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The World Known as.... "GOR"

J. Norman, many many years ago wrote a series of novels about a planet on the other side of the sun from Earth. This planet is named Gor.

There are many channels on mIRC that are completely devoted to the teachings and ways of the gorean life. They are not to be tampered with... for to do so is to invite death! this kijira is known as salina{Ex} on Dalnet and is owned, protected and loved by her Master, Excalibur[s]. Master pledges to the homestone of Thentis, which is in the mountainous range in central Gor.

There are many that live according to the rulings of this planet, even here on Urth. To travel to Gor, in your mind, please follow some of the links below. Meet the inhabitants of this planet. Learn what you can of the customs there.

Be sure to explore the deepest recesses of your mind.... see what is lodged there... Could it be.... perhaps it is.... that you long for such a place... to go "back" to the way things used to be on parts of Urth... and beyond. To live in a time where there is no battle of the sexes... no sexual harassment.... you will see...

Come learn... come visit... come see the world of... GOR...

Information about Gor

Silk and Steel


Gorean Gardens

Gor Encyclopedia

Personal Experiences of salina`

salina's story

begging the ko-lar

The ko-laring

Help pages for kajira

here you will find pages that will be helpful in your quest to become knowledgeable about Gor... and your place in it.

the pages beyond will include this girls examples of serves and dances you may use as patterns to create your own. please feel free to use the patterns, but be sure to use your own descriptive phrases and make them uniquely yours, for you and your Master.

~~~~ enjoy ~~~~ learn ~~~~ create ~~~~ have fun ~~~~


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