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Mary Kay, magic Kiwis, Dianne Lutz, Magic Kiwis, Mary Kay Beauty Consultants, Business Opportunity
Success doesn't come the way you think it does, it comes from the way you think.
10 Tips for Self Confidence
  • Regardless of any pressures from your friends and peer group, dress and look your best at all times.  Personal grooming and lifestyle appearance provide and instantaneous projection on the surface of how you feel about yourself inside.
  • Volunteer your own name first in every telephone call and whenever you meet someone new.  By paying value to your own name in communication, you are developing the habit of paying value to yourself as an individual.
  • Take stock of your good reasons for self-esteem today.  Write down what you "BAG" is.  Blessings - who and what you are thankful for.  Accomplishments - what you have done that you're proud of so far.  Goals - what your dreams and ambitions are.
  • When anyone pays you a compliment for any reason, accept the value paid with a simple, courteous 'Thank You.'
  • When you attend meetings, lectures and conferences - sit up front in the more prominent rows.  Your purpose for going is to listen, learn and possibly exchange questions and answers with the key-note speakers.
  • Make a conscious effort to walk more erectly in public, with a relaxed but more rapid pace.  It has been proven that individuals who walk erectly and briskly are more confident of where they are going.
  • Set you own internal standards, rather than comparing yourself to others.  Keep upgrading your own personal grooming, lifestyle, behaviour, professional accomplishment, relationships etc.
  • When you talk to yourself and to others about yourself, use encouraging, affirmative language.  Focus on uplifting and building adjectives and adverbs.  Everything you say about yourself is subconsciously being recorded by others, and more importantly by your own self-image.
  • Keep a self-development plan going at all times.  Sketch it out on paper - the knowledge you'll require, the behaviour modification you'll achieve, the changes in your life that will result.
  • SMILE!  In every language, in every culture - it is the universal code for "I'm OK.  You're OK too!"
Maybe She Needs Me
          It had been a long day 
          I was finishing a task; 
          And as I hurried past her, 
          A little voice said "ASK!" 

          "Oh, not today!" I told myself, 
          I'm tired... and it shows. 
          Besides, I might look foolish... 
          And she'd likely just say, "No." 

          While drifting off to sleep that night 
          I saw her face again. 
          I wondered what her life was like... 
          Her needs, her dreams, her pain. 

          What if she'd been wishing 
          For a friendly word and smile. 
          A chance to know somebody, 
          Who would go the 'extra mile?' 

          What if she'd been waiting 
          For a break, an open door? 
          Was this the opportunity 
          That she'd been praying for? 

          I saw the cars she might not drive 
          The rings she might not wear, 
          Because I would not risk myself 
          To stop.. to ask.. to care. 

          So what if what I offer her 
          Is not her cup of tea? 
          That's a choice for her to make, 
          How selfish can I be? 

          When all my dreams are realised 
          I don't want to regret 
          The lives I wouldn't touch and change 
          The 'No's I didn't get. 

          Oh, let me live a true 'go-give,' 
          And let my mission be 
          Not to thing, 'Do I need her?' 
          But maybe she needs me!

Just Ask!
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