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Privacy Policy

for The Free Craft Projects Depot.



The Free Craft Projects Depot respects your right to privacy. Everything you supply to The Free Craft Projects Depot will be used only for statistic information and sending you emails informing you of any special offers and/or new services from The Free Craft Projects Depot.


If you would not like to receive special offers and/or new services information from The Free Craft Projects Depot then please let us know and we will respect your wishes.


If you chose to receive the special offers and new services via email then you can help The Free Craft Project Depot keep an accurate personal information account of you by notifying us when you change your name, address, phone number, or e-mail address. Please include your old and new information so that we can make the right corrections. If at any time you wish to update your information or stop receiving offers from The Free Craft Projects Depot, contact us at


Guests to The Free Craft Projects Depot that are the age of 17 or under should have the consent of their parent or guardian to use this site. The use of the message board or the chatroom is prohibited from the use of an individual the age of 17 or under unless with the permission from their parent or guardian.


When submitting your personal information to the message board or the chatroom or anything else over the Internet, that information could be collected and used by people that you don't know. The Free Craft Projects Depot will not release any of your personal information out to a third party; but we cannot guarantee that any of the information that you disclose online to us will not be intercept by another individual, and when submitting your personal information over the Internet you do so at your own risk.

  By using this site, you agree to all these terms of the Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use this site. Your continued use of the The Free Craft Projects Depot site means that you will accept any changes to this Privacy Policy that occurs in the future.  

Copyright © 2001 Gloria's Artistic Creations. All rights reserved. Terms and Conditions. Privacy Policy. The Free Craft Projects Depot