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    The first thing you should do before you begin is take an accurate measurement of your height and make a note of it, along with the date. After the fourth week, take your height measurement again to note your progress.

    Neck Exercise:

    First, as a warm up, you can do this exercise either standing or sitting. You are familiar with the "shoulder shrug" where you move your shoulders in a circular motion, only you are going to tilt your head to the side while moving the opposite shoulder in a circular motion.

    For example, tilt your head to the right. Move your LEFT shoulder in a circular fashion. You should feel a slight stretch of the left side of your neck. Repeat with the opposite side. Tilt your head to the left and repeat the same circular movement with the right shoulder.

    Do each side at least two sets of at least five repetitions.

    1. Stand erect, or sit with back straight.
    2. Slowly put your head back, facing the ceiling.
    3. Raise your shoulders like in the first part of a shoulder shrug, hold for five seconds.
    4. Slowly lower your head, chin down, facing down.
    5. Now, with shoulders up and back, lower your shoulders, feeling the back of your neck stretch slightly.

    Do the last two exercises simultaneously so that your shoulders are back as you're lowering your head, feel that stretch, then lower shoulders. Hold for at least five seconds. Repeat this exercise at least five times. So the routine is: head back, raise shoulders, head down slowly, shoulders back then slowly lowered. A variation is to put your shoulders back while lowering your head, then shoulders brought slowly down.

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