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Raindusk drawn by Dawn

Chieftess Laughter welcomes you to her cat riding tribe!
Not long ago, this tribe was put
into turmoil by treachery.
Laughter's father died as a result,
but Laughter was just a child.
Powder took the chieftainship until
Laughter was old enough to lead.
Chieftess Powder led the tribe to a new location!
They are near the Eyrians'
mountain and Shadow Vale holt.
Love and kindness has returned to
this holt and forgiveness abounds!

Alphabetic List of Characters


Eyrians | Shadow Vale | Surf Riders & Ocean Dwellers | Whisper Vine

Whisper Vine History

When the High Ones Palace fell, a small group of elves and trolls tunneled underground into what would be called The Warren. There were more trolls than Elves so the Trolls took the leadership while the elves relaxed and tried to thrive. The Trolls and Elves lived in harmony as equals. The elves hunt for the trolls while the trolls build a vast underground tunnel and kingdom. The elves also start branding themselves with different marks on their faces, each symbol is different and the mark soft of tells what the elf is considered, hunter, fighter, warrior, etc... Years went by and the elves started to die out while the trolls prospered. Jessa, later known as Nightwish, fell in love with a handsome troll prince and lifemated with him. For years they were happy until Jessa recognizes another elf, she mates with him quickly then tells her lifemate that she went to a healer and the healer helped them conceive a child. When the child was born, she looked more elf than troll, but the troll never questioned it, he was happy. It was then that he became king and they were happy. Nine years went by and the troll King declared that women could not hunt or fight any more. Jessa was very upset and fled the Warren never to be seen again.

The Troll King was saddened but he led his people like he always did. Then strange things started to happen. Trolls and elves disappeared, caverns sealed up, strange noises were heard. Silk webs started coming out of the ceiling, then one day giant Spiders invaded the caverns and killed almost everyone in the Warren. 5 elves and 3 trolls escaped. They sealed the Warren up and warned all to stay away. the three trolls left the elves and built a new set of Troll caverns.

Out of the five elves, Myri, Tesla, Dracken, Elain and Jasla, all had some form of powers. After all, they were still High ones and a 3rd generation High One. Myri shaped herself into a few different creatures until she changed into a panther and thus Whisper Vine was born. Tesla changed her name into Secretrain and vowed to be a warrior, she started learning how to hunt and ride with Myri. Dracken and Elain recognized and a few years later, had a pair of twins. Myri started to stay with the panthers and one day surprised everyone by giving birth to a litter of panther cubs and her only elf son. He was named Darkcat and as soon as he was old enough to lead, given the position of Chieftain.

Darkcat had his small tribe go out and look for other elves. Elves they indeed did find, some wolf blooded and some pure blooded. They mixed their bloods together until their tribe grew stronger in numbers. Darkcat eventually recognized the wanderer, Silyu. They mated and had two daughters, Ice claw and Freiya. Freiya was the slow one, always tripping and wandering off. Ice claw was the feisty one, wild and carefree. Ice learned all there was to know about weapons, being half catling, she was destine to become chieftess.

One night Darkcat fell asleep and never woke up. Ice claw was named chieftess.

Ice claw loved adventure. She was born with the shapeshifting abilities that her grand mother had. She loved to turn into a panther and explore. She would run off for days at a time, wandering the forest, climbing the trees, looking for other lives, other creatures, anything to keep her busy. One day while exploring, she heard a cry and went to investigate. She saw strange creatures torturing a strange elf. She attacked the five fingered creatures and escaped with the elf. She took him back to the tribe and had a healer look at him, after he was healed they learned that his name was Mist and that he had been looking for other elves when the humans attacked. He was surprised when Ice came out of nowhere and saved him. He went to than her and recognized her. Ice accepted the mating and was happy, finally having a reason to stay home.

Many years went by and they had no trouble with the humans. Ice and Mist gave birth to three cubs, Windmist, Lynx and Moonstone. Moonstone died tragically when she walked into a red ant hill and was stung to death. Her death drove Ice back to wandering. Mist tried to keep her with them at the holt, but knowing his mates wanderlust nature, he did not succeed. One day, Ice left and never returned. It is rumored that the catelf still lives, away in another holt where she lives her life as a bond cat, never revealing that she is an elf. Mist never wanted to be a chieftain, so they let a very young Windmist take over with the others helping him along.

Windmist was very unsure of himself since he was young. But he had a good heart. He would send out scouts and they would bring back wandering elves. Soon their tribe numbered over 35 and he was becoming a good chieftain. He recognized his lovemate, Softpearl and they had a daughter, Forestdart. Then the trouble started again. A small group of humans came into the area. The elves tried to hide their tribe from the humans, however the humans discovered the elves and attacked one night. Windmist was killed along with Softpearl. Lynx grabbed his niece and hid until the danger was over. After the war ended, Lynx was named Chieftain and given the task of training his niece on how to fight and hunt.

Lynx had the shortest reign as Chief. Not that he was reckless or stupid, but he would have some spells where he would just stare into space and black out. One stormy night, he wandered out of his treehome into the rain and was struck by lightning. He died instantly.

Forestdart was named chieftess. She was a very young chieftess, 20 turns. She gathered her tribe and had them fortify their treehomes in case of another human attack, then she set up borders, having the Treeshapers shape strangleweed and great thorn walls. Then around the lake, they planted itchleaf and then dug a trench for the water to flow into the holt, sort of like an irrigation tunnel. many, many years went by and there was no contact with the humans. Forestdart finally recognized one of her childhood friends and has a daughter. She named her after her uncle, whom she always loved and respected, thus she was named Sharplynx. Years went by and nothing significant happened until one day they discovered the Trolls again. The Trolls had burrowed deep under ground north of the tribe and were delighted in finding out that the elves had prospered as well. They set up a trade and began to barter for their goods.

The Trolls themselves were as greedy as humans and soon they started to be dishonest with the elves, causing great conflicts. A small fight started and it ended up with the trolls and elves not trusting the other. Forestdart banned the trolls from entering the Holt, however could meet the elves for trading in the meadow. The trolls agreed, also banning the elves from the tunnels. Their relationship was a rocky one to say the least.

One moonlit night, Forestdart was hunting with her lifemate when she heard a strange noise, she and her mate went to explore, curiosity getting the best of them and they soon entered what looked like an abandoned cavern. They entered with only a torch and two bows. They were attached my giant spiders and never seen again. No one in the tribe knew what happened to their chieftess and mate, so they figures that Wanderlust set in and they left. Sharplynx was named chieftess.

Sharplynx was already a very excellent huntress at this time and had a lovemate, Wildhorn. They are out hunting one night when they come across a wounded animal, looking like it was dying. Sharplynx takes a look at it only to discover that it is a catling. She assumes it is one of the missing chieftains of their past and brings the creature home. It is a female who tells them she went thru some tunnels and ended up here, not knowing where she was. She also tells them that she was attached by huge creatures. The elves don’t understand her and never get a chance to find out what she is telling them when the creature dies. Sharplynx goes tom investigate the tunnels, finds many spider like webs and decides against it. Unknowingly to Sharplynx, she saved the tribe because the spiders were trying to emerge again. Sharplynx has a rock shaper close the tunnel.

Almost 100 turn pass when Sharplynx goes to a healer and ask for the aid of having a cub. She is still with her lovemate, Wildhorn, however it looked like recognition would never happen. So with the Healer’s aid, Goldmoon was born.

Many, Many years go by and Goldmoon starts to get restless, she wants to go exploring and adventuring. Sharplynx tells her that a Chieftain’s place is in the Holt and Goldmoon challenges her mother to a fight. The two warring maidens battle and Goldmoon ends up beating her mother. Sharplynx almost wins, however decides that her daughter needs to be taught a lesson and lets Goldmoon win. Goldmoon is made chieftain.

Goldmoon does not take the position very seriously and makes some awkward choices, many go to Sharplynx for advice, the former chieftain does not help, letting her daughter take the heat. Finally Goldmoon wises up and starts acting like a chieftain. Goldmoon recognizes a wanderer who tells her that wandering is not for everyone. They have a daughter named Moonshard and he leaves. Goldmoon wonders why she wanted to wander in the first place. She raises Moonshard alone.

As Moonshard grew up, the tribe began to slowly dwindle, unexpected deaths, a small plague and a few who get wanderlust fever and leave. Sharplynx dies of heart failure before a healer can come and look at her. Goldmoon waits until Moonshard is old enough then she leaves in search of her wandering mate.

Moonshard is not very confident at first, however when the humans move in again and wage a war that would last for almost 3 days straight, her bravery and confidence emerge. The shy girl grows up very quickly in those three days. While battling the humans, she recognizes a wandering elf who is thrown into the battle. They fight side by side, knowing that soon the blood song would take over their urges. For three days, they fight and as soon as the humans retreat, they find some time to themselves. The tribe suffered devastating losses, but they would survive. This time, the humans make their home almost right next to the elves. Moonshard and Swiftblade, her lifemate to go the humans and offer a peace. The humans agree and for once there is serenity in the forest.

Moonshard and Swiftblade soon have two sons, Shatterstar and Treesap. Shatterstar was born with healing powers and they hoped he would never have to be chief because they thought healers blood might hinder his decisions. They began to train Treesap for all the chieftain duties, letting Shatterstar learn how to heal and the uses of non-magical healing techniques. What they did not know was that the brothers were also learning how to do what the other was learning. When Moonshard is attacked by a wild panther and killed, Shatterstar is at first over looked for the position, giving it to Treesap. The brothers quarrel and a challenge is made. They fight it out and then call it a draw because they both know that without the other, they are useless. They both assume the position of Chieftains.

Shatterstar continues to be the tribal healer when a violent twister hits the holt. Almost all of the holt is wiped out. Treesap’s mate dies during the twister a few minutes after delivering their son, Lightmoss. Treesap is devastated and hands his son to Shatterstar and leaves the holt. Shatterstar is without a mate and is unsure of how to raise a child. He lets his brother leave because he knows if he does not, his brother will just sit back and be an empty shell. Shatterstar goes out and helps the other elves rebuild the holt. Some strangers arrive and join their holt. The holt slowly starts to repopulate again when they start experiencing more unexplained deaths.

Shatterstar and five others go to investigate and none of them come back. It is automatically thought of that the Humans are the cause and war begins again.

Lightmoss assumes chieftainship at a very early age, 13, however he proves to be a very hard and demanding chieftain. He treats the others with respect and proves that he can be a good chieftain. He organizes a raiding party and they raid the human camp, set fire to it and end up finally driving the humans away for good. He also goes to the trolls and sets up guidelines for them to trade with the elves again. When the trolls laugh in his face, he cuts them off from everything in the elvin tribe. Secretrain goes with the raiding party and announces to the Trolls who she is, they are suddenly afraid because she is the half elf, half troll, Tesla. She then announces to everyone that they will call her Blackfawn because she has a heart as black as the caverns they used to live in, yet she is as gentle as a fawn with the children. Lightmoss asks her to be his mate and she refuses, saving that the only way she will mate is if she recognizes. The two become friends and friends only. Lightmoss eventually recognizes Prettyfeather and has a set of Twins, Nightblaze and Splinter.

The Twins are literally like day and night. Nightblaze is wild and reckless, does not care for anyone but herself and her family. Splinter is very calm, patient and compassionate. They are two halves of a whole. Lightmoss sees their differences and wonders who will take over as chieftain. Lightmoss finds the entrance to the caverns again, uncovered it looks like by someone, he enters to investigate. He finds the ruins of the Warren and while exploring the ruined tunnels is attacked and killed by the giant spiders. The twins feel his death and Nightblaze assumes chieftainship.

Nightblaze is already recognized to Shadowmist and has a daughter, Raindusk who was born with healing abilities for both elves and animals. Splinter was unrecognized and figured that sooner or later he would become chieftain because of his sister’s reckless nature. He was correct. When Raindusk was 8, Nightblaze decided to attack a small wandering tribe of humans who knew nothing of the elves. It almost cost them the entire tribe. Splinter swipes the chieftainship away from her and tells her that if she wants to remain in the tribe, she must obey him.

Splinter leads his tribe in peace for a few years when a small group of elves enter the holt, he recognizes Duskshimmer and is pleased. A few years later, his daughter Laughter is born. A few more years go by when a series of events leads up to the destruction of Whisper Vine. First another group of elves enter the holt, this time from within the Warren. One of the elves is Jessa, now known as Nightwish. They enter the Warren and see what has happened to the once beautiful underground city. While exploring, they are attacked by the spiders. In their fight, Nightwish sends out a very powerful sending that awakens her daughter, Blackfawn. The elves enter the Warren and save the other elves. The spiders are not killed and the Warren is unsealed. Nightwish is reunited with her daughter, who is holding a 3000 year old grudge. Splinter tells Jessa and her friends that they can stay. Then the children start to disappear, all of the cubs until only one is left. The elves set a trap for the would be cubnapper and are all attacked by spiders. Some lives are lost. Raindusk is taken and while within the enemies hands, poisoned in the mind. She is returned with hatred in her heart. The cubs are rescued and the villains are discovered. An Ancient High One named Poison, her companions, Dreamveil, Voodoo and Icefire. Raindusk joins their crew. Powder discovers that Raindusk is helping the villains and tells Splinter. He gathers a small group of warriors and they enter the Warren to fight the Villains.

While battling with the villains, an earthquake hits and blocks the warren. Poison and Dreamveil are thought to be dead. Raindusk comes to her senses and goes back to her tribe for forgiveness. She also reveals that she is with cub and that Dreamveil is the father. Splinter is found dead in the rubble of the Warren and the tribe is without a chieftain. Nightblaze assumes it again. Powder request that some of the elves leave for WVH has too many bad memories and they want to create new ones. Nightblaze gives permission and many leave. Powder is named Chieftain until laughter us old enough.

The elves traveled for 33 years until they discovered Shadow Vale. They liked it and joined with the Wolfblooded elves. Two years after settling in the tribe, Laughter is 38 and they hand over chieftainship to her. She is the current chieftess and has been so for 2 years.