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Letters Written to Mountain Equipment Co-op by Concerned Consumers and Members

We received the following letters after we started a petition calling on MEC to stop carrying JB Fields' socks. The petition has been a success so far -- we have received dozens of signatures from as far away as California, Louisiana, and the North West Territories. If you are angry at MEC, and want to encourage them to stop selling scab-made goods, why not call them (for free) at 1-800-663-2667.

Letter 1: MEC is losing money.

Letter 2: MEC live up to your values.

Letter 3: MEC don't disregard your stated policy.

Letter 4: from a longstanding member...

Letter 5: MEC stop selling the socks.

Letter 6: joining the boycott!

Letter 7: MEC respect the democratic right to organize and collectively bargain!

Letter 8: Another concerned MEC member.

Letter 9: Yet another concerned MEC member.

Letter 10: Still another MEC member takes a stand!

Letter 11: The Emperor has no clothes!

Letter 12: MEC members to Bob Matheson: your excuses are ludicrous.

Letter 13: MEC member asks about broken promise to post signs about dispute.

Letter 14: Member asking MEC questions... Includes their (inadequate) response.

Letter 15: Member? No thanks.

Mountain Equipment Co-op Boycott mentioned in Toronto's Now Magazine, Oct.22-28th,1998.

Other letters to MEC can be found in the Statements of Support section of our web site.