Come Lie With Me

By The Ragged Rose

Jenny was glad to get off the street. She always felt a bit out of place in Covent Garden, but it was the best place for tarting she knew. A much better class of gent came here for a night on the town, and he usually had a bit more tin to spend for his pleasure when he did.

The Devil's Tavern was crowded that night, and Jenny slipped gratefully into the merry atmosphere, rich with tobacco smoke and the promise of good times. She went to the fireplace and warmed herself, and turned to see what the night offered. There were a few flash gents playing cards, but her eye swept swiftly over them. It never had paid to try to distract a man from his game, she had found. They had room in their minds for love or for money; never for both. Too bad, she thought as her eye was caught by a handsome man in a Navy uniform. Such soulful brown eyes, and lovely dark curls tumbled over his wide forehead unheeded as he played. Sailors seldom had enough in their pockets, especially most midshipmen, as this one was from the uniform he wore, but Jenny had always had a soft spot for a sailor and likely always would. She moved on.

There--she spotted exactly what she was looking for. An aristocratic blond-haired man, seated at a table with only a brandy for company. She watched him cast an eye toward the card tables, and the dark-haired lieutenant who had caught her fancy. He was well dressed, in a coat of bottle green and a wine colored waistcoat. His breeches were black, and a pair of gleaming black boots finished the ensemble. All of it was in the latest fashion, and fit him perfectly. Jenny smiled softly, liking what she saw. For once, she would bring home the money, though with luck it wouldn't be till morning. A flash cove like this might want her for the whole night, with a bit of luck. She smoothed her skirts, new from the old clothes seller that afternoon. The fashionable shade of rose became her, she knew. She crossed the crowded taproom, letting her trim ankles, clad in red stockings, show from beneath the skirt.

Edrington watched the little tart approach. Truth to tell, the tavern was a bit bare of scenery tonight, and there had been nothing that had suited his requirements when he had arrived with Hornblower. This saucy bit of baggage would do nicely, though, if he ever reclaimed the young officer from the whist table. eHe He enjoyed the sight of her ankles as she came toward him, and wondered if the rest of the body under the ill-fitting pink dress was as sweet.

"Evening, love," Jenny began, smiling seductively at her mark. "Care for a bit of warm companionship?" She leaned forward, far enough to give him a generous view of her cleavage.

Edrington smiled back. It had been a long time since he had been approached so artlessly, but the simple girl had her charms, there was no denying that. She certainly projected warmth, and the slight smell of roses that emanated from her was delightful. More than that, she had an air of kindness that attracted all on its own. Yes, this was precisely what he was looking for. Someone to treat Horatio kindly, and ease his loss. "Certainly, my fair flower of the evening." He signaled to the barman.

Jenny sat down, moving her chair closer to the handsome gent. "I'm Jenny, wot's yer name, dearie?"

Edrington's lips twitched as he suppressed a laugh. What a charmingly common little creature! "You may call me James, Jenny. " Just then the barmaid arrived. "What will you have, my dear," Edrington asked.

"Wot you're 'aving," Jenny purred.

"Two brandies," he said to the server.

"Right sir," she said, grabbing his empty glass off the table. Her eye swept over Jenny appraisingly, but she scarcely paused before moving professionally back to the bar.

Edrington leaned back in his chair and turned his eyes back to his companion. The brandy he had already drunk had warmed him, and the sight of a soft, willing woman in front of him only enhanced his mellow mood. So different from the sights and sounds of battle, the harshness of their recent defeat at Muzillac.

Jenny returned the soft smile the gentleman--James--gave her. She wondered at the wistful look that crossed his handsome face, and scooted her chair a bit closer to his. His eyes flicked briefly back to the whist table. "Friend of yours?" Her eyes followed his to the dark eyed officer who sat there.

Edrington nodded, and could hardly fail to notice the way her eyes lingered on Horatio's face as he sat, completely absorbed in the game. "Yes, though I fear the whist table has claimed him for the evening. Do you fancy him?"

Jenny's eyes immediately came back to her companion. "'E's a looker, right enough, but nothin' compared to you, James!" She slid closer, and took his hand in hers. "Though I wouldn't say no ter both of yer, love."

Edrington chuckled indulgently. The mixture of charm and avarice was captivating. "I'm sure you wouldn't," he answered. What a thought! He could just imagine Hornblower's face, had it been suggested to him. "And what would you say if we took it in turns?"

Jenny grinned wickedly. "That a job like that might take 'alf the night an' more, dear--But wot a lovely night it would be!"

Edrington laughed aloud at that. He was half tempted to take her up on it. It had been a long time since he'd been in the saddle, as it were. Muzillac had held no charm for him, the women of the town had been like frightened mice. But now, as then, he had a duty to perform, and he intended to do it. "Actually, I had something else in mind, my dear." The hand that lay in his was warm and soft, and he was rapidly forming other ideas that had nothing whatsoever to do with Hornblower. "That young man is in desperate need of some womanly good cheer, which I am sure you are quite capable of providing." He looked into her dark eyes and gently conveyed the hand he held to his lips.

Jenny giggled delightedly. What a gent indeed! To care so for his friend! She felt tingles race up her arm as he kissed her hand.

"However, he is quite proper, and will no doubt need to be convinced of this." He watched smugly as the girl wiggled slightly in her seat. Yes, this one suited the task at hand quite well indeed. "He has recently lost someone who was quite dear to him, and if it is possible to purchase an evening's solace for him, I would do so, Jenny."

Jenny's eyes flew back to the man at the table. Was there a melancholy look about him? Yes--she was sure of it now. "Ow, the poor dear," she said sympathetically.

Hornblower lay his cards on the table with satisfaction. "I take the rest, I believe, gentlemen," he said.

The gentleman on his left snapped down his cards disgustedly and threw a quantity of coins on the table. "Aye, that you do, sir!" He got up and stalked to the bar.

The man opposite pushed a pile of coins to the center. "Well played, sir," he said. "It isn't often that Tavistock is so soundly put in his place. Well worth any cost to see it done!" He raised a hand to the bar. "Would you and your partner do me the honor of taking a glass with me?"

Hornblower looked over to where the Major sat. He was still occupied with the girl he had seen earlier in the game. Flushed with his success, Hornblower was about to accept the offer when Edrington caught his eye and waved him over. Guiltily, he realized that he had left his companion alone for quite some time, and the hour was growing late.

At last! Edrington waved the lieutenant to a seat. "Horatio, may I introduce Jenny?" He gave the girl a warm smile. "She has been most charming company."

Hornblower bowed automatically to the tart. "Pleased to make your acquaintance," he said. She was pretty enough, but her business was obvious. He had not thought the Major sought his pleasures in such places, but there was much he did not know about the man, he supposed. He sat down, secure at least in the knowledge that he now had the wherewithal to secure another room should it be necessary.

Jenny smiled at the lieutenant. "Pleased ter meet yer, 'Oratio," she said. What a beautiful man! This was going to be the easiest money she had ever made.

"Did the cards favor you?" Edrington noted Hornblower's lack of overt interest in the girl sadly. Perhaps that could be changed by the end of the evening.

"They did indeed," Hornblower answered. "I fear the time got away from me--I hope Jenny made up for my lack of good manners."

Edrington contemplated his next move. He decided on a frontal assault. "Oh, she was waiting for you, Horatio. She's quite taken with Navy men, it seems."

Jenny was astonished to see the lieutenant's face redden. He looked at her, and then back and James.

"For me?" To his horror, Hornblower's voice trembled as he said it.

Jenny could see that Horatio was about to make a move of his own--to the door, so she rose and sat herself down in his lap. If anything, he flushed even redder. "Ow, dearie, I don't bite! Unless that's wot yer fancies?" She put an arm around his neck and looked up into those lovely dark eyes, now wide with consternation.

Oh God! Hornblower felt himself respond to the soft creature in his lap, and from her delighted grin, she felt it too. Damn Edrington! "M'Lord, I--" She wiggled in his lap, and a wave of desire went through him.

Edrington watched Hornblower battle with himself. So there were ways through those defenses--Mariette had found them, and now it appeared that Jenny had as well. Horatio's inexperience with women was obvious, and rather endearing. When Jenny leaned forward and kissed him, Edrington took pity on him. "My dear, I think we can find a better place to continue such things, don't you?"

Hornblower felt Jenny climb off his lap, and quickly slid his chair forward before the entire tavern could observe the state of his breeches. "I think you mistake me, James--Surely this is not the way an officer should behave?" He realized that the words lacked conviction even as he said them. But then the image of Mariette came to his mind, and he felt himself regaining control of himself. "No, it certainly is not," he said.

Edrington laughed aloud. "Horatio, I'm surprised at you! Officers behave this way daily--and what would Archie say if he found out that you had thrown away such an opportunity? You did not scruple to do so in France, sir!" He realized that he had chosen exactly the wrong thing to say as Horatio's face went white with outrage.

"What precisely did you mean by that remark, M'Lord?" The voice was low and dangerous, and Jenny froze where she was.

The smile vanished from Edrington's face. "I spoke out of turn, and I apologize, sir."

"As well you should," Hornblower snapped. "I give you my word that nothing passed between the lady and myself, and you can keep your filthy insinuations to yourself!"

Jenny saw the young officer's eyes fill with pain before they dropped to the table. Her heart went out to him, wanting to ease it. She wondered if he had ever known a woman, and what kind of fool the one he spoke of was, to let such a man as him get away when she'd had the chance at him. She was not surprised when he rose from the table and bowed formally to James.

"I think that I've had as much merrymaking as I care for tonight, M'Lord, and I'll bid you goodnight. Thank you for a most educational evening."

"Horatio!" Edrington was on his feet as well. "You are taking an unfortunate remark far too seriously! It seems Sir Edward was indeed right. You need to put this behind you if you are to be of any use to him. Do you intend to return to Indefatigable before you have done so?"

"No." Horatio was tired, and had no wish to fight any longer. He realized that his friend had only the best of intentions, and that he had used him ill. "I'm sorry, James. I allowed you to believe what you liked in France, and since I did not correct the assumption when it was made, I should not be surprised that you believe it still." He turned to Jenny. "And I also owe you an apology, Jenny. You should not have been forced to witness my bad temper. I am sorry that I was unable to hold it in check."

Jenny smiled sympathetically and caught his hand before he could draw it back. "Ow, dearie, I've 'eard worse. You're quite a gent." She looked coyly up at him. "P'raps I can kiss it and make it better? Oh please, let me at least try!"

"The hour is late, and perhaps we should seek a lodging for the night," Edrington said smoothly. "Would you care to accompany us, my dear?" He stood and crooked an elbow at Jenny.

"James, I really am not in the mood for company," Horatio began.

Edrington smiled rakishly. "Perhaps I am, then," he interjected. "In any case, I have engaged this charming creature for the evening, and I would hate to have wasted her time. Shall we?" He led the way out of the tavern.

Once on the street, Jenny took Hornblower by the arm, and Edrington took up a position on the other side. She was thus delightfully sandwiched between two handsome gents. Covent Garden had indeed been kind to her that night, she thought happily. Either one of these two fellows could have had it for nothing, for all of her!

"I believe we can find an inn that suits our requirements close by," Edrington said. "There are a few establishments of discretion in the area, if I remember aright."

Hornblower almost stopped walking at that, but Jenny's arm through his tugged him along. He smiled tightly, wishing he was back aboard Indefatigable. He tried to ignore the warmth of Jenny's body pressed against him, the delightful smell of her as she undulated along, chattering brightly.

"Ow, yer leads the way then, dearie," she said, smiling up at Edrington. " Oi always follows the lead of a man 'o breeding, and yer up ter anything tonight, I can see!"

Edrington smiled back down at her "Up to no good, I assure you, my dear," he answered smoothly. "I'm sure you can handle the affair quite professionally."

God! Hornblower could not help but catch the double meaning of their words, and desperately looked about the street. No one had heard, luckily, at this late hour they had the street to themselves. He tried not to look down the gaping neckline of Jenny's dress, though he could not help but wonder how the soft curves of her bosom continued. His eyes slipped downwards, to the top of a green and white striped corset, trimmed in faded lace. Her creamy skin was pressed tightly by it, the flesh jiggling gently as she walked.

Jenny kept her head turned, aware of the young officer's appraisal, and excited by it. She smiled up at Edrington, arching her neck, and giving Hornblower a better view. "I'll 'andle your affair whenever yer likes, luv". This sally was delivered as she smiled up into Edrington's face, but they both knew that the words were meant for Hornblower. She was rewarded by a stifled sound as he cleared his throat, but she gave no sign, other than to press her hip briefly into his leg.

"Ah!" said Edrington. "Here we are." He led the way to a door that opened at his knock. Light spilled out the doorway into the dark lane.

"James!" the woman who had answered the summons was ample and well dressed, and her open smile of welcome was genuine. "It's been ages--come inside, love!" Her gaze took in the three of them. "Will you be wanting a room," she inquired. "I see you've brought your own entertainment, naughty boy!"

"Two, if you please," Hornblower broke in.

"A suite," said Edrington, giving Hornblower a reproving look. "I believe you have something suitable on the second floor, Molly." He took Jenny's hand and drew her forward. "This lovely creature is Jenny, and this gentleman is Horatio."

"Charmed, I'm sure," said Molly, dropping a curtsy. She took a candlestick from the table in the entryway and led them up a narrow staircase to a small suite at the end of the hall.

The small sitting room had a fire already laid, and Molly lit it from the taper she held, and then lit the candles on the mantel. The room itself was a surprise to Hornblower, after the dark hallway and the dingy door they had entered from. Small, but cozy, the furniture was cheaply made, but clean and polished. A large comfortable sofa sat against one wall, and a table and chairs made up the rest of the furnishings. A single door led off to what Hornblower could only suppose was the bedroom. He eyed the couch. It was too short for his long body, but it would have to do.

"Would you have anything to drink, James," Molly asked.

Edrington nodded. It was going to be difficult enough to get Horatio to the post, it seemed, and a drink or two could only help. "Yes Molly, a bottle of brandy would suit us well, I think."

"I'll have Arthur up with it in half a tick, then," Molly closed the door and was gone.

Jenny went over to the fire and raised her skirts slightly, letting the warmth creep up her calves. "Ooh, that's delicious, it really is! You're a love, James, ter get us such a place."

Hornblower looked at the ceiling, wishing he had never left Indefatigable. What an end to an evening that had begun so well! He heard a creak behind him as Edrington sat down at the table. The worst of it was, the man had been right. Archie would be disappointed in him if he didn't take advantage of such an opportunity. He began to wonder at his own reaction. After all, the woman was willing, and sordid though the circumstances were, the prospect of her company was appealing. But Mariette--ah, Mariette!

Jenny watched the face that was turned partly away from her change, and softly let her skirts fall. She leaned against Horatio, sliding her arm around his waist. She felt him start, but he did not pull away. She lay her head against his arm.

He jumped as a soft knock sounded at the door. Edrington rose and opened it, and took the bottle of brandy and the glasses. He set them on the table and pulled a shilling from his pocket for the boy. 'Thank you, Arthur."

Jenny took Hornblower's hand and led him to the table as Edrington poured for them all.

"To Beauty," the Major said gallantly as he raised his glass to Jenny.

Jenny smiled and ducked her head as Hornblower did likewise. What a right proper pair these two were! She picked up her own glass. "And to gents--real gents," she answered. She drank deeply, enjoying the mellow heat of the brandy, so unlike the rawness of the gin she usually drank.

Hornblower drank deeply as well. He wanted to blot out the memory of Mariette as she had lain dead in his arms. He wanted the woman beside him as well, and hoped that if he drank enough, the matter would be decided and she would content herself with Edrington. Love was too precious to be purchased. He had never made love before, and he did not wish his first time to be a sordid affair. How Archie would grin, and shake his head at his foolishness if he knew! But he was not Archie, and he could not behave as Archie would. But he remembered the softness of her body pressed against his and the warmth of her smile.

Jenny watched Hornblower drain the glass and set it back on the table, and watched his eyes drop to the tabletop. Edrington refilled all three glasses, but said nothing. Again, that tiny start as she gently slipped her arm around him and slid her chair closer until their bodies touched. The smell of salt and tar clung to the rough wool of his uniform sleeve and filled her nostrils as she lay her cheek against it. She felt it warm her, as the smell of a sailor always had. She felt his belly tighten as she slowly slid her other hand across the cloth that covered it. He sighed softly, his head coming up. His brown eyes met hers as he turned it to face her and she could see the pain in them, and the need. She raised her head as his lips came down to meet hers.

Hornblower was drowning, caught in the wave of lust that had engulfed him at her touch. He forgot his resolve of the moment before, forgot Edrington's presence. His world narrowed to the feel of her tongue gliding against his and the feel of her hands on him. His own arms went around her and he pulled her close. The heat of her body through his shirt was exquisite. He felt the slick taffeta of her dress and the stiff corset beneath and wanted to feel the softness of her flesh. How different she was from Mariette, and how exciting! The lovely French girl had been all eagerness and warmth, and he had thought that a rare and precious feeling, surely not something to be stirred to life by any common woman of the streets. But he felt his breath begin to come hard and ragged, and he threw his head back as Jenny pulled her tongue from his mouth and ran it along the curve of his jaw.

Edrington sat back quietly and picked up his refilled glass. He saluted the pair with it and took a long swallow. It was good to see Horatio absorbed in something besides his misery. The ache in his own groin only made him feel more virtuous as he watched them. He wished he could indeed take Jenny up on her offer to bed both of them. Her total absorption and evident enjoyment were apparent, and inviting. She was taking her time as well, and had not even attempted to remove any of Horatio's clothing. He watched as she ran her hands teasingly along his white-clad thighs, never quite touching the swelling erection. After an eternity of kisses and sighs, she stood and sank down on his lap, straddling the chair. He heard it creak as Horatio involuntarily thrust upwards, eyes closed in pleasure. He poured himself another brandy.

Jenny was wiggling in Hornblower's lap now, smiling wantonly. She sat up straight and reached behind her to get at the laces that held her dress closed. Edrington rose and came up behind her. He laid his warm hands on her shoulders for a moment, and then began to unlace her. She giggled, then bent forward and put her own hands on Hornblower's chest. She kissed him again and undid his neckcloth. She unwound the silk, caressing his neck as she did so, then dropped it to the floor and thrust skilled fingers inside the open neck of his shirt. As the lace came free, Edrington pushed the dress from her shoulders and she slid her arms from the sleeves.

"Ow, that's better, dearie," she said. She pushed herself forward and pulled Hornblower's head into her ample bosom.

Hornblower's arms went around her again, and the feel of her bosom against his face made him dizzy. He was surrounded by roses and softness. The feel of her hard against his groin was rapidly becoming painful as his breeches grew ever tighter. Abruptly, it was lessened as she stood up and pulled him up to meet her. As she did so, her dress slithered to the floor. The green corset was accompanied by pink and white petticoats trimmed in red ribbons, all in absolutely execrable taste, Edrington thought to himself. She was tiny, her head barely coming to his throat. She looked up at Horatio lovingly. Her deficiencies in dress were more than made up for by her nature, Edrington decided. He was confirmed in his opinion as she slowly moved back, pressing herself against him. The ache in his groin disappeared in a wave of heat as she wiggled her bottom against it.

She pulled Hornblower with her. She watched his eyes close in pleasure as he pressed his full length against her. It was delicious to stand there, a beautiful man against either side of her. She squirmed slowly, enjoying the feeling and the effect she was having on both of them. At last she slid out from between them, took each by the hand and pulled them toward the bedroom. She debated whether to light the candles, but Edrington went quickly into the other room and brought a lit rack of them in. When he came back, the two of them were locked in a passionate embrace, Hornblower's arms about her and his head bent down as he kissed her.

Edrington put the candelabrum on the table beside the bed and took off his coat. Once again he came up behind Jenny, this time to caress her sweet skin. He dropped his hands to the laces of her corset, but found that Horatio's roving hands impeded him. The other man was all but abandoned to his passion. His face was flushed and his breath came hard as the little tart ran her hands over him. His uniform coat lay on the floor beside the bed, and Jenny was tugging at his shirt, all the while murmuring endearments. Edrington lowered his hands to her backside and lifted the mass of petticoats that covered it. Jenny gave a delicious wiggle and pressed back into them. As the last fold of lace yielded to his probing hands, the warm, firm flesh of her bare arse filled them. The heat seemed to rush up his arms as he squeezed it gently.

"Oh, my dear," he growled softly as he pressed her into Hornblower. What a delectable feeling it was to stand here, his hands filled with supple female flesh, his arms covered in soft lace, and the rest of the girl pressed against him. He ground his erection into her ample flesh and was rewarded by a giggle.

Hornblower at last realized that he was not alone with Jenny. The thought gave him a moment of unease, but then the brandy and the mood took over. He had to admit that sordid as the entire affair seemed, it did not feel that way. He pulled back slightly and looked into Jenny's face. She was flushed with pleasure and brandy, her eyes half closed, her full lips parted. She smiled up at him and ran her hands down his flanks. She lifted his crumpled shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor.

"Ow lovely," she breathed, and ran the backs of her nails down his sides.

Hornblower hissed in pleasure as lust raced through him. No, this was not at all what he had expected. Jenny and James moved forward, and he was pushed back until the backs of his knees hit the bed and he was forced to sit. Jenny came with him, resuming her place on his lap.

As Horatio's hands went back onto the bed to support his and Jenny's weight, Edrington busied himself with her corset laces. He took his time. He had noted how tightly she was laced. It would never do to have her faint on them as the pressure was released. In between pulls at the cheap cord, he caressed the newly exposed flesh. His own member ached and he longed to rid himself of his own breeches, but he contented himself with rubbing against her arse and stripping off his own shirt.

Jenny covered the young officer's chest with kisses. As her corset slowly fell away, she pushed the straps of it off her shoulders. As the neckline sank ever lower her generous breasts were revealed. She smiled as she saw Horatio's attention riveted on them. She raised them to him. "Wants a taste, dearie?"

The soft-voiced woman in front of him was desire itself, Hornblower thought. He leaned forward and took one rosy nipple into his mouth. The sigh of desire that rewarded him only made him suck more of it in, and his hands joined hers on the soft flesh she offered him.

Jenny leaned into the hands that held her, and felt the mouth on her breast all the way to her center. The young man's touch was gentle and loving, and she wanted to feel all of him inside her. She rubbed herself against him, then back against James. She felt his hands at the fastenings of her petticoats.

Edrington closed his eyes, sighing as the firm flesh rocked once more against his member. His hands fumbled at the hooks of her undergarments as desire made them tremble slightly. Only the resolve that had led him to engage her for his friend kept him from taking down his breeches and having her right then and there. As the last hook came free, he slipped his hands under the cloth again, and put it between her legs. She was moist and open, and she moaned as he put his fingers inside her. She pushed back until his hand was surrounded by softness and lubricity. He left his hand there, moving it gently as he finished removing her corset. The lace snicked through the last holes and he tossed it aside, then pulled the corset from between her and Horatio. The young man groaned as her bare flesh at last contacted his, and let her weight push him onto his back. Edrington let his hand slip from her as she moved forward, and took hold of her petticoats, pulling them from her. She was now gloriously nude in the candlelight, save for her red stockings and black shoes. Two ludicrously mismatched garters held the stockings at her thighs, vulgar creations of lace and ribbon. He bent quietly and removed the shoes, but left the stockings. He then stepped back and at last released his painfully hard member from his breeches. He stood there in the shadows and gazed at the erotic scene before him, his breeches loose around his hips and his prick in his hand.

The pool of candlelight surrounded the bed and he watched Jenny climb off it. Her curvaceous body seemed to shimmer in the sherry-colored light as she bent to the fastenings of Horatio's breeches. His hardened member sprang free as the buttons were undone, and Jenny placed her palms flat against his belly. He arched back, his throat exposed to her. She quickly divested him of the rest of his garments and stretched out on her side next to him. He reached for her and she folded herself into his arms. Their lips met again, then parted, as they kissed each other passionately. Horatio's advances were absolutely artless, Edrington noticed, but Jenny knew her trade well and took control. She smiled down at him and put a gentle finger to his lips. He let her have her way, rising above him and brushing her body against his as he lay on his back.

"Naughty boy," she said as he tried to crush her to him. "We 'as all night. Are yer always in this much of a rush, love?" Sailors were often like this, Jenny had found, their passions grown large during the long months at sea. She loved them for it, and for their generosity. There was nothing like a sailor flush of money and eager for a tumble. She could pick and choose when a ship made port, she had found. The ones who were only good for their money were often done with her quickly, but she did not want it to be this way now. It was rare that she took an officer to bed, and this one was rare even among them. She sensed his innocence, and wanted this night to last as long as it could. She knew Edrington was watching them, and that only spurred her to greater passion. Horatio was lucky to have such a friend, and she remembered the feel of his gentle fingers inside her. By morning, she would know both of them.

Hornblower blushed. "I'm sorry." He had no wish to hurt her, and was loath to admit his lack of experience.

Jenny put her hand on his crimson cheek. "Sorry? Ow, dearie, yer 'asn't done nothink wrong." She knew then that this was, indeed, his first experience with a tart, if not with any woman. She wisely refrained from asking, and stroked his face and neck. She bent her head to lay soft kisses on his chest, then slid lower. His belly quivered as she kissed it, and his delicious erection stabbed upward. He moaned as she gently rubbed her full breasts against it, then surrounded it with them. "Wot a wonderful man you is," she whispered, then lay herself full length on top of him.

Hornblower's head swam with her scent, with the pressure of her flesh against his. He put his arms around her, caressing her shoulders, her back, and her rounded arse. His hands slipped down her thighs to the tops of her stockings. She slid up his body, burying his face once more in her bosom. She sighed as he opened his mouth, trailing his tongue along them. She gasped as he took a nipple into his mouth, sucking hard. She felt liquid heat drench her insides as he squeezed her arse again, and rounded her back to press herself against him. As he felt the warmth and wetness against his prick, he thrust up, his eyes closing in ecstasy.

Edrington stroked himself as he watched her tease his friend. He had indeed chosen well, he thought. Their mingled sounds of pleasure filled the room as she kissed and caressed him. It seemed an eternity before she at last rose up and lowered herself onto his waiting prick.

Hornblower felt Jenny's warm wetness surround him. She rose above him, her dark hair tumbled around her shoulders. He put his hands on her waist and thrust up, burying himself within her. Her hands came down on top of his as she leaned back, then rose up again, rocking back and forth on him. He felt pleasure rise in him, unbearable in its intensity.

Jenny knew that the first time would not last long, but she was still sorry to feel him explode within her so soon. She had wanted it to last much longer, and resolved to have him again before morning. She sat firmly on him until the shuddering stopped, caressing him gently as he came back to himself. The wonder on his face was like balm and she lay down beside him as he slipped out of her, still stroking his face.

Hornblower tumbled from the peak of ecstasy. He was held closely in soft arms, felt warm kisses pressed to his face, his neck. He opened his eyes and looked into Jenny's. She was smiling, and he thanked God that he had not hurt her. Her cries of passion had inflamed him, and he had found that he could not stop himself. It was only now that the thought that he could have caused her pain had occurred to him. He wound his own arms around her and kissed her back.

Jenny pressed herself against the spent lad. She wanted more and knew that it would take a little time before he could give it to her. She smiled as she remembered her earlier offer. Surely the sight of his friend's pleasure had readied James for her. She raised herself on one elbow and smiled invitingly at the man who stood in the shadows. "James," she purred.

Edrington did not have to be told twice. He came to the bed. The wanton smile never left Jenny's face as she watched him approach. She reached out to push the black breeches from his hips. She breathed warmth across his erection. Something snapped in Edrington then, and he pushed her back against the bed, entering her in one smooth motion. Her legs went around his waist and their lips met. She was as tight and wet as he had imagined, and he moaned, gathering her into his arms. Her full breasts were pressed against his chest as he thrust into her. They moved together, and he felt her desire match his. The last vestiges of Muzillac fell away as he felt her body tighten beneath him, a fraction before his own orgasm lanced through him.

Hornblower watched their uninhibited display of passion, aroused in spite of himself. As the spent Edrington rolled off Jenny, he bit back the impulse to take the young lord into his arms. The proud face was relaxed now, the habitual veneer of gentility gone completely. James looked vulnerable and utterly desirable. The sea colored eyes opened and looked into his.

Edrington opened his eyes to meet Horatio's. The dark brown orbs were calm now, and at peace. There was something else as well, something that made Edrington pull the other man into an embrace. Horatio's arms went around him as well. For a long moment, they simply held each other. It was as if in that moment, they both left Muzillac behind. What they had shared there was now transmuted into brotherhood, and perhaps more than brotherhood.

Edrington had known for many years that he had a taste for the companionship of men as well as women. He had discovered it on the battlefield, and possessed enough education to know that it was something shared among soldiers since antiquity. He had never shared a bed with a man with whom he had not also shared a battle. He had realized that the possibility existed here during the failed invasion. The young lieutenant was both intelligent and desirable, and it had been more than a simple desire for friendship that had led him to seek his companionship. But he knew that Hornblower had never shared a bed with man or woman before tonight. As the young man's mouth sought his, he knew that he had not been honest with himself, that he had wanted this and thought that it would heal his friend as much as Jenny's touch. He fervently hoped that Horatio would not come to regret it, but he did not stop himself from returning the kiss.

For Hornblower's part, he had known that such things sometimes happened between men. It would have been hard not to have known in the cramped confines of a frigate. But he had never before been tempted, and the penalties for such acts were so far out of proportion to the offense that he turned a blind eye to it when he came upon it, provided the participants were discreet. James was different, though. He had liked the Major from the moment of their meeting. When Archie's attempt to put the young nobleman in his place had been turned back on him, Hornblower had been hard pressed to keep the smile from his face, so neatly had the reproof been put. At Muzillac too, Edrington had been both courageous and capable. His intelligence had seen them both through the disaster the landing had become. Then, during the voyage back, both he and Archie had tried to shake Hornblower from his depression. He had even gone so far as to arrange this. He had offered everything, even his body. How could he not respond in kind?

For he knew now that he wanted to. The taste of Edrington was so different from Jenny, sharp and hard instead of sweet and yielding. His body against his was also hard and velvet-smooth. He felt his cock begin to rise again.

Edrington obviously felt it too. He pulled back for a moment, a wicked smile on his face. He searched the face before him for any trace of uncertainty. He traced the line of Horatio's jaw with a gentle finger. "Is this what you want, Horatio?" he asked softly.

Hornblower smiled back. "How could I not want you, James?" His hands wandered over the compact body he held in his arms.

Jenny lay very still and watched the two men discover each other. They kissed again, then James rolled Horatio over onto his back and lay full length on top of him. The beautiful dark eyes were half closed as he reached up to pull James's mouth to meet his again. Truth to tell, she would never have expected this from either of them. It had seemed clear that their tastes ran to women. The sight of two men pleasuring each other was quite appealing though, and she soon found herself excited again. James broke the kiss, supporting himself on his arms and knees above Horatio. He was hard again too, and Jenny watched in fascination as he rubbed his stiffened prick against Horatio's. She longed to touch them, but restrained herself. Soon they were both breathing heavily again. James rubbed his face along Horatio's chest and belly, nibbling and licking as he went. He briefly took Horatio's member into his mouth, then rubbed it against his face like a contented cat before swirling his tongue around it again. Hornblower groaned at the thrilling pressure of lips and tongue, his hips coming off the bed.

Edrington pulled his mouth back, drinking in the sight of the flushed face. He spread Hornblower's legs and licked slowly from the base of his balls to the small puckered hole.

Hornblower gasped as he felt the wet tip of Edrington's tongue enter him, then withdraw. Edrington reached up, taking Hornblower's arse into his hands and again darted his tongue into it.

Hornblower's hands were tangled in the bedclothes now, his head thrown back as Edrington teased him with his tongue. He ached for more. "Please--" he said softly.

Edrington raised his head. "Please what, Horatio?" He squeezed the willing arse before him.

"Please, make love to me," Hornblower asked. "You're driving me mad!".

Edrington smiled triumphantly. "Are you sure," he asked. "There is a great difference between my tongue and my prick, Horatio."

"I don't care," came the answer.

Edrington sank his whole tongue into the willing arse in front of him, and then replaced it with his finger. The tight passage gripped him almost to numbness, and he knew that he should refuse the request, but he did not. He moved slowly, stretching Horatio's arse as best he could. He turned to the tart beside him. Her eyes were bright with excitement, and it was obvious that she was only too willing to help.

"Jenny," he said, "might I have your assistance?"

The girl nodded. "Ooo, might I?"

Edrington removed his finger from Hornblower and inserted it into the tart. Then, when it was slick with her juices, he entered Horatio with it again. This time, entry was easier, and he felt the young man tremble with pleasure. He removed the finger, and then rolled Jenny over onto her back, coating his prick with her juices in the same manner. He smiled kindly at her, indulging himself in a few deep thrusts as he did so. She was flushed and smiling when he pulled himself out of her. As he prepared to enter Horatio, she stopped him.

"If yer does 'im from behind, I can be in front," she said.

Edrington smiled, and climbed over to the other side. "What a fine idea, my dear!" Jenny promptly straddled Hornblower, and took him deep inside herself. As one, they rolled over so his willing arse was presented to Edrington. Slowly, he sank his lubricated cock into Horatio.

Hornblower gasped. Yes, there was indeed a great difference between a finger and a cock! He felt himself being stretched, filled to bursting. Jenny whispered ways to open himself into his ear, and Edrington paused, allowing him to become accustomed to the unfamiliar sensations. He thrust deeply into her as he was filled, and felt her grip his member tightly. She had little room to move, but she used what she had to greatest advantage. Soon he had received all Edrington had to offer.

They all lay unmoving for a moment, joined as one. Then Edrington began to thrust, slowly at first, gliding as gently as he could in and out of Horatio. He felt the tight passage grip him, slick and wet. He forced himself to continue as he had begun, though he wanted to bury himself in his friend.

Hornblower was lost in passion. Sandwiched between two bodies, his prick gripped lovingly in one, and his arse filled completely by the other, he groaned his pleasure. He rocked back to meet Edrington's thrusts, the pain now a thing of the past. He let the weight of the body on top of him push him deep into Jenny. Her delighted squeaks only spurred him on as she covered every part of him she could reach with kisses. Time stretched as they moved together, until there was nothing but the pressure of flesh against flesh, of filling and being filled. When his climax came, Hornblower felt himself being dragged down into darkness.

Edrington thrust one last time, releasing his seed into Horatio, then collapsed across his back, utterly spent. He managed to roll off Horatio, and lay on his back, his lungs heaving.

Jenny wiggled under the weight of Horatio, finally managing to get him to respond enough to roll off her. She snuggled up beside them, and there they drifted off to sleep and lay till morning.

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