see what touches and what body areas brought Kitty the most enjoyment.  Kitty was a wonderful instructor, openly praising Edward for his work and the effect it was having on her.

  "Oh, dear, yes, lick me right there again. . .mmmmmmmmm.  And higher.  Ahhhhh. . .and suck!  OOOOOO!"  Horatio's eyes were extremely big and dark as he watched in fascination.  His body quivered and trembled in reaction to the couple in front of him.

Once Kitty was unclothed, she began to undress Edward. showing Horatio how a man might be addressed by a woman.  This time, Edward was vocal, guiding Kitty and letting Horatio see how lovers could work together to increase their pleasure.

When all clothing had been removed, Kitty took Edward's hand and led him to the bunk.  She turned and lay on it, pulling Edward down beside her.  They kissed again, aligning their bodies and savouring the building passion.  There were little murmurs, too low for Horatio to hear, but more sound then words, as hands caressed and stroked and roved.

   At last, Kitty said, "Now, Edward.  Now."

Edward looked up at Horatio, seeing the glazed hunger in those expressive eyes.  He watched for a moment, seeing Horatio gulp and lick his lips.  Only then did he move, pulling back and away from Kitty so Horatio could see what he did.  Edward gently opened Kitty's lower lips, showing Horatio the pink, engorged button nestled within. 

  "Here, Horatio, lies the secret."  And Edward bent forward and licked at it, using quick darts of his tongue.  Kitty gave a low cry and arched her back, opening her legs wider and straining towards that tickling contact.  While Horatio looked on, Edward teased Kitty to her first release.  Only after she lay, relaxed and panting, did Edward stop.

"That, Horatio,"  Edward's voice was husky and rough with passion, "was le petit mort."

And then Edward moved up Kitty's body, slowly thrusting into her as he dropped his head to kiss her.  Horatio gasped, and took one step closer, mesmerized.  Edward began to plunge into Kitty, measuring his length in her body before pulling out again.  After a few long strokes, he would lunge deeply and take a few short, fast and furious strokes.  Then, he would go back to his longer rhythm again.  It was a great surprise when Kitty commanded, "Edward, stop."

He stayed his movements, raising up off her but remaining within.  He looked down on her in puzzlement, wondering if she were not enjoying his lovemaking.  But, no, her flushed skin, the sparkle in her eyes, her fast breathing, all these belied that.  So, whatever was the matter?

Kitty's husky voice roused Horatio from his recollections as she again demanded, "Come here, Horatio."  When he shakily walked over, she gestured with one hand, "Here, closer, close enough that I can touch you."

 When Horatio stopped, leaning slightly against the edge of the bunk, her nimble fingers reached out, unlacing his breeches and freeing his manhood.  His cock leapt eagerly forward, and he blushed even more on seeing the moisture beading on the head.  Kitty smiled and assured him, "No, Horatio, it is only natural and right.  Now, this is what Edward is doing."  And she used her hand to caress and cup Horatio, gliding the length of him for a few long strokes before repeated the short, fast strokes at the head.  Horatio and Edward both moaned, because each of them had felt the clenching of a part of Kitty's body.  Edward gave a test stroke again, moving in and out of Kitty to the rhythm of her hand on Horatio.  They worked in tandem for a minute, dancing the beat that echoes the sea.

Kitty suddenly stopped moving, her hand still on Horatio, her eyes meeting Edward's.  "I need to taste him."  Kitty's voice was full of urgency and there was no way that Edward could deny her plea.  He pulled out, groaning at leaving that welcoming warmth.  She quickly turned over, raising up onto her knees as she guided Horatio to stand before her.  "This way, now, my gallants!"  And she waggled her bottom at Edward, certain he would understand, as indeed he did.  Edward was no sluggard at finding his place, cupping Kitty's buttocks as he opened them and entered her from this new position.  Kitty sighed before leaning forward to engulf Horatio with her mouth.  Again, the two older lovers fell into the same rhythm, initiating Horatio into the heartbeat of loving the world over.

Horatio was beyond shock.  He was in a realm of pure sensation, so overwhelming that he could do nothing but close his eyes and focus on his body.  Every part of his person was centred on the mouth that was devouring his cock.  With all the stimulation that he had been given in such a short time, it did not take long for Horatio to become almost painfully aroused.  And yet. . .he did not come. Edward, while thoroughly pleasuring Kitty from behind, had been watching her working on Horatio's cock.  It was a most delicious sight, so see her sucking on him, licking him. . .Horatio's cock was a beautiful vision.  Edward reluctantly moved his eyes from that sensual picture, tracing up Horatio's torso.  On seeing that Horatio's eyes were closed, Edward let his gaze lovingly trace the younger man's face.  Feeling Kitty glove him, squeezing him while he watched Horatio's face contort in passion was enough to make him delirious with lust.  Unable to deny his feelings, Edward reached forward, leaning over Kitty's back.  He gentle grasped Horatio's neck, pulling the lad towards him.  The men met over Kitty's back, bowing over her as her body accepting them each inside it.  Their lips met. . .

Horatio whimpered, opening his mouth and letting the seeking tongue full entrance.  This, this is what he was missing! He could feel the rush starting at his toes, creeping down from his head, all focused on and speeding towards the middle of his body, that one part that was already impossibly full.  But, it was Kitty's mouth on his cock, so who?  His eyes opened in amazement at the sensations and his befuddled thoughts, only to meet brown eyes so dark with passion, so incredibly full of love. . .  And he fell into those eyes even as his body surged to fulfillment.

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