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Pokémon Gold and Silver will blow away the old Blue and Red.. for starters instead of having 150 pokémon.. this one has OVER 250 Pokémon!! Thats right! And another cool feature is that All the pokémon are male or female (like the nidorin male or female in blue/red)There will also be over 200 New Moves and Tricks you can do! The battle seens are much very much improved including more detail! Also, the monsters will be more realistic, as they will be diurnal and nocturnal, meaning you'd actually have to wait for them to wake up at a certain time of day for them to fight. Some Pokemon may evolve in Gold and Silver even if they were thought to have been at their final evolution or Red and Blue Versions!

Also, there's a new version of Pikachu in the game. He is a nicely plump, BLUE Pikachu-looking creature, who is called Mariru, meaning Marine Blue. His American name is Pikablu. As said before, he will be plump, and that means he's plumper than Pikachu. He's made his appearence in the movie "Pikachu no Natsuyasumi" too. Also, the Pokedex will be upgraded and have some new functions.

Pokemon can be crossbred and make a baby by laying 'Poke-Egg' if they are same species. But yeah this game sounds great huh!? But there is only one drawback.. The older versions of Pokémon, Pokémon Red, Green, Blue, and Pikachu will NOT be able to READ the data of the new monsters of Gold and Silver but Pokémon Red, Green, Blue and Pikachu would be able to SEND their monster data to the new versionThis game is expected to be released in The Summer.

Here are some more pictures


Characters in the Game