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Welcome to GOLDTIME’S World.

Hello, My name is Kenneth…………. Welcome To My World.

In Here you will find sections that deal with the people, places, and other assorted things that I feel have made me into the person I am today. These are my dreams, these are my inspirations, this is me.

If You’d like To Know me a little better, I have just the place for you to go. Me-Life-History
is a great place to start. Here I tell about my life, from my early years to present. Sort of a mini time capsule.

I could not have a site put together without having an entire area dedicated to my friends (people & animals) and family. I have to show them off too ya know. Friends & Family Pics.
I know I don't have everyone on there, but give me some time and I will.

Speaking of pictures… Last year, I came to Canada to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering in one of the most beautiful, quaint old cities in Canada, called ‘Kingston’.I have some pictures of the beautiful city which as soon as I get round to scanning them and putting them up would be neatly compiled all here… Queen’s University & Kingston
. Don't be afraid to browse through them. They are not THAT boring.

A Tribute To A Very Loving Woman
is a tribute to an incredibly amazing woman, and friend and mother. Victoria Remi Akhiwu. My mum and one of my best friends. Her strength of character has been a deep well from which the whole family has drawn strength in times of adversities. In the words of Tupac “You are appreciated!”

On a more musical note… My taste of music is wide and varied and I cant adequately cover all my fav. … ‘TUNES’
but I put a couple I could lay my hands on and hopefully will continue to update them as time moves

On a different note… I have always had a love of art And could not pass up the opportunity to proudly display the works of my most favorite of all artists, and a Canadian, Robert Bateman. ...If I could only paint as well as he can, I'd be set.

Following close behind him is Jonathan Earl Bowser. Yet another great artist.

And off the painting topic but still a great artist in his own field, Jim Henson. This man brought a smile to the faces and hearts of adults and children everywhere. Born on September 24, 1936 and passed away on May 16, 1990, after a brief illness.

Ultimate Links Page
& Ulti-Links 2
are pages of course that deal with links to other sites. Ultimate Links has tons of personal (friends & acquaintances) webpage url's. Why not check out what great works my friends can do. Ulti-Links 2 is full of my favourite urls that I use often which u may find interesting

Well this is as far as I’ve been able to make it…….This site will be updated as soon as any new thing comes along. But before I go I would like to give a special shout out and thanks to my good friend – Tamara, who is the only reason I am able to have my web site today. - ‘Dankie maa’

Think I need improvements? Or just want to share you thoughts and feelings? Drop me a note in the guest book below, or e-mail me:

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