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I added this to my site June 21, 1999 to keep everybody updated on my site, thoughts, and everything else. Make sure to sign my guestbook and vote for me as often as possible on the Top 50 Zelda 64 Web-sites and the Triforce's Chosen 20! Each time you click on them I get a vote! As you can tell, I really encourage people to vote there a lot. Sign up on my mailing list to stay current with the goings on here at The Closet of Hyrule!

9/1/99: Today, the first of September, we hit 20,000 hits. I am now officially retiring this site. To finish us off, I'm adding some new endless questions. Check it out. From now on I will no longer be updating this site. But luckily for you I will soon have my Zelda Gaiden site up and running! Subscribe to my newsletter if you want to learn more! So long, and it's been fun!

8/5/99: I'm going on vacation again from the 5th through the 12th, so please don't e-mail me about how I'm not updating. I can't! While I'm gone, please keep me up on the Top 50 and the Chosen 20 by clicking on the banners at the bottom of the main page. But please don't spam them because I will get kicked off for cheating.

8/2/99: I added a new banner on which you need to click to vote for me! It's one I helped get started. We're trying to make it big, so tell all your friends about it!

7/30/99/ The nude code is fake! Full details here.

7/27/99: I added a links section. Check it out! By the way, I just got kicked off the Zelda Top 50 Websites by someone who convinced their friend to spam me up to #1. This person shall remain anonymous except for that they're e-mail address is Remember, AOL members can also be sent lots of e-mail and instant messages! Please click on the banner on my main page once or twice to get us back up to #2!

7/26/99: WE HAVE A NUDE CODE PIC!!! Look here!

7/24/99: Hooray! We made it up to #2 on the Zelda Top 50 Websites! Check it out by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the main page. Try to vote for this site once or twice each time you come! We really need those votes to stay up there and get more Zelda fans to come here. Also, I have new exciting news about the Lon-Lon Ranch Nude Code that I can't reveal until this Friday in my newsletter. If you haven't signed up, do so now in the mailing list section.

7/23/99: As you may have noticed, the Top 50 Zelda Websites has changed their banner, but it's still the place, so keep clicking on it to vote. I also changed my banner. It's a lot better than my other one. I also added a mini-banner. To see them both, go to the Banners section of my site.

7/22/99: THE LON LON RANCH NUDE CODE IS REAL!!! FULL UPDATE HERE: Least Wanted Code. Remember, you heard it here first!

7/18/99: I got back from vacation yesterday and picked a winner to my contest to win $10. And the winner is:! Congratulations, your $10 bill is in the mail today! I have a good idea of how to get people to come to the chat room and chat. I could schedule events at certain times so people would be able to chat with each other. I'll figure it out by tomorrow. I added a cool picture that I made. It's neat.

7/9/99: Hey, I'm still on vacation, but have a lot of news. I added a new glitch, which is a variation of my Chicken Horseback Riding. I realized that not only can you hold a chicken while riding Epona, you can ride while holding any grabable item, such as plants and small rocks. See the new, updated trick: Ride Epona While Carrying Objects. Hey, more people need to enter my contest to win $10! I only have 2 correct entries so far! You could easily win that money. Just follow the rules posted in the commentary from 6/29/99. I already have 28 members on my mailing list, but I need more. It only takes you typing in your e-mail address to join, and that's it. Take a moment to join by going to the mailing list section of my site.

7/5/99: Hey folks! I'm updating while on vacation. Hooray! I've got a lot of news to put, but so little time. I'll put it on soon. The one thing I really what to say is that in my Problems in Zelda 64 section, when I said that that picture of Epona's saddle was weird looking on Page 38, I meant the big drawing, not the screenshots. A lot of confused people seemed to e-mail me about that a lot. Sorry about the confusion. Also some people have possibly deciphered some of those weird messages I got with Zelda64Gld's Crap Code. I'll post them soon! I have a lot more news, so keep entering the contest to win a $10 bill (read commentary from 6/29/99), and stay tuned!

6/30/99: Okay, I'm leaving for vacation in about 2 minutes! Don't forget to vote for me on The Top 50 Zelda Websites and enter the contest to win a $10 bill! Read yesterday's update for details.

6/29/99: I'm leaving on vacation for Rochester, New York tomorrow at 4:30. I'll be back July 18. I'll try to update as much as possible, but please don't expect me to be able to respond to any e-mail before then. By the way, the contest I talked about yesterday is for $10 in cash. Send me an e-mail telling me what it says when you click on the voting banner at the bottom of the main page. Put the subject of the e-mail as "$10" or it will not be eligible. If you don't put in the e-mail what it says when you click on the banner, you will also not be eligible. The winner will receive a $10 bill in the mail. The deadline is by the 18th of July. I will send it the 19th of July. I will hold a few more contests soon. Note: I have been informed by many people that the message I got with Zelda64Gld's Freeze Navi Anywhere Glitch was those two witches talking to Nabooru.

6/28/99: Check out the new section: Who Is Kaepora Gaebora? It's awesome. Also, the first edition of The Closet of Hyrule Insider was a success. Something strange: I have been getting 5 e-mails a day about from people wanting to know how to do my Least Wanted Code. They get angry when I tell them it was just a joke. I didn't think that anybody would think it was real! Gosh, I wasn't trying to trick anybody! I have it clearly stated that it isn't real right here in this section. I guess some people "doesn't much likes readin'". Tomorrow I will add a new contest where you can win CA$H! Wow! Stay tuned!

6/26/99: I added more about my Freeze Navi Anywhere Glitch! Very cool, check it out!

6/25/99: I finally updated my Endless Questions! I added a whole bunch. If you submitted one, go look to find it. I probably added it. I have a few really good ones this time. This is the last day to sign up for the first edition The Closet of Hyrule Insider, going out today! My FastCounter has been very screwy and has given many different hit values. I think I fixed the problem though.

6/23/99: I added my new glitch: Zelda64Gld's Freeze Navi Anywhere Glitch! Rejoice! You can now freeze Navi anywhere, not just in The Temple of Time! Very cool!

6/22/99: Today I added a mailing list. If you sign up, you get my weekly newsletter, The Closet of Hyrule Insider. I did this to keep people updated on upcoming events on my site. The first newsletter goes out Friday, June 25, 1999. Expect big news, because I've got some great new ideas! Make sure to sign up before Friday in my new section, The Closet of Hyrule: Mailing List.

6/21/99: Recently, I added 6 new areas. Most notably this one and my dangerous glitches section. The Zelda 64 world has been rocked recently by Videogamer X's Debug Code. As to why the programmers of this game would put this in as a button code, I don't know. Check out my awesome glitch, Zelda64Gld's Crap Code. You can also see both these tricks on The Odyssey of Hyrule. A lot of people have been spamming my quiz for The Odyssey of Hyrule, so I think I'll be taking that option off! A lot of really dumb people have been asking about if my Least Wanted Code is real. Uhhhg…I've heard of one web-site even has a rumor about how to do this code! Wow, it really spread! But remember, I made it up in my head, so that makes it mine! Don't use those horrible, horrible pictures or the horrible, horrible code without putting a link to my site and giving me credit for them. I've had a lot of people E-mailing me their endless questions, and some are really great, but you need to slow down! I have hundreds of questions that are sitting around. I just don't have the time! Pretty soon I'll be caught up! I appreciate all the guestbook signing, keep it up! I need more hits on my site, so please tell anybody you know about this site, and bookmark it too! Also use the banner link in my Banner Section to create a great link to my site. I'll create a link section for any site who uses my banner. That's all for now, stay tuned for more!

Main Page

If you like my site, please vote for me on the Top 50 Zelda Websites by clicking on the banner at the bottom of the main page! Thanks!