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Sunday, 12 March 2006
Time Sure Flies
February did not depress as much as I thought it would, but I suspect the nice weather we've been having may have had something to do with that. And the Birthday "ordeal" turned out pretty benign as I chose to take the day off and pamper myself at the local salon. Good call on my part, it was one of those rare times I could just kick back and do everything for ME for a change.

Looks like Chrissmas really could just well around the corner before I know it. I can hardly wait, but with a little amount of reservation, if only to be able to approach this year's "holiday season" with my newfound reverance for it. I am looking forward to testing the waters while I wish all a Happy or Merry Chrissmas and might even be so bold as to address my personal Chrissmas cards in that manner, but that might be pushing it a little. All I am interested in, really, is to be able to deal with the season in a way that I am able to incorporate all that I know and understand about it and have no wish to impose it upon others.

But again, here I am getting ahead of myself. Plenty of time for sugar plums and all that [wink]

Posted by wayout at 1:30 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 4 April 2006 10:25 PM EDT
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