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These are the awards
I've been honored with

Order Of Pegasus Awarded 2/3/1999
Aazari's Pagan Pages Proudly presents
The Order Of Pegasus Award to The Wiccan Garden for excellence in site design on this 3rd day of February 1999.
Your page has a very easily surfed layout!
Keep up the good work!

Order Of The Spider Awarded 2/3/1999
Aazari's Pagan Pages Proudly presents
The Order Of The Spider Award to The Wiccan Garden for excellence in factual content on this 3rd day of February 1999.
You're gathering good, practical information for folks who are new to Wicca. Well done! I hope you continue to do so.

Main Entry: 2decadent
Function: noun
Date: 1886
1 : one of a group of late 19th century French and English writers tending toward artificial and unconventional subjects and subtilized style
2 : one that is decadent
This is what Moonlite had to say about my page:
Hi, You have a very nice page lynx :o)
I'm adding your banner to my wicca page, I would also like to give you my award.
This is what she says about her award on her site: I've made this little button to give to honor great webpages that I have come across.
Awarded 2/15/1999

Awarded 2/17/1999
This is what Arian Wolf had to say about my site:
I think your site is just beautiful and has a lot of useful information that is displayed quite well.
I've added your banner to my linx section of my site and would be honored if you'd accept my award
(for witchy websites).
Thank you very much for displaying such fascinating information for the wiccan community in such beauty and in style.
Brightest Blessings to you...
--Arian Wolf

Awarded 2/20/1999
Your site has just won the Silver Light Pagan Award!
The Silver Light is pleased to offer this award to the best sites on the world wide web!
Your site is absolutely wonderful and charming!
Keep up the good work!

See more of my awards on
Page 2
