1. Stand Proud / 2. Rebels / 3. Brutal Takeover / 4. Drunken Violence / 5. Bodacious Ta-Tas /
6. Snitch Bitch / 7. Bitch Slap / 8. Lashing Out / 9. Hamburger Deluxe / 10. Elimination / 11. Sick Fuck /
12. Chupa Chocha / 13. Aimless Youth / 14. Fed Up / 15. Tattoos / 16. Fuck You Giuliani


We're the ones to fuckin' fight
Restore our lives show them what's right
Go against us for those who dare
You'll be the one running scared

Stand Proud - Show them what's right
Stand Proud - Don't give up the fight

Standing proud for our country
Urban soldiers to the first degree
Showing pride in the choices we make
We're always strong we'll never break

(Repeat Chorus)

Show us what's right
For the ones who care
Only you can push on through
For what's decent and fair


Rebels fighting their cause
Won't back down 'til they get you all
No one's gonna make us fall
Always ready to break your laws

Rebels - We won't back down
Rebels - We'll stand our ground
Rebels - We won't back down
Rebels - We'll stand our ground

Keep on fighting right here and now
Won't stand alone we're here and proud
Run away not to be found
Drive you all into the ground

(Repeat chorus)


Bust the door down we're coming in
Tie up the family, women and men
Don't even think of running away
One person missing and you'll all fucking pay

Brutal Takeover - That's the fucking plan
Brutal Takeover - Take everything we can
Brutal Takeover - That's the fucking plan
Brutal Takeover - Take everything we can

Breaking and stealing everything in sight
Mothers and daughters look alright
Give up the money we want it all
Hesitate a second and you will fall

(repeat chorus)

We are here to take over (4X)


Pull out the bottle, let's drink up
I won't stop 'til I'm fucked up
Looking for trouble on the streets
You'll be dead if we meet

Out on the streets - it's drunken violence
You can't stop us - won't be silenced

Staggering and stomping in the middle of the night
Bump into me, ready to fight
Don't care for you, don't give a damn
I'm fucked up with the bottle in my hand

(repeat chorus)

Drunken Violence - all I ever do
Drunken Violence - it's me and you


I'm on the hunt far and wide
I need some titties to feel alright
Make my dick grow nice and high
So i could climb those mountains tonight

Big ol' titties busting out that bra
I'm on the hunt for bodacious ta-tas

Don't need no mouthful today
Just juicy melons in my way
I'm a big ol' baby with a thirst
I wanna suck 'em like it's dessert

(repeat chorus)

I want titties! (3X)
I want titties! (3X)

(repeat chorus)


Stupid punk you ratted me out
You couldn't handle the shit you spit out
Talking your shit and spreading your lies
Wait 'til i rip out your fucking insides

Snitch - I'm gonna get you
Bitch - You haven't got a clue
Snitch - I'm gonna get you
Bitch - You haven't got a clue

You run and hide you can't get away
I'll search you out and make you pay
Snitches get stitches and don't you forget
When i find you I'll lay you to rest

(repeat chorus)

Snitch Bitch - you ratted me out
You fucking little rat i know what you're about
Snitch Bitch - you ratted me out
Your days are fucking numbered i'm gonna take you out.


Come to the shows thinking you're hard
Claiming your ground, you stepped too far
Think you're strong, think you'll survive
Wake up buddy you're living a lie

Kicking, punching causing a fight
You're just a punk, you know it's not right
Kicking, Punching putting the blame
Try it with me, I'll put you to fucking shame

Come to the shows thinking you're hard
Claiming your ground, you stepped too far
Think you're strong, think you'll survive
Wake up buddy you're living a lie

Kicking, punching causing a fight
You're just a punk, you know it's not right
Kicking, Punching putting the blame
Try it with me, I'll put you to fucking shame

Try and pick a fight it won't happen here
'Cuz now i got my crew and now you're scared
Turn around got you on the run
And all that's left is a shadow of a gun

Come to the shows thinking you're hard
Claiming your ground, you stepped too far
Think you're strong, think you'll survive
Wake up buddy you're living a lie


Pissed off broke ready to explode
always forced to carry the load
put up with this shit for far too long
ain't gonna put up with this shit no more

Now i can't stand it i'm in a craze
I know i've seen better days
Lashing out feel my wrath
Gonna explode in a blood bath

I can't wait 'til the weekend comes
Forced to deal with these fucking bums
Bust my ass just a waste of time
I'm gonna kill and that's no lie


Get in my face if you dare
I'll end your life without a care
watch you plead in despair
Now you know life's not fair


Man this food really sucks
I ordered a Hamburger Deluxe
To get rid of me real fast
You didn't give me what i asked

Hamburger Deluxe, hamburger deluxe
Hamburger Deluxe is what I want!

Plus the bread you brought had mold
To top it off the shit was cold
Plus the food was fucking late
Yo, I should smack you with my plate


Hamburger Deluxe!
Hamburger Deluxe!
Hamburger Deluxe!
Is what I want!


Thought you were hard, when you stepped to my face
But from the start, you knew it was a waste
Now it's time to show what you got
Don't try to hide, you're on the spot

Put up with your shit, won't take it no more
Set off my rage, gonna hit the floor
Mop up the streets, with your ugly face
Too late to run there's no escape

Fucked with the wrong one now you're in pain
Found someone stupid to unleash my hate
Lying on the floor wishing for death
Walk away just released my stress

Your pain...my rage(2x)


Peeping through windows, looking up skirts
Staring at tetas in wet T-Shirts
Blew all my money on stupid hoes
Wasted my paycheck on striptease shows

Call me a pervert, say I'm depraved
I'll have you, screaming my name
Making you cum, at any cost
I'll use your chocha hairs, for dental floss

Sick Fuck - All I'll ever be
Sick Fuck - Can't change me


Ready for action hard as a rock
get on your knees and suck my cock
Show me your tetas, don't try to front
I'll slip my fingers inside your cunt

Chorus - Chupachocha is on the loose
Better watch out i'm coming for you
Sucking and fucking all night long
The Chupachocha is coming on strong

repeat verse, repeat chorus

Spread those legs open them wide
No need to fear i'm cuming inside
I'm gonna lick you in and lick you out
'cause when it comes to chocha
i'll never back down


Aimless youth wander the streets
Killing and robbing all they can see
No one to see them through these times
Now they're all left far behind

Aimless Youth(3x)

Aimless youth, with no hope
Drugs and fights they can't cope
Kids are lost in despair
They strike back 'cuz no one cares


Fight back! we gotta try to stand together against the lies
Fight Back! we gotta try, we're the only ones that are gonna survive

14. FED UP

Fed up with this fucking shit
Fed up with the stupid pricks
Fed up with the politics
It just makes me sick

Chorus 4X- Fed Up, Fed up, Fed up, Fed Up

Fed up with these fucking jobs
Fed up with the holy snobs
Fed up with these fucking rules
It just makes me sick


Deal with this everyday
Wish there was another fucking way
'cause all of this just makes me


Tattoos i want 'em
Tattoos i need 'em
Tattoos i want 'em
Tattoos i need 'em

Where's the ink?


I can't walk the streets, I can't see a fight
You're on the news, it's your quality of life
All these common things in everyday life
You wanna control but you don't live our lives

Think you know it all, but you don't know shit
You're a dictator against our 1st amendment

Fuck you Giuliani
Fuck you Giuliani
Fuck you Giuliani
Fuck you, you piece of shit!

**All lyrics are copyrighted by FED UP! (written by different members of FED UP! past and present). Any attempt to steal any portion of the lyrics and i will tear you incompetent fools another asshole!**