Chat with Orson Scott Card

I recently took part in a chat with Orson Scott Card, organized by the founder of a Yahoo! club I am in. I was going to copy it, but something went wrong with my computer and the chat wouldn't work right, so WigginWannabe logged it. Thank you WigginWannabe, and here is that chat!

Part One of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Two of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Three of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Four of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Five of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Six of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Seven of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Eight of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Nine of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Ten of the Chat with Orson Scott Card
Part Eleven of the Chat with Orson Scott Card