The People in my Neighbourhood . More Neighbours

Anselm Herrn
Anselm is what is known as 'my better half', but to truly determine if this is true or not is another story. We met last May 2001 in Vancouver, BC whilst he was enrolled for English language classes. Basically, I decided I wanted to help out as a 'conversation partner' and in return I would get to learn German. And there we are. He stayed a while with me in Toronto when I moved but has since moved home :(

Jenny Scott
After months of chatting, we met in Ottawa, ON in 2000 and later took a vacation to Las Vegas, NV in 2001. Together, we can be an evil duo - but don't worry, its all in good fun and the humiliation doesn't last TOO long! Although certain "Pinkies" might disagree with that ;)


Michelle McEvoy
Don't be confused by the last name - this wench is actually my older sister. Her & I have been through pretty much everything together and can still laugh about it! She also has two great kids, Eddie & Brady.

Chris Warren
Freak, freak and FREAK ;) I've known Chris for about, ooooo - over 3 years now (excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me! :P). He spent many an evening drinking at random pubs with me in Edinburgh (Oh those blonde karaoke singers! Oh the vodka & red bulls! Oh the broken coffee maker thingies... uhhhhh). Poor Chris has been subject to many a taunting from myself and my partner-in-crime, Jenny. Its calm now, but he doesn't know whats on the way ;)


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