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Petition calling on Mountain Equipment Co-op to stop selling JB Fields socks and to recognize the struggle by the women of UNITE 1764 for equality and justice.

(1) Whereas the women of UNITE 1764 have been treated unfairly and in a sexist manner by their employer -- JB Fields,

(2) Whereas the women of UNITE 1764 have been on strike since March 1998,

(3) Whereas Friends of UNITE 1764 has called for a boycott of all JB Fields socks until the strike is fairly settled,


(4) Whereas Mountain Equipment Co-op chooses to sell these socks despite their own sourcing policy reading as follows "Priority will ... be given to organizations: (i) whose values and ethics are consistent with those of MEC, (ii) who are proactive in improving the living standards of their employees, (iii) who are socially responsible..."

We the undersigned call upon MEC to immediately stop selling JB Fields products until the above mentioned strike is FAIRLY settled by the employer, JB Fields, and to call upon JB Fields to resolve the strike in this manner as soon as possible.

Please sign and forward to those who will be interested, especially members of MEC. If you are the 25th, 50th, 100th, etc person to sign the petition please forward it to and copy it to Friends of UNITE 1764 at

For more info about the progress of this strike check:

.. Name ...................... e-mail ................ city/province ..


For a look at the complete MEC "sourcing policy" click here.